
Chapter 14: Cooking with a Lazy trashbag!

Well, here we are again, third time trying to write this chapter whithout it being deleted...Now please I would like coments on the novel, also reviews. Now....You're gonna have a good time!

Lize and Kata were in the cooking show place, but they somehow, knew, that it wouldn't end up ok.Lize and Kata were one of the only groups that passed the (jumped) preliminary round. The other group was Tali and Fera. Tali was a light purple haired, spoiled brat, who always seemed to find herself the greatest person in the world. Fera, was a small, maid-like teenager, she looked like she didn't like Tali, but couldn't do nothing about it. Their group was specialized on cakes, (fancy ones) because their family runned a cake shop, and their cakes were really expensive. Before the round started, Tali went to Kata and Lize's table to end their confidence, and making them run away, so she could win imeadiatly, so she thought. But, their confidence, was really big. If someone was about to have their confidence smacked, it would be Tali.

T="Hey there! Just an opinion of mine, but...Shouldn't you pick a better partner? It will probably be HARD to cook with a Lazy trashbag like that one."

Just so you know, Lize was in a calm nap, and was casting shield spells so no one would disturb her. The spells were taken off on the moment she fell asleep. Kata was the one offended. She thought: How could she! Speaking that loud Lize will wake up before any pranks! That is one little teasing Kata. Katas favourite food is choco, and Lize's favourite food is honey. The host announced to start planning their dishes and Lize woke up, disappointing Kata. If you want to know about the others, they are in the audience, and Sare is asleep. The girls (besides G, who isn't cooking) decided to make HONEY BREAD! It's simple. Honey bread is a king of cake/bread with it dough made out of chocolate and honey, with chocolate topping and honey filling(some times can be made out of something made of milk.) It was the perfect sweet for those two, so they decided to make it. Lize and Kata's counter was a huge mess. It had flour all over the place, and milk spilled on the table, but the sweets were ready. Now on the other side, (I mean it. Literaly. Tali and Fare's counter was on the other side of the stage.) Tali and Fare's counter was completly clean. And their cake had almost the hieght of a standing up cat! The judges were impressed. Coninues on part 2.

Please comment! I wanna know if you are liking it or not! I'm not sure, but if you want, I will do a QandA from the paragraph coments on this one. so Please comments! Welp. That's it then! Bye bye!

Lizeneecreators' thoughts