
Chapter 7: School Fight!

Yay!!! I'm in again! Almost forgot how to narrate. In the second period (jumped first for the duel) Alice (Ai) challenged Lize to a duel, which she accepted out of boredom (she plans to win). So let's start!

Second period: Duel!

Ai="Watch out, Lize-san. I will soon be joining your party."

Alice's speciality was defending. attacks came to her and she defended it all. But only for a certain limit of attacks.

L="No rich kid is joining my party!"

Lize threw some magical arrows that she learned in the 1st period at her, but the arrows were super weak. After 22 attacks of no matter strengh, Alice couldn't defend more, and her dodging skills were almost none. Lize discovered that and was trying not to show that fact, because she didn't want her at her party, because she didn't get ANY of her puns.

L="You don't have what it takes to be in my party! We are not worth of being your party members, so please, find another one. If you can't get my puns, then you won't survive!"

Ai="OH! Dear thank you! I give up. those jokes you were making didn't make sense to me."

L="My, my. When I was learning it didn't make SANS to me neither. But my teacher Mr.Sans made it all make Sans!"


L="See, if you don't want to get like that, better join other party."

A="You did it! You won and didn't hurt her pride! You are really kind!"

L="Thank you!"

G="Now then, Let's go to the next period?"


G="Choose: puns or no school?"


A="Lize, you really need to learn something..."

L="SAVE MEEE!!!!!!"

That's it for this chapter!hope you liked it! And I'm only doing the introduction and conclusion, again. This battle was something like this: Lize kept throwing magic arrows at Alice, while she was defending those. Near the 17th arrow, she said those things to stop the battle. Fortunately Alice got it, and gave up. She will be important in the series, so don't forget her!(she will be a questmaster, the person who checks, accepts, and classify the quests".