
Adventures of 'Another' Isekai Protagonist

Matthew was a gentle soul, always willing to give a helping hand until one day that hand slapped back, unable to understand why, he dies without understanding all the hate inside his soul. In his new life he plans to make the most of it, and make sure that no one betrays him ---- Join my Discord server! https://discord.gg/Xh8rENp3pm

ProjektBlue · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Violet's Gift

Cao Tai POV

As the words left my lips Violet picks me up and kisses me on the cheek, her large lips nearly warming up my entire cheek, until I say, "Stop embarrassing me!" I say, squirming playfully. [Ignores that dragons are practically lizards]

She puts me down, but not without patting my head affectionately, I sigh, but the situation is better than being squeezed by her, "Anyways, why do you have a bow?" I ask.

"Oh this?" She asks, unslinging the bow and looking at it like she forgot it was even there.

"I bought this for you and I made some enhancements that I thought you need, I hope you enjoy it, Master~" She whispers at the end, before slowly handing me the bow, smiling nervously.

I already had a bow and pimped it already, shame I didn't use it, but I'm not gonna lie, this one looks really nice, I mean it could use a new color scheme but over all, it will make Violet happy, "Thanks, Violet" I pick it up and pull back the string experimentally.

And it strained… the bowstring became unusually taut, the bow also released a dark shade of red, making me grow rapidly concerned. "H-hey Violet. What did you do to it? I don't think it's supposed to react like that when you pull back the string!" I say quickly.

Violet steps behind me and pats my head, I would've looked up and glared at her but right now, there was this string that was glowing funny and I want to know whether it's dangerous or not.

"That enhances your shots speed and penetration, in case you ever run into a dwarven chariot (AKA Tank), or something with super thick armor, fire an arrow at your tree to see its penetrating power" She explains, I felt the cold hand of unease touch my spine when she said, 'penetrating power,' for some reason.

"I swear, Violet. If this bow smashes through 5 trees I will never use this," I warn, I didn't want to tell her that I will probably never use it recreational since I do want to eat meat, not a pulverized oatmeal-like substance.

Violet sweat drops, "Hand it over, I need to make some changes then," She reaches and takes the bow, quickly shutting her eyes and the intense red aura soon fades away, before handing it to me.

"Here, now the power is under a seal, it'll only release when you wish it to, but for now, try it out," Violet says, handing it back to me, I take it and this time when I pull back the string nothing concerning happens.

I pull an arrow from my inventory and load it into my bow, attempting to pull the bowstring back, using the strength I usually used to pull back the string on my old bow. I realized that this bow was different, it took more strength, I guess it's because it's built differently.

A deep breath and a large flex of the muscles later, I had pulled the strings back, knocking in my arrow and releasing it.

As the arrow was flying I noticed once more peculiarity, the arrow's trajectory was smaller, 'I guess that because it's harder to pull the bowstring back, the new bow has more power. Makes sense,' And due to that new idea being correct, my arrow completely missed the part of the trunk I was aiming for, much to my sadness.

"Wow, Master! You need work on that shot of yours! It's horrific!" Violet exclaims. At least she's honest, and didn't sugarcoat it.

"Sorry... its just that this bow has more power than my previous bow, so I'm not used... to... it..." I grumble unhappily. "But I'll work on it!" I finish.

I walk back and pick up a large bundle of arrows that I've been working on whenever I was bored and returned. Unfortunately, I've been quite busy lately so I only have 40-something arrows, so I hope it isn't difficult to get used to this bow...

And I swear that I wont pimp this bow until I can shoot just as well as I could before


Narrator POV


Another arrow hits the mud, and Cao Tai is gritting his teeth, starting to grow extremely frustrated, and would've had a minor catharsis if Violet if wasn't there.

"Violet how long are you gonna stay?! Aren't you going to go somewhere?" He asks, for the seventh time, tempted to attempt to lift her up, but knowing full well that he'd fail.

"I'm not leaving until you learn to shoot my bow~" Violet says in a sultry voice.

And after a fer more shots and only one 'decent' hit, his standards, he finally had enough, "Violet, I'll keep trying later, my upper body hurts, so I'm just going to-" Cao Tai starts.

"I know you can shoot for longer, so keep shooting or I'll have to think your ungrateful and punish you...~" Violet smirks, almost challenging him to stop right now, which he'd never do.

"Uhhh... also I'm running out of arrows..." Cao Tai tries again, showing her a bundle with 4 arrows left.

Violet throws him 40 more, "There you go! Enjoy shooting!"

And Cao Tai starts having an internal dialogue with his System telling it that it was System's fault that Violet was such a cruel trainer.

See? Cao Tai isn't the only cruel person!

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