
ADVENTURERS: Ruby Ring of the Highest Form

In one of the Northern Villages of the Meadow Kingdom, the little girl, Lithea had lived her best life with her parents and her closest friend, Hugo. With her cheerful personality, her laughs and giggles bring joy to the household. But one fateful night, after the birth of her younger sister, Mia, the happy family was visited by a monstrous beast. To protect them, their parents faced the giant wolf and fought them to buy time for the children to escape. With the baby in her arms, Lithea seeks help and shelter from Hugo's family, the Marbles. But not long after the tragic night, a high priest, Chi, showed up on their doorsteps and took the girls under the care of the Sun Temple, a counterpart of the Sol Temple where Chi occupies the highest position. The changes in her life affected her greatly, once a cheerful child barely showed emotion in her dark cold eyes. She vowed to herself to avenge her parents and to seek the root of all the killings in the northern region and eliminate it. Will she be able to control her feelings in battle? Will she be able to avenge her parents, or would it inflict more pain in her as she begins her journey? Warning!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK This book may contain triggering contents such as BLOOD, TRAUMATIC EVENTS, VIOLENCE, AND MURDER.

aeira_san · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 42: Inside The Manor

The sparkling stars and big bright moon, painted still in the dark canvas within the purple sky. The sunrise will come in a few moments and Lance's team is still fast asleep in their bed, clearly tired from the sleepless mission they just did. But they must wake up, they still have another mission to complete.

"Hey, come on out," Lance knocked outside Thenea's room. Luckily, the mage immediately moved and did a little stretch before heading to the door to open it.

"I'm up," she yawned.

Lance wanted to laugh at how she looks like but decided to keep it to himself, he doesn't want to get murdered first thing in the morning.

Next he woke up was Serene, but no matter how hard he knocks, she just won't budge. He could clearly hear her tossing on her bed, groaning.

'How bothersome.'

Thenea who had completely changed into her usual clothes, and combed her hair playfully pushed Lance out of the way, "let me go wake her up."

"Uh, okay."

The commander moved and leaned on the wall, waiting for them. As curious as he is, he did not take a peek at how she woke up the moody and whiny lasso user. He also doesn't want to commit a crime, they might mistake him as a voyeur. And that would be the worst accusation he'll ever get.

But the commotion inside the room itched his nosy personality; Serene's yelling, groaning, and a loud thump almost made him open the door until Thenea showed up with a huge grin, holding the redhead's wrist tightly.

Serene also got out looking decent, ready for the mission. Other than her face.

Lance gulped, now he doesn't want to know what happened. And whatever it is, he's decided to pretend he did not hear anything.

"Are we all ready?" he asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, let's go!" Thenea enthusiastically shouted.

"Can't we eat first?" Serene groaned.

"We can eat while traveling."

They all headed downstairs, slowly conditioning their mentality for the mission they are about to head to. But to their surprise, the head maid of the manor was waiting for them with the butler at the side.

"We were told to pack some food for your travels," she said, "and that you should fill your stomachs first before departing."

Serene drooled hearing about food.

"That's so nice of you guys," her eyes twinkled.

"All right, but let's hurry. We must not dawdle."

The two girls glanced at Lance and shrugged, they planned on eating until they're full. They know that even though they will bring some food with them, knowing how focused Lance will be, they might not be able to eat properly while traveling.

When the three entered the dining area, their eyes almost popped out in surprise. They knew breakfast was served, but they did not expect such an extravagant one would be served. Not especially at such an early time.

They are very thankful.

They were served different kinds of sandwiches, eggs, croissants, some toasts sprinkled with cinnamon, oats with milk and fruits on top, bacon, and some waffles with cream cheese. There is also hot cocoa and orange juice to wash down everything.

"I am ready to dig in," Serene said, rubbing her stomach at the sight of a golden meal.

"Let's eat!!" Thenea yelled.

They happily took their seats and started taking food on their plate. But one person who is not part of the Northern Forest mission woke up at the smell of food that snuck in his room.

Sniff, sniff.


Sniff, sniff.


Sniff, sniff.


Sniff, sniff.


Viv jumped down from his bed and rushed downstairs, slamming his door behind.

