
Adventures In A New World

A gamer waits for the shutdown of the servers while waiting for his friends. During the final moments, they are thrust upon a different world. Their situation unexpected and their future uncertain, but one thing surely awaits for them.... Adventure. Disclaimer: I do not own Overlord and Game of Thrones.

Elias_Bazaar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Part 1: One Last Time

In the year 2138 AD there was a term: DMMO-RPG.

That word was an acronym for "Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game".

These games were played by connecting a dedicated console to the brain via a neuronal nano-interface - an intracerebral nanocomputer network, created from the fusion of cyber- and nanotechnology.

These were games that allowed one to enter a virtual world and experience it as though it were real life.

And among the myriad DMMO-RPGs that thronged the market, one of them stood head and shoulders above the others: YGGDRASIL

This game had been developed and released twelve years ago, in 2126.

Compared to other DMMO-RPGs of the time, YGGDRASIL's selling point was "player freedom".It had over two thousand basic and advanced job classes.Every class had a maximum of fifteen levels, and so in order to reach the overall level cap of one hundred, one would need to take at least seven different classes. However, players could take as many classes as they wanted as long as they met each class's prerequisites. A player could even take a hundred classes at level one each, although that was very inefficient.

As such, in this system, it was virtually impossible to make identical characters unless one was deliberately trying to do so.

In addition, one could use various creator tools to fully customize one's armor, weaponry, flavor text, appearance, and other cosmetic settings.

A vast playing field awaited its players. There were nine worlds in total: Asgard, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Midgard, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim.

It boasted a massive world, numerous classes, and freely customizable appearances.

These features ignited the creative spirits of its Japanese players, and sparked what would later be known as a stylistic revolution.

So popular was it that whenever the word "DMMO-RPG" was mentioned in Japan, listeners would immediately think of YGGDRASIL.

Now all those things ere coming to an end.


Part 1

A large glass table was stationed in the middle of a room that had five different colored chairs.

However, only one of these seats was occupied.

It was planned to have all the seats be occupied within less than an hour.

The only person that was present was seated at the black and gold lined chair which faced the large intricately detailed double door.

He wore a black undershirt over a white chest plate that resembled a vest. A long black coat with edges colored in gold hung from his shoulders like a cape. He wore black pants accompanied by two black boots a white pice of cloth tied around his waist as well as a scabbard that contained a sword with a dark handle with a beast's head made of gold at the end that shone brightly under the chandelier.

Half the person's head had short black hair, a short well trimmed beard placed on the right side of his face.

However, the other half was a bare skull, a line cut across the face from an angle. From the left side of the bridge of his nose going under his left eye, heading down to his cheek, going under where an ear should have been seen going across the back of his head then returning to the left side of the bridge of his nose.

The person was a Graveborn— one of those class specializations that boasted of high-rank magic casting and melee fighting when using it's Hybrid form.

There are three available forms for those with the class Graveborn. The first was it's Human form which boasted it's much stronger fighting ability compared to it's second form which was an Undead that had access to much more potent spells. The third was Hybrid form, it was a combination of the first two which made it the more often used form of players that had chosen this class specialization.

Even with it's Undead form that belonged to the Heteromorphic classification of players the Graveborn fell under the Humanoid classification. Even though it lacked the Demihuman superior attributes it still had a monstrous ability that was often associated with heteromorphs because of the early races one had to go through before reaching the cross roads of picking between the more superior undead classes.

Naturally the Graveborn was one of those high-tier Humanoid races that were playable if one chose undead heteromorph as a starting race.

The Graveborn- who was at the moment speaking to himself outloud- did not move his mouth. That was due to the technological hurdle of properly molding the players facial expressions and mannerisms in response to their emotions and speech.

"Man those guys are really taking their time logging on, there's less than an hour left."

The man claimed loudly, crossing his arms and lowering his head a bit.

After a minute or so he raised his head to look up into the ceiling then letting out a deep sigh. Then he looked around the room, taking every detail that was present to him. It had been quite a while since he last logged in and been inside this room himself.

Most of the reason for this was because of academic reasons. When he had first played the game he was still in highschool and after a few years he had finally reached that part in his life where he would live by himself and go to college. With the limited free time he had that — which went to reviewing and working at a part time job — he had barely any time to actually play the game.

"I'm glad we all were able to keep the schedule" he said gratefully.

He had not been the only one with a busy schedule after all. All five guild members were in college and had pretty much the same problem he'd been having. The upkeep of their guild base was not as high as other larger guilds but was still enough to need to have at least one of them pay for it by farming and selling useless loot that came from the supply boxes.

• • • • •

Their guild base was basically a fortess island called Thule. They had acquired said base during an event that happened during the Midgard Overhaul that took place a few years prior to the present day. It essentially introduced new locations in the said world of Yygdrasil to encourage the player base to take a trip and help the dwindling number of players that inhabited and visited midgard.

One of the many new locations that was added was the Farthest Island: Thule. During the time when all five players had been active — almost always together — they decided to take on an event called The Lost Lands, which revealed the location of several hidden places in Midgard and how to reach them. Even though many of the new added locations were hidden and needed to be found via clues stated in flavor texts that were in a few new added items, it still garnered the intended and much needed attention, and so as a reward to the player base the devs decided to reveal the location of a few places — mostly the really easy ones.

One of the revealed pieces of lands was Thule. Unlike the other revealed places it was basically a small island -— which according to the flavor text was 1199 square kilometers — off the northern most part of the map. The race to the uncharted lands was on and different players and guilds immediately went off to the much larger lands and towards the ones that had apparently a few hidden powerful items if one were to read into the newly added lores of the world.

