
Chapter 1

A cold breeze hits my face as I jolt awake, the sounds of water dripping in the background.

For a brief moment, I see I'm stuck in a ravine as I black out again. I hear some distant talking their voices fade. As my eyes open again the blinding white room of a hospital is all I see, I struggle to breath through the tube in my throat I look outside my room and a startled nurse sees that I'm awake. She rushed over and unhooked me from the machines. Once I was finally able to breathe, I asked what had happened. The nurse had a long and serious pause. As she contemplated her answer, she glanced all over the room as if she felt guilty of what she was about to say.

"Uh.. Mr. John Doe, you've been unconscious for 347 years, 31 weeks, and 6 days since you came into our care."

As I sat there in disbelief, she told me about how they kept me alive this long in detail.

Suddenly, I realized everything I knew and loved was gone. l started to cry, but I couldn't wipe my face. I asked the nurse why I couldn't feel my limbs

She responded very quietly and fast.

" Well, sir, we kept you as human as possible."

I panic and rage out at the nurse as to what the hell that means.

"Sir, to put it short, various portions of your body couldn't be saved."

I sat in the bed helpless and defeated. The nurse explained to me how the world has changed and what my various options are from here. She then leaves to allow me to digest all of the information she has given.

The next day was as the nurse said, "The first day of the rest of your life." First I had to pick out a name for myself which wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't brought me the oldest book of names they had, but it was from decades before I was born.

So I ended up on the name of John Freeman and three hours later I was being wheeled into the operating room to be fitted for an Enhanced Cybernetic On-board Nueral Network AKA (ECONN) system and a new body.

After all was said and done, I walked out of the hospital with a caretaker whose job was to help me navigate this new world.

His name was Xannler, and I quickly learned how much the world has really changed during our chats. Xannler took me to his home and showed me to my temporary room. To my surprise, it looked like a basic 21st century apartment. I was shocked, and when I asked him why, he simply stated, "If I was in that situation, I would like something familiar."

I felt relieved to see it and grateful that Xannler would care about me like that.

The next day I found a job in a local militia and quickly found out that there are feral alien beings that have been released on the planet in a manner akin to a box of kittens being left in a neighborhood.

As an android, I was given the job of doing maintenance on the perimeter of the city when it gets damaged by the feral alien beasts.

The next day, I went to work and was shocked to find people only work one day a month. Needless to say, I needed a hobby. While I was walking through the city, it was hard not to feel all the stares from all the different life forms that inhabit this planet now. After a while, I grew accustomed to it, and I eventually found many similarities between this time and when i grew up. After only a week, I found myself a group of friends who taught me how to navigate this new social terrain and experience normality. After about a month, I finally found my own place it was an old 22nd century house in decent shape.

Eventually, I was living free, but after a couple of years, I got bored with the city lifestyle of this planet, and I moved to the outer cities. They are basically the slums of this civilization, it's reminiscent of Slab City. I quickly got to work, and by the end of the week, I had a small property of living units.

Shortly there after all the peace and happiness ended because the inner city cut off supplies to the outer cities.

As the two cities grew apart, they developed differently, and because of that, there were constant problems between both cities and their residents. It's been about 3 years since I was released from the hospital, I've become a productive member of this society. Early in the morning, I heard knocking at my door as I get up to answer the door. My door flew off its hinges and landed on my couch, smashing everything in its path. As I approached the door, two men dressed to the nines came barreling in demanding me to comply with them. Before I knew what had happened, they had me cuffed and tranqed. When I woke up, I saw a concrete room with a cell door. As I called out, I realized I was alone. I thought to myself, had I been arrested? If so, what for?

After many hours, I still can't figure out how I got in this position or even the legality of it all.