
ADVENTURERS: Ruby Ring of the Highest Form

In one of the Northern Villages of the Meadow Kingdom, the little girl, Lithea had lived her best life with her parents and her closest friend, Hugo. With her cheerful personality, her laughs and giggles bring joy to the household. But one fateful night, after the birth of her younger sister, Mia, the happy family was visited by a monstrous beast. To protect them, their parents faced the giant wolf and fought them to buy time for the children to escape. With the baby in her arms, Lithea seeks help and shelter from Hugo's family, the Marbles. But not long after the tragic night, a high priest, Chi, showed up on their doorsteps and took the girls under the care of the Sun Temple, a counterpart of the Sol Temple where Chi occupies the highest position. The changes in her life affected her greatly, once a cheerful child barely showed emotion in her dark cold eyes. She vowed to herself to avenge her parents and to seek the root of all the killings in the northern region and eliminate it. Will she be able to control her feelings in battle? Will she be able to avenge her parents, or would it inflict more pain in her as she begins her journey? Warning!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK This book may contain triggering contents such as BLOOD, TRAUMATIC EVENTS, VIOLENCE, AND MURDER.

aeira_san · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 25: We Did Not Come To Play

The group finally arrived at the village and is on a mission to search for an in to settle in before they set out once again and face their first mission. All of them are both anxious yet excited. Anxious whether they are compatible in battle formation and could boost their teamwork but, will they?

"Let me go search for an inn to stay, please don't stroll too far." Lance said to the team before leaving, flapping his half cape behind him.

"Can we not eat?" Serene slumps on Thenea, she giggled.

"Let's go."

Serene jerked and threw her hands up in the sky, "finally, we'll be able to fill our empty stomachs!"

"Come on, everyone. Let us go have our breakfast while we wait for Lance."

Everyone decided to follow the light mage except Lithea who just stood near the wagon. She watched them walk further when Verin looked back at her with furrowed brow.

"Is something the matter?" Verin walked back to Lithea and asked after he noticed how she did not follow them.

She shook her head, "everything is fine."

"Are you sure? You have not moved an inch."

"Ah," she stood straight, "I was waiting for Lance."


"Yes," she smiled, "he too does not have anything to eat this morning. I will follow right after he arrives."

Verin felt ashamed, he was his friend. And although he had plans on buying food for him after, Lithea's act of kindness made him feel like he betrayed his friend over breakfast.

"Go with them, I will wait for him here."

Lithea tilted her head.

"Go on," he chuckled softly as he gently gave Lithea a push to go after the others.

"What about you?"

He shrugged, "I have been an adventurer longer than you. I am used to eating later than usual."

"Are you certain you do not want me to wait with you?"

He nodded, "I am certain."

"Alright," she took a step back before catching up with the others, "I'll bring something for the two of you."

Verin smiled, "please, don't stress yourself."

Lithea gave him a soft smile before she ran up to the girls and Viv, and walked right behind them.

Serene noticed a new presence and glanced behind her to see it was Lithea, "Lily!"

She jumped in front of her and wrapped her arm around her neck, "let's go eat together!"

Lithea blinked fast, "un."

Thenea spotted a pastry shop not far from where they stood and pointed, "There!"

Everyone turned to where she pointed and saw a light pink painted wood with beige writings engraved on it which says 'delight'.

"Sweets?" Serene asked.

"They still have bread," she smiled, showing her teeth, "I bet they serve hot cocoa too!"

Thenea blinked before fluttering her lashes to the ladies before her. Viv just watched her do her thing. He is used to her acting this way with the years he lived under her grandmother's roof.

"What are you doing?" Serene asked, disgust painted on her face. What female bats her eyes on another female? This is the first time she's experienced this kind of behavior and she doesn't know how to react.

"You want to eat there?" Lithea spoke in her usual quiet voice.

Thenea's eyes sparkled, Viv unwittingly joined in as his ears perked up and eyes dilated in excitement; they both nodded.

Lithea only gave a soft nod, the two before her reminded her of the things Mia used to do in order to grant her wants, may it be visiting the garden or teaching her things their parents used to instill in her that Mia is still yet to learn.

'I hope she's doing well.'

"Will you be alright?" Serene asked the priestess when they started walking towards the shop.

"Hmm?" she hummed as a response, not knowing what she was pertaining to.

"I heard priestesses eat balanced and nutritious food in the temple to condition your bodies," she started, eyeing Lithea from head to toe, "and from what I see, I guess you do."

The newbie nodded to Serene.

"It will be fine, I can choose something other than sweets."

"I suppose you can."

The group proceeded to the pastry shop and had their first meal of the day. Serene was famished; she deliberately bought more than she could take.

There seems to be not enough space for the four-seater table; a variety of sweets occupied the rectangular bleached wooden table with a lace tablecloth.

"Although I am surprised at how beautiful the interior of the shop," Thenea focused her gaze on the mouth watering pastries presented in front of them, "it is overtaken with the astonishment I have with how beautifully made the food before us."

"Never mind the structure," Serene snapped her fingers in front of Thenea's face, "admire these exquisite art that is waiting to be eaten by our hungry bellies."

Those present in the shop heard what the redhead said and laughed.

"Silly, goose," the lady wearing an apron over her lilac dress, the owner, said, who is behind the counter tending to her chores, "let me give you something."

"What?" Serene reacted.

"You're amusing, dear."

"Oh," Serene clasped her hands together, "it would be rude to refuse."

The owner again let out a chuckle, "yes, it would be."

A set of freshly baked cookies appeared in front of the ruby adventurers.

"Thank you, madame."

"Now, all of you," she smiled, "have your fill."