However unlike most guilds — which had plenty of items and resources to spare during the quests that needed to be accomplished to have to the new locations, their clan of only five players had not the numbers nor the resources to use for the quests. After a few back and forths and much consideration they decided to do the smaller of the quests and ended in them picking the quest for the farthest island. Not only did it require just a few basic items that were mostly already on hand and the rest were easily acquired in the gacha machines and shops, it also didn't require a specified number of players to take on a newly added boss or any side quests that had to be done at the same time or else it won't count.

After they made the decision to go north they all agreed to meet back on one weekend night to complete the miniscule quest.

Once all clan members had logged in they went off and after an hour or two they had reached the edge of the northern lands and had to use the Ghost Ship — which was acquired via gacha machine to reach the location of the island. After another hour of just smooth sailing and telling jokes and exchanging stories the island finally came into view.

So they prepared to land only to have the island be immediately covered in thick fog that obscured it from their eyes, then from beside their ship the water started swirling then came from the center of the vortex was a large sea serpent, larger than the Ghost Ship.

It's long body coiled around the ship, the fins around it neck and the one that extended from the back of it's head down to the very end of it's long and scaly body stood up making the menacing serpent seem even more menacing. The large head took a sweeping motion destroying the deck of the ship along with it's mast. Luckily every clan member was able to dodge the initial attack and they immediately sprung into action, forming their tried and tested battle formation.

The two melee fighters, the Graveborn and the Nephilim Warrior were placed in the front, their support which was an Angelic Paladin was in the middle acting as a helping hand to the two fighters and a buffer between the enemy and the ones behind her. At the back was the their Mage that casted buffs and other protection and anti-debuff spells whilst occasionally hurling attacks at the enemy and the one most often besides her was their resident Automaton sending shots with her magic gun and acting as a last line of defense to use her own melee capabilities to hold the enemy off to so that the other frontline fighters and anyone else that needs to withdraw are able to.

As the Leviathan raised it's head for another sweep the Nephilim Warrior jumped on the part of it's body that was coiling around their ship, wielding an axe in each hand he then jumped towards the neck of the sea serpent and held on for dear life. At this point the rest of the group attack the part of the body that they could reach whilst the others continually casted buffs and heals then sending an attack at the head of the enemy.

After half an hour they were able to damage the body of the large sea serpent enough that it released the ship from it's grip and then continued to try to use it's razor sharp teeth to shred the small group by biting them then tearing them apart. After another half hour or so they finally got through the tough skin of the Leviathan using an acquired item that the mage had held on to and used it in tandem with the automaton's attacks to get the maximum use out of the item.

The Graveborn and the Paladin held back the attacks of the serpent whilst delivering a counter attack of their own, significantly lowering the HP bar of the Leviathan thanks to it's defences being taken down by their fellow clan members. They all continually attacked and defended for a few more minutes until it's health was low enough for the Warrior to use a special ability to attack weak spot of the Leviathan which was the nape of the neck where the fin of it's body did not protect and cut off the head in one masterful swing.

With a loud thud' the head dropped on to the deck of the ship then after a few seconds it and it's former body glowed in a white light then vanished from existence.

As soon as it happened the fog that covered the island disappeared and revealed the island. The clan - without any intention of wasting time - quickly rushed towards the center of the island where a ruin fortress sat. Vines and other fauna grew in and on the walls of the fallen fortress, the group searched for the room that was said to be where one could claim an item and a fair amount of gold once they were able to perform a certain task. After a while they stumbled upon the room at the bottom of the fortress, thick stone walls covered the room and in the center of it a small and round stone table was placed. At the center of it was rings that elapsed one another, the middle was a small circle and around it was a bigger circle and so on for a dozen times.

The symbols that was placed on each ring were then aligned and then a notification popped up in front of the small clan:

Quest Completed: Acquired the Farthest Island, Thule.

Upon reading the notification, all five members yelled in a celebratory manner.

After a few weeks of touching up the place and placing necessary stuff such as NPC guards and sentries they decided to form their very own guild. Using their newly renovated island as the base they all voted and chose their resident Graveborn as the guild leader of their new guild called Dalinda.

• • • • •

After reminiscing on the past deeds of him and his friends he stood up walked towards a large picture on the wall.

It hung perfectly even and stood out from the white wall background. There on the picture were five figures standing next to each other. A man with half a skull for a face, a large tan skinned man with his left arm over the shoulders of the previous skull faced man and his right over the shoulders of a female knight, there was a robed short haired girl with a wizard hat to left of the first three and a slightly taller female with long white hair and an indifferent look on her face whilst hugging the shorter robed female completed the picture.

As he stood before the painting emotions came rushing through him all the memories of those that stood beside him.

He just remained standing, staring - almost looking lost. What awoke him from his daydream was the sound of the large intricately detailed double doors opening. What came through was a short girl wearing a white dress decorated with small flowers, with a small cape that draped down from her shoulders down to her rear, white gloves on each hand, two brown boots, a small pointy blue hat, short brown hair and glasses that did not take away from her hazel nut brown eyes.

Beside her was a taller woman with long white flowing hair. Wearing a red blouse with six gold buttons, it's size leaving the woman's cleavage and belly button exposed, a tight red skirt covering most of her thighs, a red overcoat covering her arms, neck scarf tied around her neck and the knot on the left side, and black sandals and sky blue eyes. Black lines ran along her body, mostly around where the joints would be and one cut across her belly button and around her waist horizontally.

"It — it's nice to see you again" shyly said by the blue mage.

"Hey, good to see you" said the red clad automaton with an indifferent look.

