
Adventures of a New Reincarnate in DxD

After Dying he got summoned in the void and grants his wishes then transfers him into a new world. I don't own highschool dxd or any other characters that I might and form other fictions. This is my first fanfic so I'm not really good at it. English is also not my first language. Hope y'all enjoy!

GavienAster · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Death and Reincarnation

A bluish white orb is floating in an empty void. all he can see is never ending pure darkness. 'What's this? Where am I?!'


My name is Joseph Sakura, a half american half japanese. I'm currently 38 years old, and still fucking single! and to make matters worst I'm still a virgin! It's not like I'm ugly or anything like that, I'm just normal. Maybe a but weird because of being an otaku but hey this is me. I have black hair and dark brown eyes, I'm 5'8 in the height department. Like I said very normal.

I am on my way back to my home, I just finish work and its tiring. I work at a fast food restaurant and also the manager I earn more than enough to pay for my needs and wants.

I was on the way back home when I saw a boy looking lost in his thoughts and I feel like he's kind of have the eyes of someone that has lost something. I plan to just ignore him but I saw a fast truck driving his way and shouting. "Get out of the way kid! I can't press the breaks!" I panicked and rush to the like looking like 16 years of age then push him out of the way. I successfully pushed him forward but I've been hit in return. 'Damn that hurts like a bitch!' I thought to myself. I was also losing blood at a fast rate and I know I don't have much left.

I looked at my surroundings and saw that people have gathered around me and the kid that I push is looking horrified. I did my best to say my last words to him. I told him to come near me. He reluctantly agreed but still did as I said.

I looked him dead in the eye and said. "Live on kid, you still have much to grow. If you lost something important then find another thing that can fill that gap. I believe in you so believe in yourself." then I smile and closed my eyes.

•End if Flashback•

'So that's it huh? I'm dead... Well at the very least I saved the kid. Kids this days are always out of their minds, like that kid jay walking and almost got hit by a truck.' but then he smiled. 'I just hope that what I said help him in a way. He's too young to have that kind of eyes.'

Joseph the floated in that place but he doesn't know how long has it been. Maybe minutes? hours? days? weeks? months? or years? He doesn't know but he waited for his judgement.

After a lot more waiting Joseph got blind and momentarily because of a bright flash of light. When Joseph open his eyes in his soul form he saw a man that look like Gandalf?! "What the hell Gandalf you're real?!" he shouted. "HAHAHAHAHA no young man I am God but I took this appearance because you can't see my real form you'll be disintegrated." after God said that Joseph mentally gulp. "But you can call me Rob that's what I like mortals to call me or grandpa. HAHAHAHAHA" Rob said then laughed. "Is it okay if I called you gramps?" Joseph asked. Rob raised an eyebrow then smiled. "That is acceptable."

"Now that the introductions are done let us proceed to why I'm here." Rob said with the same smile as before. "So am I being judge or is my judging done?" he ask Rob but he just laughed. "Oh young man, yes you have been judge by me. After you save the boy he became the prime minister of japan and help his country and people grow, he has been inspired by you. I'm here to give a choice and a reward." Rob explain to Joseph who was happy that atleast he didn't die in vain. "So gramps what's this choice and proposal?" he asked a bit confused. Rob smile grew wider. " The choice is go to the after life or go to a world of your choice. If you pick the second option then I'm willing to give you five wishes because of what you did to the kid. Usually I only give three but I kinda like you brat! HAHAHAHAHAHA" Joseph was jumping, running and dancing in joy in his soul form because he liked isekai themed novels. So without wasting more time he agreed. "YES! YES! YES! The second option obviously!" Rob laughed at Joseph's antics then spoke again. "Alright then before the wish what world do you want to be reincarnated in? And what backstory or background that you want to have?" he ask Joseph who by now stopped his antics and thinking until he answered. "I want to be in Highschool DXD world gramps! As for my background... Hmm, let me think. Aha! I got it! I want to be the Son of Lili-" but before he could continue Rob stopped him. "Alright slow down HAHAHAHAHA here you can customized it yourself." then a screen appeared in front of him.

<High School DxD>






Sacred Gear (If Applicable)

Abilities (Not the Wishes)

After thinking for A while Joseph customized his future self.

<High School DxD>


Gavien Aster Bael


Originally- Pure Blooded Devil (Experimentation of Hades with the original Lucifer's Blood, God of the Bible's Blood, Goddess of the Foxes Inari Blood, Dracula Blood, Blood of Ddraig, Blood of Gilgamesh)

Now- DemiGod/Devil/Angel(Divine)/Youkai(Divine)/Vampire/Dragon Hybrid


Mother- Lilith (Devil)

Father- Mirium Bael (Devil)


After capturing Lilith and a Ultimate Class Devil from Bael Clan, Hades made them have a child so that he can add it to the army. When Hades noticed that Lilith is now pregnant, he experimented on the unborn child giving the blood of Lucifer, God of the Bible, Dracula, Goddess Inari, Gilgamesh, Ddraig and imprinted it to the childs DNA while growing, adding more and more blood. Even though Lilith is comatose she put all her strength to lock all the power/abilities that the child will have. After the Baby was born he looked and feel like a normal human. After 5 years of being trained by Hades himself and not showing progress that he expected. He's going to put the child in a random place on the Underworld. The kid is the same age as Rias Gremory and is going to be found by Azazel.


Blood of Lucifer (High Demonic Magic Reserves. Resistance to Dark/Demonic Magic)

God of the Bible's Blood (High Divine/Angelic Reserves. Resistance to light magic)

Blood of Dracula (Without the drawback being not pure vampire)

Blood of Inari (Chakra, Yojutsu, Senjutsu)

Blood of Gilgamesh (High magic Reserves. Divine, Holy, Demonic Sword natural wielder. High luck.)

Ddraig (Fire affinity. Dragonic Aura)

Blood of Bael (PoD)

Blood of Lilith (???)

Sacred Gear: (Applicable)

Alphecca Tyrant

Incinerate Anthem

Abilities: (Not the Wishes)

Super Devil Magic Reserves (Demonic, Holy, Divine)

Light, Demonic/Dark Magic Resistance

Demonic Magic

Holy Magic

Senjutsu, Yojutsu, Chakra

Vampire Abilities

Gate of Babylon

Power of Destruction


Incinerate Anthem

Alphecca Tyrant

Penetrate (From boosted gear copied)

"And done! how's this old man?" the newly named Gavien said to Rob.

"Hmm. Pretty clever of you brat, very well then. Now the five wishes what is it?" Gavien paused for a Minute thinking on what abilities should he wish for. After a while he answered. "My first will is 'Meta Ability Creation' where I can create abilities on a whim. Next is I want a system to help me check on my status, not a real system like from 'Solo Leveling' but a system that I can see my status with but have the intelligence of Rimuru's 'Ultimate Skill: Raphael'. My third wish is Unlimited potential. My fourth wish is to summon servant from any universe to serve me with undying loyalty. Last wish is house but when you enter becomes a castle that others cannot enter without my permission, with a lab and a training ground that is both indestructible like the house and can keep my powers within the house only. That's all HAHAHA it's detailed right?" Rob was a bit shocked this boy just wished things and very detailed. "A bit over the board but I'll let it slide HAHAHAHA. Alright brat I'll send you now."

With that he vanish and now waiting for his new adventures in a new world.