At the same time, Lance returned to the wagon where Verin was waiting for him.

"Hey," he called for his friend's attention.

Verin was lying inside the wagon chewing on gum. When Lance arrived, he sat up.

"Where are the others?"

"They have not returned, they must have had a feast."

Lance tried to scan the area in search of them without moving his feet, "where could they be?"

Verin jumped down from the wagon and stretched, "come, they went this way."

"It took me some time to scout for a suitable inn and they still are fooling around."

"Cut them some slack," Verin slapped his back, "you said today is about rest."

"Still, we need to stick together."

"Don't be such a bummer," Verin kept scanning the area as they walked, "that is why you and Serene never got along."

"That stupid old woman."

Verin turned to face his friend and gave him a disapproving look, "really?"

"Right, she's only a year older than you."

"And two years older than you, boy."

Lance clicked his tongue, "do not call me that."

Verin only shrugged.


A high-pitch laugh cackled through the streets, "THAT'S SO FUNNY."

Lance's brow twitched, 'this voice.'

Verin tried to peek through a pastry shop's window if he could catch a glimpse of anyone from their team, low and behold, all of them were inside. But the sight that greeted him is not something he expected in broad daylight.

"They are here."

Lance, in rage, stepped inside the shop to find Serene doing skits, entertaining everyone present.

The owner seemed to have engrossed herself with Serene's words and actions as she did not hear the bell rang by the door when the two gentlemen entered the room.

Without a word, Lance took his bow and arrow, summoning his mana and coating the sharp blade.

"Uh—" Verin sweats.

Lance squinted his eyes and released the string.

A strong sharp wind passed inside the shop causing everyone to stop. But the rubies knew too well it wasn't the wind.

Serene's braids snapped, her long silky waves glided on the air as she gasped with the sudden attack.

"You—" she snapped her head towards Lance who's enveloped with fiery rage.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" the owner yelled.

Lance did not acknowledge the owner's presence, he never took his eyes off of Serene.

"Make haste!" he roared.

Everyone in the shop was surprised and intrigued by the man who suddenly appeared, causing trouble in the shop.

Serene knew what she did was unacceptable based on his actions, and with Verin just standing by his side, she braced herself to get an earful from her commander.

"I'm sorry," Serene held the owner's hand, "I will compensate for the damage."

"Let's go, Viv." Thenea held his hand and followed Lithea who was the first one to walk ahead.

Viv was too stunned, the cookies he had in his hands fell from surprise. As he was being dragged by her, he could only watch the cookies crack as it fell on the hard floor.

He silently whimpered.

Lithea knew it is not proper to cause a disturbance just to discipline a member but everyone has their own style, and she knew Lance has been keeping it neutral towards Serene. But now, with Serene only thinking of her own joy and not thinking of the job we have up ahead, and how Lance has been doing all the work since they departed, she understood why he acted as such.

'I've done it this time,' Serene thought, 'again.'

She walked with her head down behind Lance who is obviously still mad to all of them.

"Prepare yourself," Verin whispered to her before walking past her.

She sighed.

"What are you doing? Get out!" a young lady with scarlet hair screamed at a red haired girl who's the same age as her.


"I said get out!" the ginger haired started getting hysterical, "You always ruin things for me!"

"I do not mean to cause you any harm," tears fell from her eyes.

The ginger grabbed the redhead's arm and shoved her inside the wardrobe, "don't come out until the event is over!"


"Stop it! Stay here!"

A hand gently settled on the redhead's shoulder, she flinched and looked at who's the owner of the hand. She was ready to receive a slap but she was met by a gentle and warm smile.


"It will be alright," her soft quiet voice soothed Serene's troubled mind.

She placed a hand on top of the priestess', "thank you."

The group walked back to the wagon in silence, and when they arrived, Lance faced Serene.

"Come with me."

She gulped.

His voice isn't as tender as it usually is. It scared her. That deep, sharp yet cold tone he used to her, this is the first time. It is the first time after all those years, to hear such a traumatizing sound.

She trembled but Lance ignored what he saw.

"Make sure to stay behind me."

She can only nod.

Lance brought her to an empty alleyway. As he knew this seems to be inappropriate, a man and woman alone in an empty alleyway could create such intolerable rumours if one would see them. But since they are away from the capital, from the dorm, this is the only way for him to speak with her privately and deal with what happened back in the shop.

"Um," she tried to speak when he stopped his feet.

But when he turned to face her with a cold gaze, she shivered and diverted her eyes.

"What was that back there?"

She gulped, avoiding his eyes, "I was just trying to entertain them."

"Is that your job?"

She shook his head.

"You went out for breakfast, not to be a clown."

She closed her eyes tight.

"Look at me."

She cower.

"Look at me!"

His stern voice made her open them and forced herself to look into his eyes.


"Did you think your actions will not reflect on the capital and the guild?"

She once again lowered her head, "no."

"Then," he touched her chin with his finger and gently raised her face to catch her eyes, "why did you make a fool of yourself?"

She blinked.

"Tell me."

"You fucking liar!" a voice rang inside her head.

Her pupils shrank, "no!"

Lance dropped his hand, "What?"

Serene dropped on her knees and covered her ears, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey," panic arises in Lance's chest.

"Please, don't. Stop it."


Lance tried to tap her shoulder but when he's about to do it, she raised her head to meet his. Tears running down her cheeks like a river, pain is evident in her eyes.

'What the hell?'

"I'm sorry, mommy, daddy."


Serene held his hand and placed it on her cheek, "I'm sorry, daddy."

She suddenly felt tired.

The redhead closed her eyes and fell, fortunately, Lance was quick to catch her body.

"What the hell happened to you?"