If it was technologically possible, the half faced man's avatar would have been smiling ear to ear.

"Menvra, Heasia I'm glad you both could make it" he replied in an elated tone.

He walked towards them and clicked on the console that said " Handshake".

This was one of the few added features that the devs were able to put out, it involved small gestures like waving, handshakes, hugging and a few other basic actions. Although to avoid any lawsuits or violate any sense of personal space they put in a requests that would show up if person tried to do an action that would involve physically touching another player, the said player would then have the option Deny or Accept the request.

After receiving the request, the red clad woman now known as Heasia accepted it then proceeded to shake with hands with their all black wearing leader.

He then turned to the short haired girl then clicked on the console which said "Hug".

The blue mage took a second to accept then her and the man's avatars moved to hug each other.

"It's been quite a while Menvra, I hope you've been doing well." He commented while still in embrace.

"Y — yes, I've been well thanks for asking." she replied.

He then let go of her then looked back at the white haired woman.

"I was getting worried I might have to spend my final moments here alone." he said jokingly but a hint of sadness could be heard in his statement.

"Don't worry Chief, no one's gonna spend their final moments here all alone."

She said. "Specially not with Menvra here who was dying to see you again." She then pointed at the small, brown haired girl who if it was physically possible would have been red as a tomato by now.

"Wh— what are you saying Heasia!"

the blue mage exclaimed.

"What? you had stated it yourself that you had missed him" the red outfitted woman said, her face still carrying an indifferent look.

"Hahaha I missed you too." the man just laughed at the statement then faced the short girl then selected an action of patting her head which she shyly but happily accepted.

Then the large double doors immediately opened, revealing a large tan skinned man with small tattoos across his body. He wore a small jacket looking piece of clothing colored green with gold lining the edges that revealed most of his upper body which was musceld and quite toned, a loose green and gold fabric hung from his waist covering his legs that only revealed his bare feet, a white bandana covered his forehead and spiky black hair topped his head, a golden wide necklace hung from.his neck and his black eyes looked sharp.

The green covered man sprinted into the room then immediately stopped when he saw the three other figures that were now looking at him.

He looked at the two women in front of him then saw the man with half of his face bare. He inhaled then let out a scream


The small blue mage was happy to see him. The white haired woman gave out a small sigh. And the wearing black only waved his hand.

"Hey Mok." the half faced man replied.

"Menvra! Heasia! You guys made it too!" he exclaimed.

"Obviously." the red wearing woman stated.

"N— nice to see you too Mok."happily replied.

"I haven't seen you guys in so long, I'm just so stoked!"he stated whilst holding his hands near his chest in an excited manner.

"Haahh....do you have scream this loudly at his hour?" a sarcastic feminine voice commented from behind him.

The excited tall man, recognising the voice turned to see the final member of their guild.

She wore a long dress that covered her entire body, it had been colored white on the the right side and black on the left. It was underneath a white breastplate that had gold melted into it. A small gold necklace in the shape of a serpent that was biting it's own tail forming a circle hung from her neck. White sandals were on her feet and her long blond hair flowing freely down to her rear.

She walked in with her left hand on her waist slowly making her way into the room.

Seeing everyone else had already gotten before her, she simply raised her hand and said "Hello."


"Again, do you have to scream?" she stated in an annoyed manner.

She then turned attention to other people in the room. Walking over towards a small blue mage.

"Hello Menvra."she greeted softly then proceeded to hug her.

"H— hello Parisa" Menvra shyly replied whilst still embracing her.

After that she then went to shake hands with the white haired woman.

"It's good to see you Heasia."

The woman nooded her head then replied "It's nice to see you too."

"Well looks like everyone is here." the man in black stated with a trace of happiness in his voice.

Everyone in the room nooded their heads.

"Right, let's all sit down now shall we." he motioned towards the large glass table that had five differently designed chairs.

They took to the table and then began sitting in their assigned seats. The half faced man sat in the obsidian black chair -which had gold melted into the color of the obsidian- which faced the large intricately detailed double doors. On his right sat the green wearing Mok, and to Mok's right sat Parisa. On his left sat the expression less Heasia, and to Heasia's left sat the Menvra.

The man in the center first looked around the table, looking at every person then lowering his head before speaking.

"First off, I'm very thankful that you all made time to be here tonight." he stated.

"I'll always be here for everyone Chief!" exclaimed the green wearing Mok.

"It's our pleasure." replied the expression less Heasia.

"I— I would not miss it for anything."said the shy Menvra.

"I'm glad I could make it."said the stoic looking Parisa.

He listened to everyone's words then nodded his head then proceeded to raise his head to continue.

"Nevertheless I'm still very grateful for every single one of you being here. Your presence assures me that not only did you receive my last email to you as your guild leader but you cared enough to actually attend our last meeting together."

A short silence fell over the room. They all had remembered when the devs had announced that YYGDRASIL would be shut down this very night. After a few years of playing and adventuring together, things would finally come to an end.

He then continued "As sad as though it may seem I still have one final selfish request to the four of you here." he paused for a moment then continued.

"Please stay with me here, here in Thule where we will face the inevitable end together as the guild that we decided to create, as Dalinda. Let me be with you all as the final second ticks down and puts an end to our days exploring and fighting side by side. One last time let's face a challenge together head on and do as we do and hope for the best." He said begging to his friends slightly bowing his head.

"Haahh..."sighed the blonde woman.

" If I didn't plan on spending my time here up until the end then I would not have come."stated Parisa.

"Chief are you joking? Of course I'd stay here till the end, I already planned on doing so when I receive your message."stated Mok.

