
Adventures of 'Another' Isekai Protagonist

Matthew was a gentle soul, always willing to give a helping hand until one day that hand slapped back, unable to understand why, he dies without understanding all the hate inside his soul. In his new life he plans to make the most of it, and make sure that no one betrays him ---- Join my Discord server! https://discord.gg/Xh8rENp3pm

ProjektBlue · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Moar Power!

*2 Weeks Later*

Cao Tai POV

It's become an early morning routine, checking on how Benzaiten was faring, which as it has been for the last two weeks, was pretty much perfectly fine.

As much as I would like to ask Lantla to make progress, I'm worried that her methods may be... concerning, considering whenever I asked her to do something she did it... (How do I put this...) above and beyond.

For example, one time I asked her to get a deer or two, and then she got us two of the largest 'deer' in the whole woods! To make it worse, it was all muscle, so the stew didn't even end up that tasty…

Benzaiten was wide awake, calmly staring at me, like she was waiting for me to move on, or tell her something. I sigh and shut the door.

There hasn't been much action for the last week, aside from Violet forcing me to perfect my skill with her bow, and since I succeeded about 3 days ago, I changed the color pattern. Violet wasn't too happy about that but what could she do? It was my bow after all.

Sasha has continued her stealth training, and honestly, aside from her becoming significantly more difficult to find, like a cat. She hasn't received any awesome abilities of that sort, at least as far as I know.

To make it worse, the rare times where I do discover her they are in the worst areas. Where I bathe, Lantla or my bedrooms... behind me… I'm sometimes tempted to chain her to her bed so I know I'm safe from a certain stealthy stalker.

Aside from those facts the last two weeks have been quite calm, so I was preparing myself to go to the next Cultivation Level, since for some reason Violet is taking huge leaps, and I can't let her become so powerful I become absorbed by her! (Not Literally)

I still have to hunt the required monsters but I can do that later, for now I have to increase my Magical Essence stores, so I can increase my Level. Honestly, this reminds me of a game I played, I think it's called 'grinding'...

For now, however, I would have to satisfy myself with hunting some Doe, learning from my mistakes of asking Lantla to hunt some of them and coming home with muscular stags.

I also need to practice my stealth, to try to hide from Sasha, actually, maybe I'll live on my own for some time, maybe like Boot Camp, to get myself significantly better.

<I wouldn't do that, think of how worried your wives would be while you are gone!>

Please don't call them wives, I am a firm believer in monogamous relations-

<Sure you may be, but you certainly don't PRACTICE THEM>

Anyways, what would they do? Burn my house down? No. Actually, they'd most likely start an inquisition searching for where I was, and they would probably turn murderous after I'm not with them for a day or so…

<Not only that but imagine if you got seriously hurt..?>

Well then I'll simply send them a message, I wonder if Sasha's stalking me now...


Stop being a worrywort! It's bad for your OS! I quickly turn off the track and stop the systems complaints.

As I search for a suitable spot to call my home, I start to worry about the worst case scenarios, 'Will I enter a burned down Village when I return? Will they torture me for leaving without asking them?' Questions like that were lingering in my mind.

I soon rest my mind when I find a stream and give it a thorough dunking, and began the task at hand, finding a house


A Few Hours Later

Lantla POV

"Have you seen Master yet?" Violet asks for the tenth time, she's been flying in circles for the last hour and a half, I bet Master is just taking his time, no need to worry...

Actually, I feel like worrying, I close my eyes and summon some of my hounds, mind you, my beloved Master wouldn't call them hounds, but they're called Bloodhounds for a reason, the can sniff your blood from a huge distance!

I creak open the floor underneath my bed and extract a small vial of blood, for emergency's [yes.] and let each hound get a lap, and they start barking and running off in a certain direction.

Good luck my pups...

How did Lantla get some of his blood..?

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