
Adventures of 'Another' Isekai Protagonist

Matthew was a gentle soul, always willing to give a helping hand until one day that hand slapped back, unable to understand why, he dies without understanding all the hate inside his soul. In his new life he plans to make the most of it, and make sure that no one betrays him ---- Join my Discord server! https://discord.gg/Xh8rENp3pm

ProjektBlue · Fantasy
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Exploring the Corrupted City

Cao Tai POV

We walk out of Sasha's house back into the city of Auburn, looking up and seeing that it's roughly 16:00 [Yes ladies and gentlemen! We use 24 hr clock here!]

As we venture out of the narrow streets of Bowels, we are encountered by beautiful fountains, tilted fishes that blow water in a semi-circular like shape.

Also the water looked unusually blue, showing they use chemicals or magic of some sort.

After a bit of walking we arrive at a park and with the assistance of Violet and Sasha, I reluctantly agree to go into the park, it's nice that they're getting along.

As we walk through the park I look at a bunch of plants, nearly like a toddler, touching more than a few, Violet even stopped me once, and good that she did.

{Monkshood - Monkshood is a plant that is highly dangerous for a normal human being, causing nausea, dilated eyelids, paralysis, and in large enough doses, death if ingested. If taken in the right doses, it will increase your reflexes, kill infections, and Nightvision (The last symptom is fake, do not eat Monkshood, this is High Fnatasy)[and the Author is not liable for any injuries] <No more information available unless you adopt the class 'Exorcist' or 'Druid'>

Systems recommendation: DO NOT CONSUME}

Other names: Wolf's Bane, Devil's Crown, Purple Buggers, etc.}

Huh, my system as very helpful with herbs, like it's trying to push me to become a Monster Slayer or Druid.

Otherwise I have no clue why it's suddenly so helpful.

I nod my thanks to Violet and pick out some flowers that I'm quite familiar with, Honey Suckle.

I offer one to Sasha, one to Violet and one to myself. I then start sucking on the nectar [Don't call me a barbarian! It's delicious!]

I take a sip from it's nectar, delicious as always.

Once I finished mine, Violet handed me hers, blushing, "You seemed to enjoy them, would you like mine, Master?"

I gratefully accept it and suck on them again (The nectar!), and look at Sasha, who has thoroughly enjoyed it and has began to eat the berries.

I get up and smack her hand for touching the berries.

"What, Commander?"

"Three things, one, I'm Cao Tai now (To Violets pleasure), two, the berries from the Honeysuckle plant don't taste good, and three, the berries'll cause diarrhea"

Fortunately she didn't eat too many, so I shouldn't be too concerned about her suffering diarrhea.


After exiting the park we wander to the more industrial part of the city, and by industrial I mean commercial. There were large warehouses large enough to make our ammunition storage's look small.

There were vendors on the streets yelling in different dialects and accents saying that their products are the best.

Unlike the entrance to the city the streets were full, either of tourists, wealthy citizens and their entourage, and the pickpockets and show people trying to earn money off spare change.

I see various goods, most of which my system couldn't identify, nor did I see anything that I thought was worth purchasing.

Also, its not like I could afford any of it, after all, I have no money to purchase such trinkets.

Deeper in the commercial district there were arena's and casino's.


Violet POV

Its nice to finally go somewhere, I just wish there was less people, and no Sasha.

As we go near a giant arena I tell master to wait and tell Sasha that maybe we should take him in, so he can enjoy himself, Sasha agrees.

As I go into an abandoned alley, Sasha transforms into a cat?

Seeing this Master goes deep into thought, like he always is when he sees something new. (He is recording that Foxen can transform to cat-like creatures at will)

As she creeps into the stadium from the front, I fly my way in through the top.

As I peer from the top I see that it is kind of a arena but oval shaped, with rows on rows of seats filled with people.

And in the middle, was the bloody sport of War Dogs.

I wrinkle my nose, no way are we letting Master get stained by such a violent and bloody sport. [Ok, chill the Yandere, Author]

I walk out the arena and is soon joined with Sasha.


Cao Tai POV

As the girls return we continue our adventure of the city.

<A short Time later>

After exiting the Commercial District we made our way to the last major district in this city, the magical one.

The buildings were vastly different from any other than the buildings that I've ever seen, large cathedral-like buildings made of a mixture of Alabaster and Malachite, giving it a corroded copper look while still having the smoothness of stone, tainted glass, and cone-shaped roofs.

I walk down the streets of this odd district until I find what I'm looking for, a tavern.

"Commander? Why are we entering a Tavern? You know that we, soldiers can't have alcohol right?" Sasha asked.

"We aren't under command of Autumnport Headquarters or anyone else from there, since we are no longer on the same world. Also, who said we're gonna get shitfaced on the first night here!?" I open the door and motion for them to enter.

Violet walks in and so does Sasha, with a little more hesitation.

I follow them to the counter where the tavern keeper was situated.

A male with an elf-like build, light but agile. He opens his mouth.

"What's your business here?" Came out.

"I'm looking for a library, there must be one in such a learned area"

The elf snorts and nods in a direction, there was a poor 16 year old girl being groped by a bunch of men, "yeah... very learned" he muttered. "All information costs cash, do you have any?"

"One moment, please" I motion for Violet to follow me, and whisper in her ear, "You see those guys over there? I want you to get rid of them, don't care how. Oh, and get their purses while your at it.

After you're done, meet me right here and hand me the purses. If you do well, maybe I'll give you a reward" Violets eyes light up at the prospect of a 'reward'

She takes off and roughly five minutes later she comes back.

Smiling, she hands me the purses, which I quickly siphon into one large purse, quite hefty...

"Nice job, here's your reward..." I pull her into an embrace and make a hickey on her collarbone, she responds with a shudder of pleasure, before I pull away.

She looks quite disappointed, but glad that she got a hug anyways.

I return to the tavern keeper and ask for 1 regular ale and 2 heavily watered ale's, after all, I don't really want Sasha and Violet to get blind drunk, that would be bad.

He hands them to me then passes a note, telling me the location of the library, I nod in thanks and go to where they're sitting.

I hand them their drinks and take a swig, and belch happily.

"Commander, did you get what you needed?"

"Yes I did, once we finish our drinks, we'll go to the library."

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