"I— I want to stay with everyone too!"exclaimed Menvra albeit with eyes closed.

"Umu' I planned to stay as well." stated Heasia nodding her head.

A feeling rushed towards the Graveborn. His chest started to ache but it did not hurt, no it felt nice.

"Everyone thank you!" he could not hide the excitement in his voice.

"That said Chief, I don't really wanna spend our final moments here in a boring room." said Mok.

"Agreed. We should go to another location."replied Heasia.

"Wh— where to?" shyly asked

"Hmm.... Let's go to the central balcony. The view this time of night should be perfect." commented Parisa.

"Umu' then it's decided, we will stand together one last time on the balcony on the first floor." the half faced man stated.

They all got up from the chair then left their Meeting Room.

They walked down the principal corridor — beautifully designed to recreate the look of a grand castle from medieval times — towards the central/balcony room.

The place was like a castle built of alabaster, a magnificent world suffused with a regal atmosphere.

If one were to raise their heads they would see crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling at fixed intervals, radiating a warm light.

The broad hallways had brilliantly polished stone floors, which reflected the light from the chandeliers in a way that made it look like shiny stars were embedded in the floors surface.

• • • • •

Newcastle had been a ruined fort in the middle of the island and was redesigned by the guild to look like an old place from their own place called Buckingham Palace. They were able to use images from history books and pictures from the internet, showing how the structure looked before it succumbed to old age and withered away slowly.

• • • • •

As they kept walking they take notice of the different NPCs that were placed as security in the building, most of them created by the players themselves and some were basically what one might call POP monsters and a few that came from the shop.

A Guardian NPC was standing still, a male guardian wearing a Japanese kimono. The haori homo was black. The haori, the hakama, the tabi and the zori however were all snow white matching the pale white skin and the pure white hair of the Guardian. His red eyes staring directly at the newly arrived players and his face giving off a kind and gentle impression.

"Hey that's uhh..... Cyril right?" asked Mok.

"Yes, he is the Guardian NPC that Parisa created and assigned to protect Newcastle." answered Heasia.

"—W — we should bring him with us." stated Menvra.

"Umu, Morro can we bring him to the balcony?" asked Parisa.


"Hmm... Let's also bring all the ones we come across before reaching the central balcony." stated Morro.

Parisa then walked up to the Guardian then ordered it to follow behind the group.

They decided to take the npcs they came across, most often they were dressed as butlers and maids.

Few guards wearing a similar high collared, long-sleeved dark blue trench coat left unzipped from the waist down; around it, a black belt with a gold-colored buckle strapping the two pieces of clothing together. Underneath is a white shirt with an upturned collar, dark blue pants and knee high black boots. Steel helmets designed to look like a snarling beast, covering their entire face with only two holes for them to see through and a gold rapier inside a scabbard with gold or aments.

Eventually about a dozen of them followed behind them.

They reached the central balcony then continued walking a bit more until they came across a glass door frame.

Two npc guards stationed at the door pushed it open then held it for the ones coming through.

They now stood outside, staring at large starry night sky, a large open field cleared of any obstacle in front of them, the vast sea stretching across the horizon.

They turned and motioned for all the npcs to kneel after they stepped outside.

They approached near the stone rails, taking in the view before them. This would be the last scenery that they would see in this world of YYGDRASIL.

The leader of the group just looked on, seeming somewhat lost he then looked at the Time, [23:59:03]

He let out a small sigh. Then went to the console then chose an action "hold hands".

The tan skinned man received it then accepted holding the right hand of his leader then copied him and did the same thing to the blonde haired woman to his right who accepted then held his right hand. The half faced man then offered her left hand to the short brown haired girl who shyly accepted then offered her own left hand to white haired woman beside her who then accepted.

The man in black looked at the clock once more [23:59:43]

"Thank you for being with me one last time, I hope we'll see each other again." the black clad leader stated.

"I hope the same for everyone." the tan skinned man stated.

"Y - yes." the shy brown haired girl nodded her head.

"I agree with your sentiments." the expression less woman stated.

"I'll see you around Morro."the blonde woman whispered.

The half faced man upon hearing his friends smiled in himself then looked back at the clock [23:59:51]

He then closed his eyes then waited for the the clock to reach zero and for this whole thing to end.







They were waiting for the end of their own fantasy world-




They had waited for the automatic logout-



Morro opened his eyes.

He was not looking at a closed Dive helmet. It was still the beautiful scenery that was in YYGDRASIL.

"What's going on?" asked Mok.

The five of them looked around to see any clues.

"It's already past midnight." stated the confused Parisa.

"C- could it be that they delayed it?" asked Menvra.

"Hmm.. let's contact the GM." the leader suggested.

"I cant."

"Huh?" "What?" a chorus of questioning rang out.

The expression less Heasia answered. "I can't access the console."

"What....on earth happened?" someone asked.

All five of them then tried to access their own consoles but to no avail. Panic, frustration and confusion slowly set in. Surely the GMs would have made an announcement if the schedule of the shut down was moved.

Hmm..... maybe message. Morro wondered.

Before he can try, the tall man beside him screamed what he and everyone else was thinking.

"What the hells going on!?"

His voice echoed out from the balcony, anger and frustration visible in his voice.

"What's wrong, Lord Mok?"

It was the first time any of them had heard that voice.

All of them were startled, and looked for the source of the voice. When they found the one who had just spoken the words, they were speechless.

The person who had answered Mok was the NPC raising his head - Cyril.