Those who are doing work, cleaning the second floor hallways flinched at the sound. For years they have been working within the manor, meeting all sorts of soldiers and adventurers, they have never met someone as undignified as him. Not to mention his teammates who never reprimand him and overlook his behaviour.

"What was that all about?" one of the maids had one of her hands on her chest.

"The crazy one," the other rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, can't do anything about that kid?"

As they were talking about Viv's disorderly, they did not notice another one of them had gotten out of their rooms.

"I think it is best to keep quiet especially around naturally stealthy adventurers, yeah?"

The two of them froze and slowly looked up to meet the unmoving gaze of Verin who had clearly just woken up.

"I–we," they stutter.

"You might not like how he acts but you know nothing about him, so keep your lips tight."

The tall adventurer walked past them followed by someone much taller than him with long sleek silver hair; still yawning as he tried to put on his helmet to cover his face.

"What a scary bunch," the first maid uttered under her breath.

The door for the dining area burst open and Viv found the source of the wonderful scent of a stomach filling feast that snuck into his room just a moment ago.


He ran towards the vacant seat but Thenea quickly tapped her staff and unleashed a soft spell for Viv to stay still.


He knew exactly what's going on, he was so excited thinking about food that he forgot to wash his hands again. And now that Thenea caught him, he's in big trouble.


"Are we not through this last night, Viv?" Thenea tilted her head.

Viv struggled to nod and she broke him free to let him wash his hands.

"He must have smelled all of this from his room," she snorted.

"Is that how strong his sense of smell is?" Serene asked while taking a bite on her waffles.

"No," Thenea started spreading some honey on her waffles, "just for food."

"What exactly happened to him?"

Not to be tactless but, she genuinely wanted to know to understand him more. Yet, the others seem to have misunderstood her intention. Or did they?

"I will share his story someday," she glanced at Viv who just finished washing his hand. He sat next to Serene.

The redhead only nodded and continued her breakfast in silence.

"I see you're still here," Verin said.

The two swordsmen joined the others.

"Good morning," Thenea greeted.

"Pleasant morning," Hugo replied.

When everyone was seated, they couldn't help but think of Lithea who couldn't join them.

"Has she not woken up?" Lance drank from his hot cocoa.

Verin shook his head, "she's still fast asleep."

"Sese," Viv tapped Serene's chair to get her attention. Unfortunately, she did not recognize the nickname and continued listening to the others talking about Lithea.

"Sese!" this time, he pushed her chair.


"He's been calling you," Thenea calmly informed her.

"I didn't know I was that Sese," she raised an eyebrow.

"Mission, Lia?" he asked.

A bunch of question marks danced inside her mind, 'what?'

"He wants to know if you're in their group with Lithea," Thenea translated.

"How did–," she shut her eyes for a moment and opened them again, "no."

Serene faced Viv, "I'm with Thenea and Lance."

Viv's mouth formed an O shape, "oh."

"Do you want Serene to join your team, Viv?" Thenea asked in which he immediately answered by aggressively nodding.

She chuckled, "unfortunately, she's with us. The team has already been formed."

Viv pouted and nodded softly, continuing his feast.

The others who are watching the two conversing let out a gentle smile and thought Viv is cute when calm.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," the butler stepped and whispered to Lance, "it is about time to depart, sir."

"Ah," Lance wiped his mouth, "right. Thank you."

The butler slowly backed away to let them be.

"It's time to go guys," he clapped his hands after gently folding his napkin and placing it beside his plate.

"Oh," Serene gulped down her orange juice and stood, "let's go."

Thenea followed them and stretched her arms, "laters guys!"

With Team Lance out of the manor, the others continued waiting for Lithea to wake up. After their satisfying breakfast, they again entered the priestess' room to check on her.

But it was the same to when they left her the night before, sleeping soundly. Although, they noticed how her position changed once again.

"Hmm," Viv kept puffing his cheeks while tilting his head from left to right to right to left, not taking his eyes off on Lithea.

"What is it?" Hugo asked.

"Lia awake," he stares seriously at her.

"What do you mean?" he asked again, "did you notice her position changes, too?"

Verin's ears perked with what the other guy said and whipped his head towards Hugo, "you noticed it too?"

"Since last night," he confessed.

"Why did you not inform us, nor the others?"

