
Adventures of a Hell Cat

This is the story of a poor soul who has reborn into a strange world. He has no memories of who he was,, but knows that he is in a world that he does not belong in. He dreams of being powerful, but to his dismay he is reborn as a feline. I do not own the cover

Steven_Andy · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Goblins and the girl 3

I dreamnt that night. I dreamnt that I was back on earth. I was in a small apartment. The apartment was trashed. There was garbage mostly everywhere. It smelt disgusting, but for some reason I never once stopped to clean up the mess. I simply sat there, in front of a computer screen, reading a webnovel.

One one side of me was a rather large fountain soda. It had a citrus taste. On the other was an ash tray and a pack of cigarettes.

I reached to grab a cigarette from the pack, only to find that it was empty. I crumpled the empty pack in frustration and through it amongst the various garbage on the floor. I could hear myself curse as I forced myself away from the computer.

Minutes later I was walking down a a snow filled road. It was dark, and snowing heavily. I could barely see a couple feet in front of me. As I took a corner my foot slipped on a patch of ice. I did not have time to react as I landed straight on my back. The sudden force woke me from my dream.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the girl I had saved was still breathing poorly. Her breaths were becoming far more shallow than they had been before. I did not have much time to reflect on this fact as my stomache growled loudly.

I looked up the the young girl, she did not appear as she would be waking any time soon. I softly made my way from her lap. Perhaps the goblins were still there. With only two of them, and with how wounded they were I should be able to easily take care of them.

I moved as quickly as I could while still remaining quiet. Thankfully a cats body was made for stealth, so this was not an issue for me. The soft pads on my feet seemed to absorb the sound as I scampered towards the goblin camp.

Luckily, the goblins were still there. They had somehow got their fire going again, and had caught a small animal in which they were currently eating. I could not tell what the animal was, but from the size it was no larger than a rat.

The two goblins still had their injuries, but they were currently fully focused on the meal in front of them. Sneaking up on them was easy.

I was merciless as I attacked the nearest one from behind. This goblins wounds were much for serious than the other ones, who's biggest wound was his broken arm. Large gashes covered his body.

I once again Targeted the creatures neck as I sent out a flurry of claw attacks. I did not plan to rely on luck as I had yesterday, rather I simply left large gashes over the entirety of its neck. Blowed flowed from the wound as the goblin fell to the floor.

The second goblin was not idle as I quickly dispatched its only remaining comrade. It tossed the meat in its one good hand to the side, as it grabbed the crude spear.

Goblins normally have the same quality skill with their weapons as the weapons themselves. This is to say that is extremely crude. The small children you see playing swordsman out on recess probably have much might proficiency.

With the goblins broken arm, the two handed spear became nothing more than a burden to it. It sent a clumsy jab towards me with its spear, but even with my low stats it was easily dodged.

I knew I could not keep a distance from the goblin, as I quickly closed in. The advantage the spear gave the goblin became non existent as I jumped towards the goblins neck. My claws made short work of the enemy, and it quickly joined its companions in the afterlife.

My stomache protested loudly at the wait for its meal, and I quickly consumed the fresh goblin before me. I drank until I gained my fill, and finally recieved the familiar notification from the system.

<Gained skill [Eat Anything]>

[Eat Anything]

Your stomach and body has adapted to eating whatever you can get your hands on. Be it metals, poison, rotten food, or even filth. You can eat it all.

I sighed, of course a goblin would have such a skill. I shuddered at the type of things these goblins must have gorged themselves with to obtain such a disgusting skill. I could only be thankful that their hard work had resulted in my gain.

With my stomache satiated I quickly scanned the area. The goblins had been here for quite a while, and the seemed to to have picked up a variety of items. Mixed in with these items were mostly rotting corpses and waste.

In short the area reaked worse than the apartment had from my dream. Thankfully my past life must have given me some sort of resistance to the filth, as I was able to hold back my urges to vomit.

I scavenged through the refuse, and finally found something that I could use. Their was a small silver case. As I opened it I was greeted by the sight of three small vials. They looked like what I would expect a potion to look like, so I quickly grabbed one before closing the case and once again hiding it in the refuse.

I ran towards my makeshift home with the bottle in my mouth. Never mind the fact that I looked and felt like a dog playing fetch, I knew that what I carried was the girls best hope at survival.

The girl was still where I left her. Leaned up against the wall. Her breathing was even more shallow than it had been before. I had to pay close attention to realize she was even still breathing. I did not hesitate to take out the cork from the vile. However I will admit that it was much more difficult to do without hands.

It only took a little bit of effort to open the girls mouth and force the liquid inside. The girl was not conscious, but she eagerly drank the provided liquid. Soon the last of it disappeared down her throat, and I could only wait for the results.