Isle of Naath

It was located west of the Basilisk Isles and northern Sothoryos in the Summer Sea. East of the most southern most and largest of the Summer Isles, Jhala, and due south of the Valyrian peninsula. It's separated from Jhala and Valyria by large stretches of the Summer Sea.

The former long-distance trade networks that stretched from Essos and Westeros were long gone after the Doom of Valyria.

The slaver raids that came more frequently after the Doom of Valyria forced the population to abandon their coastal settlements and forced them to take refuge in the hills and forests of the interior.

The Naathi have a unique look to them with flat faces, dark skin, and golden eyes. They are also called the Peaceful People - due to their belief in a Lord of Harmony that made them believe in extreme pacifism - do not wage war or kill nothing, not even animals, eating only fruit never flesh.

They are widely sought after by slavers who consider them the to make the best slaves.

This mad life on the island harsh but more simple.

The first thing Zharra did after waking up extra early in the morning was to carry water from the nearby river.  She finished filling the water tank inside their house and around that time her father brought breakfast for their family of three.

Breakfast was usually coconut and from time to time different types of fruits.

After breakfast, she would tend to the field with her mother. Her father would go to the forest and gather firewood also help in the field.

Lunch would be fruits that they would get from the trees and given by others. After lunch they continue their work and return home before the sun set.

For dinner they would eat fruits and some coconut that other people in the village had gotten from climbing a plan tree near the coast.

The girl Zharra was born sixteen years ago and had become of the village since then. She had lived these days all her life. In her heart she wondered, How much longer will these unchanging days continue?

• • • • •

Today was no different from any other. After waking up, Zharra went to the river to carry water.

She did the same thing she did every single day. She'd been raised to know what to do in the field and around the village to help out, and what to do when a slavers had come.

Her mother called her to come home just as the sun was about to set.

She sat inside their house and ate with her mother and father.

As she was eating dinner she heard a sound and turned her head. There was tension in the air over there, and the seeds of fear began to sprouting in her heart.

Her ears seemed to pick up something  like wood being broken, and after that—

"A scream—?"

It sounded like a strangled bird, but there's no way a bird would call out like that and at night.

A chill ran down her spine and her parents immediately stood up and grabbed her and ran outside the door.

As the family was to make their way to the forest, a human figure appeared behind them. The man was silhouetted by the moonlight. He wore   shabby looking clothes and a sword in his hand.

The Basilisk Isles were west of Naath, and engaged in frequent raids on the island to acquire potential slaves. Until recently they only mostly limited to villages closer to the coast and had not reached this village.

However, the quite life they had enjoyed would end this night.

Zharra could feel the cold eyes staring them down, as though counting how many were in front of him.

The slaver walked towards them and her parents immediately ran pulling her arm to make sure she keeped up.

As they made their way through the woods she saw her father look at her mother then they both nodded then he looked at her.

"Zharra go with your mother now."he stated firmly.

Zharra couldn't comprehend what he just say to her and just looked oddly at her father.

"No! Father!" she screamed.

He took his right hand and patted her head and gave a sweet smile."It will be alright young one." then looked back at his wife and nodded his head once more.

She only nodded back then grabbed Zharra by the hand and started running without looking back.

Tears were creeping up in her eyes as she ran hearing multiple people heading the direction of where her husband but one seemed to have decided to follow them.

She kept going, trying desperately to outrun the one chasing them not stopping once for she knew what would happen if she did.


"Is something wrong, Lord Mok?"

Cyril continued to ask questions. Mok didn't know how to respond. Like being given too much information his mind went blank for second.

"Forgive me."

Morro and the others could only stare dumbly at Cyril, who was kneeling in front of them when they had turned around.

"Are you alright?"

Cyril's face was that of a attractive young man in his twenties. His pure white hair and pale white skin was glowing in the moonlight.

Mok mustered what little response he could give the kneeling guardian.

"No.... nothing's wrong....I'm fine."

Mok was never the type to stutter while speaking with someone. However hearing Cyril seemed to make him question the words that came out of his mouth.

Before any of the players could say anything else the guardian spoke once more.

"Is something the matter my Lords?"

He said while looking around the players to see what could have been bothering them.

Morro's mind was racing but his heart did not seem bothered at all. He thought of different reasons why this was happening then decided to respond to the white guardian.

"...The [GM Call] function does not seem to be working."

Staring at the red eyes of Cyril he could not seem to look away. In his entire life never once had he seen such beautiful eyes, even if he knew he was just an NPC the realistic look was quite something.

"....Please forgive my inability to answer the Great Lord's questions about this "[GM Call]."I apologise for not meeting your expectations. Nothing would please me more to be able to have a chance to make up for this mistake of mine. Please,command me as you see fit."

...They were conversing? This shouldn't be possible.

The closest thing NPCs should be able to do was say pre programmed lines and a few phrases that could be downloaded for them to say.

What's happening? Even when we took them from their placements they could not do something like this.

He looked at his fellow guild mates and saw that they were all looking at the talking guardian with confused stares.

He then turned his attention towards the other NPCs that were kneeling a few feet further away than Cyril. They still had all their heads lowered.

"Guards! Butlers! Maids!"


Their voices chorused out as one, and the butlers and the maids raised their heads.

"Approach us."


They responded as one, then rose to their feet. After that, they proudly strode up next to Cyril before dropping to one knee and lowering their heads again.

Morro was able to find out two things.

The first was that he did not need to use the console to issue commands but simply saying a command was sufficient enough for them to do the command.

The second was that Cyril wasn't the only NPC to be able talk.

Or at the very least the ones in front of them could do so.

"—I-is something wrong? Have we mad a mistake....?"


Morro did not shout out loud but thought about the situation that they were now in.