"Shouldn't I ask you that as well? Also, I was not sure if I am only overthinking things or not."

Verin nodded, "but her position is now very different from last night. Her hands weren't on top of her, now it is."

"Glad I'm not seeing things," Hugo said and sighs as he sat on the chair by the bed.

"I'll go do some training while thinking of what could possibly be the meaning of it if she hasn't woken up."

It was only Viv and Hugo who were left inside the room, with Verin leaving to do his daily training, it was up to them to figure it out together. But knowing Viv's short attention span on trivial matters, Hugo could only sigh.

It was bright and warm, and the faint sound of familiar voices kept ringing in her ear. It was hard to understand, she couldn't see what was at the end of the bright room she's kept in.

"I have been walking in this room for I don't know how long it's been, I still can't find a single person."

Lithea continued walking, although the ground seemed to be polished and hard, it wasn't cold. It was instead warm, it was just right. Strangely enough, it doesn't frighten her. It gives her a sense of relief, like a sanctuary.

"I can hear their voices but why can't I find them?"

She knew it was her team's voices that she's been hearing. As soon as she regained consciousness, all she could see was the bright white infinity walls in front of her. But no matter how fast she ran, and how far she walked, she never bumps into something.

"Strange, why am I alone here?"

After she speaks, thousands of floating white orbs come together and form a glowing person, but the face can't be seen. And from its form and voice, the one before her is a female.

"Lithea," this unknown being has a soft but mature voice, it sounds refreshing yet has the sense of authority. And with just one word, by saying her name only, the whole room seemed to be enveloped by her presence.

"You possessed the power that could lead others to victory," Lithea remained motionless but deep inside her, she's filled with questions, "a power to stop time requires a huge amount of mana."

'How did she know about this ability of mine?'

"But if this can't be controlled properly, it will cost you your life."

"Who are you?" is all she could get out from hundreds of questions wriggling in her mind.

"You will meet me soon," she did not know how but she somehow thought this person smiled at her, "do not rush your powers and connect with it."


"Yes, and you will have freedom over it."


"Our powers came from the elemental guardians," she started the tale, "once the new guardians are born, the older ones would return to earth and release a great source of energy."

Lithea tried to puzzle everything she was saying.

"Those energies that came from the dead elemental guardians would meet and form different kinds of abilities," the lady released an hourglass shape from her glowing form and it popped on Lithea's forehead, "and time manipulation is the combination of the four guardians' energy."

"Four," she repeated.

"Yes, and although their deaths happened hundreds of years ago, or a whole millennium from the moment you were born, if the ability has not found a person they would entrust themselves with, they will continue to invisibly float around the world in an attempt to find a suitable host."

"And that is me?"

The lady did not say anything and tapped her forehead. This time, she felt something hard from where she tapped her fingers and touched it.

"What is this?"

"That will help you control your powers," she floated higher and was slowly fading, "remember everything I said, Lithea."

When the lady disappeared, Lithea collapsed inside the unknown bright room. And when came to her senses, the room changed. It's not white nor bright, it looks like a room fitted for a noble.

'Where am I?'

She slowly pushed her body up to sit, oddly, her body did not feel light like how they were back inside the bright room. It felt stiff.

She groaned.

Viv dropped the cookie he's been munching on and pointed at Lithea, his mouth fell open.


Hugo, hearing this, looked at the person on the bed and he was right, Lithea had indeed woken up.


Hugo's thunderous voice caused the newly awoken priestess a headache.

She groaned in pain, holding her head.

"What's going on?"

Her voice was grungy and weak. She barely recognizes her own sound, she sounded like she hadn't spoken enough and had only woken up after a deep slumber.

"LIA!" Viv frantically runs around the room not knowing what to do, he wants to tell Thenea about her but she's away for a mission.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Hugo tried to calm him down but failed.

Lithea chuckled weakly and gestured for Viv to come to her in which he did.

Hugo was surprised.

"Hello," she greeted him, but Viv wore a worried expression they all haven't seen before. Then he handed her cookies his hands could fit.

"Eat," her situation reminded him of the times he couldn't eat.

"Yeah you should probably eat for now," Hugo stood and walked to the door, "I'll have them fix you porridge."

