
adventures in DxD with gamer ability and shop system (on hiatus)

On his way for a weekend of larps with his friend, they meet with fate (truck-Kun) and died. the protagonist "ender" got chosen by luck and was given the chance to be sent into a world of fiction with three wishes. This is the story of his adventure into the world of high school dxd. the choices for the world, timeline, and all except the wish as been chosen by the god(the game master"me") throwing dice in real life. ender was pretty lucky with the draws. This is my first try writing a story. I use to create scenarios for dungeon & dragon instead but it's not the same at all so sorry if it's not perfect. also sorry if my English is not so accurate as I speak French. Everything in this story is the property of their rightful owner. I own nothing of their original stories, pictures, and characters. This story is in fact what happens in a tabletop role-playing game. the main character is played by a player who will be known here as "ender"(he's the one who asks for that nickname). the game is currently halted and I don't know if it will ever start again so there is a 50% chance that it will be dropped or rewritten if we decided to start it again. sorry if you want to chat, ask questions, or even give some ideas you can come to my discord server https://discord.gg/KmrD3eqDKf

AbyssalSovereign · Anime & Comics
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gamer statut explanation

Here is inscribed the table to know which stats will give what. I write it here to be able to write less status screen in the chapter and more content.


Name: character name

Age: character age

title: - titles that can be aquired in many way. Can give bonus or malus to the character.

Race: - race base on the bloodlines the character have

Bloodline: - racial bloodlines the can be aquired in differents way.

Blessing: - divine blessing or curses that the character have. Can give bonus or malus on many way.


Description: - personal description of the character. Can change along the game.






other features: claw, wing, or anything else


Classes: - classes of the character. when he get a classes level he chose which class it aply to.

Class name/level:

Class name/level:

Class name/level:

xp:0/0 xp to level classes


Xp Bank: all xp aquired get here. Can be use to level class or skills


HP: 0/0 - 50 + skills bonus + other bonus + vitality bonus (see vit description)

HP regenaration: 0/min - % of Hp per minutes. Depend on vit score. (see vit description)

MP: 0/0 100 + skills bonus + other bonus + inteligence bonus (see int description)

MP regenaration: 0/min - % of Mp per minutes. Depend on wis score. (see wis description)


stats | base | bonus | total |

str--|0___|0___|0___| 1pt = 1physical damage and 1 physical defence

Vit--|0___|0___|0___|1 to50=10hp / 51 to100=25hp / 101 to200=50hp / 200+=75hp |

1pt=0,1% hp regen and 1 physical deffence

Dex--|0___|0___|0___| 1pt= +1 walking speed & +1 attack speed and reflex.

int--|0___|0___|0___|1 to50=10mp / 51 to100=25mp / 101 to200=50mp / 200+=75mp |

1pt= 1 magic attack and 1 magic deffence and 1 magic skill power

wis--|0___|0___|0___|1pt =1 magic deffence and 1 magic skill power|

1pt=0,1% mp regenaration |

Cha--|0___|0___|0___|use special mod again enemie wis special mod to lie, bluff or charme

Per--|0___|0___|0___|1pt= 0,5 awareness

luk--|0___|0___|0___|50pts= 1% bonus dmg on critical hit / 10pts=1% bonus on looting

Available stat point : 0 gain when leveling or by special actions. Can be use to upgrade stats.

Money: 0$ stored money in character possession,

Critical hit bonus : % when the character speed is faster than the enemie i'll trow a d20 dice. On a 20 the character get a % bonus on any type of damages deal.

Looting bonus: % - the more the character have, the more loots he will get.

Attack speed and reflex : the faster you are, the quicker you punch. Can use reflex to evade traps or spells

Walking speed: the speed he walk. Depend on dex score + bonus. 1Pt=0,5 feets by seconde.

Magic defence : (wis+int+bonus)

Magic attack : the number of magical damage the character deal. (int+bonus)

Magic skill power: specified the power of the characer magic skills (wis+int+bonus)

Physical defence : (vit+str+bonus)

Physical attack : the number of physical damage the character deal. (str+bonus)

Awareness and perseption: use to see if the character notice thing in his surounding.


(skill name / skill type,active or passive / skill level: 0 / xp: needed ) skill description and effects.



{gamer mind|passive|level:max} Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through - Allows peaceful state of mind - Immunity to psychological status effect


{gamer body|passive|level:max} Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from attacks only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP) - After sleep in a bed he restores HP, MP and all status effects


Name of jobs: jobs description ( jobs bonus)

similar to classes but do not level. When the character get a special formation he can sometime get a jobs based on that formation. Each job will give bonus on skills related to that specific jobs.

jobs can be aquired by other special mean.


Light Swordsman: A swordsman specialized in using light swords (10% bonus when using fighting or sword skills with a short sword.




F- (1 to 10)

F (11 to 20)

E- (21 to 30)

E (31 to 40)

D- (41 to 50)

D (51 to 60)

C- (61 to 70)

C (71 to 80)

B- (81 to 90)

B (91 to 150)

A- (151 to 160)

A (161 to 200)

S-- (201 to 220)

S- (221 to 240)

S (241 to 260)

S+ (261 to 280)

S++ (281 to 300)

SS-- (301 to 330)

SS- (331 to 360)

SS (361 to 490)

SS+ (491 to 520)

SS++ (521 to 550)

SSS-- (551 to 600)

SSS- (601 to 650)

SSS (651 to 700)

SSS+ (701 to 800)

SSS++ (801+ )