"Cyril, stand up."


The guardian then rose to his feet and now stood in front of the five.

"What the—!?"

Mok could not understand what was happening.

He walked towards Cyril then grabbed the guardians head then turned it left and right. After that he grabbed both his arms then raised it while inspecting his form.

"Is something the matter Great Lord Mok?"

Asked the guardian with a curious look on his face.

"Since when the hell could you talk!?" asked Mok confused at the new ability of the NPC to converse with him.

"...I don't understand my Lord, this one has always been able to do so since I was created."

"Huh!?" exclaimed Mok.

Parisa was dumbfounded. He did not remember putting any program in Cyril's code that allowed for this kind of interactions.

Menvra seemed scared and backed up a bit, seeing this Heasia then placed herself in front of the Blue mage, between her and the npcs.

Morro contemplated on what should he and everyone do.

They could not contact the GMs so they were by themselves.

Then, his first priority should be — looking for clues.


The four guards that they came across raised their heads then looked at Morro.

Its alright if I gave them orders right? Although he had no idea he just assumed they were NPCs in the island and so we're loyal to them, right? For all he knew, the people in front of them were not the ones that everyone made together.

Numerous questions came to mind, uneasiness was starting to creep in his mind but he pushed them aside. In the end the Guards were, at the moment his only choice for reconnaissance. He glanced slightly at Cyril but then steeled himself and decided to order the Guards.

The mental image of a professor giving tasks to his students appeared in his mind. Morro took on a superior, commanding attitude, and spoke:

"Send a message through the island to your fellow guards and check for any anomalies. If they encounter any unfamiliar intelligent creatures invite them to Newcastle. Tell the ships to survey the surrounding waters but do not stray more than one kilometer from the island. Everyone is to avoid unnecessary combat."

"Understood, Lord Morro. We shall do so immediately."

In YYGDRASIL, the NPCs — especially the ships— could not actually leave the island but only stay close to the shores. However, it would seem this ironclad rule had been overturned.

No, he could only be certain if the ships would return.

".... Have the Guardian of the Northeastern Fort join the ships. If battle begins tell them to retreat immediately. Begin immediately."

"Understood, our Lord!"

The chorus of voices rang out and all four of the guards stood up then left the simultaneously.

This was only the first thing.

He raised his hand and started to feel his face. The left side was bare and had no skin but he could feel his hands when he touched the right side of his face.

I should contact the game company.

They should be able to tell him about their current situation.

But they couldn't access the console, how would they contact anyone.

"[ Message ]?"

This spell was used to communicate in game.

There some restrictions in using this spell like it not being able to reach GMs, but right now there was no guarantee any spell could work.

He thought of the spell then his hand instinctively touched the side of his head and he thought of one his friends.

"Hello?" he thought in his head.

"Chief? Is that you?" a feminine voice responded.

"Yes, I'm using [Message] right now to talk to you."

"Understood. Do you have any idea as to what's happening right now?" she asked.

"No, but we need information right now which is why I ordered the guards their task."

"Hmm... We should see if the game mechanics still work. We should test out our abilities."

"I agree, we need to see if the NPCs still work like intended. It would seem they've acquired new functions."

"Understood. I'll use message on the others and tell them the plan." she responded then the link between them cutoff.

Morro then saw Parisa touch the side of her head and assumed that she was now talking to Heasia.

He turned to Cyril who was still being inspected by Mok.


"Yes my lord?"the guardian turned to him then responded.

"Chief what's going ....—huh?" Mok was trying to ask something when a voice called in his head and he put his hand to the side of his head.

Seeing this Morro continued.

"Cyril, call all the Guardians with the exception of the Northeastern Guardian and have them meet us at Greenfield in an hour."

"Understood. Allow me to repeat the order; with the exception of the Northeastern Guardian, I am to inform all the Guardians to meet at Greenfield one hour later."

"Correct. Go."


Cyril immediately departed the Balcony Room.

As he watched the retreating Cyril, Morro let out a small sigh, in a way that suggested he was thoroughly exhausted.

He turned to the remaining maids and butlers and told them to go back inside and continue their usual tasks.

After they were gone he then turned to his friends and spoke.

"So, let's go?" he asked.

"Agreed. We should proceed with the plan." answered Heasia.

"Alright, well are you guys sure about this?" asked Mok, a bit worried and warry of their current predicament.

"We need to find out what happened so this our best option at this moment." responded Parisa.

"Wh— what should we do now?" nervously asked Menvra.

Heasia then patted her head and spoke.

"Like I said, Chief wants us to see if the game mechanics still work so we're heading to Greenfield where we can freely use our abilities."

"Umu' We need to see if anything else has changed other than the NPCs behavior." Morro clarified.

"Alright then. Let's head out." said Parisa.

"Chief, we should see if Menvra's magic still works." stated Heasia.

"Alright then, Menvra could you cast a Portal from here to Greenfield?" asked Morro.

"I—ill try." the wizard answered.

Menvra then held out her hand and thought of a Portal and waited. A few seconds later a white circular portal appeared in front of them.

"I— it worked..." Menvra muttered to herself.

"Now let's go." Morro said proceeding to step through the portal followed by the others.

As soon as he stepped through the scenery changed. To be more specific they were now in a wide grassy field about 150 acres big. It was on the East side of the island next to a sheer cliff.

Near the cliff was a small stone stage that looked to be broken down.

The five of them went up the stage and looked out towards the cliff, they could see the immense height and the water crashing against the rocks.

"Let's start then." Morro stated.

"Hey look at the water." exclaimed Mok whilst pointing at the water near the cliff.