Viv tilted his head and raised his hand to show Hugo that he's going to feed her.

Hugo sighed, "no, she shouldn't eat that right now."

Lithea smiled at Viv, "I'll eat it after."

Viv let out a small sound of happiness and ran back to his chair and returned the cookies he got in his cookie jar. He returned to munching his cookies when Hugo returned to tell him something.

"Viv, can you go tell Verin that she's woken up?"

The assassin immediately stood and gently set aside his cookie jar before he enthusiastically ran to where Verin's room was.

Verin was on his way to his quarters, he just finished three sets of his daily routine to distract his mind and maintain focus on the problem that was in front of them: Lithea and their mission. If she remains asleep until sundown, they will have to handle it without her. This was the reason why Lady Edrei chose them to have Lithea on the mission with them.

She knew that the possibility of her waking up on time is impossible, and if they immediately let her go on a mission without at least a rest after waking up and warming up her body, it could get dangerous for her. It was a well thought idea, although leaving her alone in an unknown village, despite having a double protection seal, it could still be dangerous for her. Especially at how her position changes whenever they leave the room.

He sighed as he entered his room's bathroom to take a warm bath and wash off the dirt stuck on his body while training. Verin was visibly irritated at how flashy the bathroom looked, "whatever this thing's made of could feed a whole village's children."

Turning on the faucet by the big tub, he raised an eyebrow, "how much patience must one have to fill this thing up?"

He sized up the gigantic tub that's taking long to have a decent amount for him to bathe.

"It's really huge."

He looked around to see what else he could use for his bath, he wanted a soap to clean his body properly.


Verin let out a long and low sigh, whatever was on the shelf had left him all confused. There were all sorts of bottles and jars with all sorts of color and unknown substances with different textures.

"What the hell are these things?"

He picked up one of the jars and read the label, 'peppermint.'

He put the jar back and moved closer, reading each label that was stuck on the glasses, 'Jasmine and Honey.'

"Are they food?"

He opened one and smelled, "this smells sweet. Am I supposed to eat this while taking a bath?"

'Pink, Rose, Ocean and Mint, Bubbles,' he continued reading them in silence, his nose almost kissing the shelf.

He moved down and continued what he was doing, 'Medicinal Herb'

"Oh, I might need something for sore muscles."

He picked up all of them to read, "green level physical mixture, orange level physical mixture, red level physical mixture."

He blinked.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know what kind of level I should use?!"

Due to his curiosity, he did not realize the tub was already overflowing until the water reached his feet.

"Oh shit!"

He turned off the faucet and went back to looking for some kind of soap, he kept sighing as it was becoming harder for him to find the soap. Upon reaching the bottom of the shelf, he still hadn't found the soap and went back to the top shelf, "I guess I'll just have to use this one."

Verin lazily took the jar with bubbles on the label thinking it is soap as they produce bubbles.

He then poured everything in the tub at once and mixed it for a moment, little did he know just a little of it will do and the bathtub was overflowing with bubbles, the water was dripping on the floor.

Verin proceeded to take off his clothes and dipped himself down the tub. The bubbles touching and tickling his body caused him to relax, "this is what I'm talking about."

But when he looked around and the bubbles got all over, his sweat dropped.

"I guess I'll have to clean up later."

As he was deep in his bathing session, while scrubbing his arm, a bubble flew in the air and later, he found himself popping them nonstop, laughing alone. Enjoying small things like back when he was a child.

He was still popping the bubbles when the bathroom door suddenly opened and came in Viv who was running. But because of the bubbles and water on the floor, he slipped.

Verin's eyes popped, flustered at his sudden entrance, "o-oi!"

Viv was still on the floor, unable to express himself, but his mind kept reminding him of what Hugo asked him to do, "uh."


The little guy flinched, "Room. Lia."

"What?" Verin can't think straight, he's still both surprised and embarrassed.

"Lia. Awake!"

Viv tried to stand by holding on the shelf that was near him. But since it wasn't mounted on the wall, as he put force in grabbing it, the shelf was pulled down and everything got on the floor; from glass shreds to bathroom essentials. Everything was scattered.

"Ah," Viv did not know what happened, meanwhile, Verin's face is so red, it looks like he's about to explode.


Question marks popped on Viv's head, "eh?"