The water started circling then at the middle of the small vortex a large serpent emerged.

Its appearance resembled that of the Leviathan that they fought when they sought to finish the quest to acquire the island.

It looked at the five figures in front of it then lowered it's head then closed it's eyes.

"Levi." proclaimed Heasia.

"Indeed, she's grown since I last saw her." said Morro.

"Sh— she's so big." said Menvra while looking at the large leviathan wide eyed.

"Do you think she's also changed?" inquired Parisa.

"Let's find out."

Morro reached into his inventory, which now resembled a black hole.

After a few seconds he took out his hand from the small black hole and took out a fish about which was about a foot long.

He then toss it to the Leviathan who in turn caught it with it's large mouth.

"Whoa that's so cool~" Mok stated seeing Morro feeding the large serpent.

"Well now that's out of the way let's continue our tests."

"Agreed. Let's start of with smaller and weaker abilities then proceed with the stronger ones."

"Alright! I'm first!"

"Muscledhead wait for Morro."

"Well Chief, can I go first?"

He then started scratching his chin as though he was deep in thought.

"You and Menvra will go first, youll try to use your abilities to avoid her attacks. You're not allowed to fight back only evade and try to get to her."

"Uh— um are you sure it's safe?" said Menvra.

Then a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. If both of your abilities still work then none of your attacks would effectively harm him." explained Heasia.

"Yeah! Don't you worry about me, just go all out!"

"Al— alright then. I'll do my best." she said with a small blush.

Cute. Morro thought while looking at the blushing girl.

After almost an hour they were all able to use their abilities and magic spells. They were also able to find out that friendly fire was now on when Morro and Mok sparred.Their bodies were now very different. Their senses and physical abilities seemed much more heightened than their original ones. Being able to commit and do different actions without utilising the command console.

They were now just conversing with each other, discussing the many changes that each of them were now experiencing.

A white portal — like the one Menvra created— appeared a few meters behind the group.

A man who was about a hundred ninety centimeters wearing a coolie hat, wearing a classic samurai armor  known as a gusoku — without the helmet — which was colored green with gold decorations. His face was that of a experienced old veteran. In his right hand was his weapon, a naginata. It's handle colored black and it's blade had a few runes. The overall length was two hundred and fifty three centimeters or more than eight feet tall.

"It would seem I am the first to arrive." stated the newly arrived figure.

" Oi! Bokuden, you made it!" exclaimed Mok.

The figure now known as Bokuden got close to the five players and bowed deeply.

"I came immediately, after ensuring that the Southeastern Fort was secured."

"So everything is fine then?"

"Yes my lord. There were no intruders or unidentified creatures in my assigned area."

"I see, thank you for your hard work." stated Morro.

"It was nothing Lord Morro. To serve you and the other Great Lords are my greatest pleasure." he responded

"The others have arrived." stated Heasia.

Everyone looked at the direction Heasia was looking and saw three figures. The one in front was Cyril, while a woman and a man followed behind him like lackeys. Once he got close enough, Cyril smiled towards the players and bowed deeply.

Both the man and the woman bowed and simultaneously said, " Forgive us for keeping everyone waiting."

The female was one hundred and seventy five centimeters tall, and her long blonde hair was flowing in the wind. Her facial features looked to be Caucasian, and her skin was white and smooth, and long pointy ears that belonged to an elf. Her eyes were light blue. She wore a long blue dress underneath light looking silver armor. A pair of black boots on her feet.

The male was dressed in a red Western suit, with a red matching tie. His face looked like a well groomed middle aged man with a small beard. He's skin was lightly tanned while his hair was black and his eyes were brown. He wore black gloves and gave off an impression of a business man.

" It's seems everyone is here."

" —Lord Morro, there is one more person who has not yet arrived,"

said a rough voice that came from the red business suit wearing man.

"No, that Guardian has been sent on a ship to see the surrounding waters and look for any anomaly that may appear."

"I see."

"...My allies have not yet arrived." stated Bokuden.

"Those two fellows are only minor guardians in the area that you are in charge of." stated the blonde elf.

"Oh, Aiden and Elvy right!?" inquired


"It would be good to inform the various minor guardians." stated Heasia.

"Alright then, well leave that to the various Guardians." replied Morro.

Guardians, like the ones in front of the players were in charge of large areas of the island. Minor Guardians were in charge of smaller portions within the Guardians domains.

After the various Guardians showed that they understood Morro's orders, Cyril commanded:

"Then, everyone, let us pledge our loyalty to the Great Lords."

All the Guardians nodded as one then lined up before the players. Cyril stood at the front and all the other Guardians lined behind in a V shape. They all had solemn, and respectful expressions. They showed no signs of fooling around.

Bokuden who was at one end of the line stepped forward:

"Bokuden Tsukahara, Guardian of the Southeast, presents himself to the Masters."

He went to one knee, one hand pressed against her chest, and bowed deeply. After that the red suitted man stepped forward.

"Malthus, Guardian of the Northwest, presents himself to the Masters."

Just like Bokuden he knelt before the players like a vassal. Then it was the blonde elf's turn.

"Guardian of the Southwest, Adira Curant, presents herself to the Masters."

She knelt just like the others before and lowered her head.

" The Head Guardian Cyril presents himself to the Masters."

He smiled and knelt like the rest. He continued with his high and clear voice as she delivered her report to the players.

"With the exception of the Northeastern Guardian Araysh, all Guardians are gathered before all of you. This do we offer our outmost loyalty to our Masters."

Morro could not speak. He looked at the four kneeling figures, a clear silince falling over everyone.

With the slightest movement, he glanced at the other players then saw Mok about to speak. Surely someone as expressive as him should be able to say something appropriate.

"Oh~ I see."

'YOUR TOO RELAXED!' Morro thought after hearing his friends response.

He was in contemplation, trying to find the words to speak then a voice broke him out of his trance.

"We should proceed. Morro."

It was Heasia. He looked at Morro then motioned for him to continue the process.

Seeing this he immediately cleared his head and cleared his throat.

" Ahem' Thank you all of you for your show devotion towards us."

The visible tension in the air was removed and the tensed shoulders of the Guardians lowered slightly.

"Now to proceed with the matter at hand....

With those words the air once more became heavier. It was clear that there was a major problem if all the Guardians were summoned at the same time.

"We believe that the Island of Thule is caught in a unknown situation."

Just as he finished speaking those words another portal appeared next the other kneeling Guardians.

What stepped out was a figure covered in shadows. He wore a closed white trench coat which was engulfed in  black shadows coming off the figure like smoke. He wore black pants and dark boots that were covered in shadows like his coat. Two white lights shined brightly from where his eyes should have been and his entire head was nothing but a shadow that was coming off like smoke.

The figure looked at the genuflecting Guardians before the players and went to one knee as well.

"Lord Morro, forgive my lateness."

"It is fine Araysh. Then your report on the surrounding conditions."

Araysh raised his then looked at the Guardians kneeling beside him.

"...The situation is critical, the Guardians need to know as well."

"Yes. The terrain under water and the flow of the current surrounding us for a kilometer in each direction are different. There are no signs of man-made structures. We spotted some small animals , but there no humanoid or large creatures."

" New monsters for us to fight?" the large tan skinned man asked.

"No, Lord Mok. They were creatures with no such combat power."

"Eh~." the man expressed.

"Hey, what about the water? We're they poisonous in which would burn you if you touch them?" asked the blonde woman.

"No, Lady Parisa. It was simple sea water. There was nothing special about them."

"Wh— what about sky castles and other kinds of buildings?" asked the brown haired girl.

"There were none Lady Menvra. There were no signs of man made illumination in the sky or on the land."

"I see, so there was only a starry sky....Thank you for your hard work, Araysh."

As Morro praised Araysh for his efforts, he was somewhat disappointed, since there was no information on how they got into this situation.

However, he was slowly realizing that they were no longer in the game world of YYGDRASIL —if the difference in terrain and the no longer visible structures in the sky were to go on. Although he did not know why they could use YYGDRASIL's equipment and spells.

He didn't know why they were here, but it would be wise to increase Dalinda's combat readiness just in case. For all they knew this could be someone else's territory and they could be trespassing without permission. No they would be lucky if that was all that had happened.

"Guardians increase the security in each area. We don't know what happened so act with caution. If you encounter any intruder, don't kill them, capture them at all costs. When you capture them do as little harm to them as possible. I apologise for imposing such a demand."

After they voiced their acknowledgement of the order, Morro continued.

"Next do we have any reliable way to concile the island. Any normal spells might not work on the entirety of the island."

The guardians looked at each other then Cyril spoke up.

"Using magic might be tricky, but perhaps we could activate the fog that would usually surround Thule."

"Very well. Pick among you who will be the one in charge of concealing the island." stated Morro.

"Yes my lord."

"Then you are dismissed for today. Everyone take a break before beginning your duties. There are many things we do not know, so don't push yourselves too hard."

The Guardians nodded as one to show that they understood.

"Finally, I have a question for you all. To begin with, Adira — what kind of people are we to you?"

"The incranations of beauty. Truly the most beautiful ones in the world who are very merciful."

Adira did not hesitate or pause to think when she answered implying that she spoke from the heart.

"— Bokuden."

"Ones who are mightier than all the Guardians and deserving of the title 'Great Lords of Thule.'"

"— Malthus."

"Wise beings who make decisions and act on them quickly. Truly ones who fit the word 'inscrutinable.'"

"— Araysh."

"The ones responsible for the current glory of Dalinda and the island of Thule. In addition, gentle and ones who did not abandon us and have stayed with us."

"And finally Cyril."

"The ones who rule over Thule, our highest and most exalted masters. In addition the ones we will serve until the very end."

"....I see. We've heard and understand your opinions. Then we shall let you perform your tasks. Menvra"


Then a Portal appeared next to them.

The five of them entered it in single file and left the Guardians were they knelt.

As soon as they stepped out of the portal the scene changed into a room in Newcastle.

"Haahh....I'm exhausted." although his undead side negated any form of physical fatigue and exhaustion, his mind still bore the problem.

He then sat down in one of the chairs near the long white table.

"...Those guys...why do they think so highly of us?!" asked Mok.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the program that we had put in them when we created them. Their behavior seems to fit those characteristics that we put in to their lore as well." answered Heasia sitting down on the couch —near the wall, right next to Menvra.

"Th— they're scary." said the shy and nervous Menvra.

"I agree. That said we should continue to see if we can find any other clues as to what happened." replied Parisa.

"Umu' let's see.... How about Mirror of Remote Viewing?" asked Morro.

"Alright then. How about you three?"

"I'm gonna check my weapons." answered Mok reaching into his inventory taking out a weapon.

"I'm feeling hungry, I'll just sit here with Menvra and eat." answered Heasia reaching into her inventory and taking out some snacks.

"I— I'll sit here with Heasia." answered Menvra reaching in for some snacks from Heasia's hand.

"Okay then. Morro turn the mirror on." she stated signalling Morro to begin.

"Yosh' let's see what we have here." he replied while activating the mirror.