
Exploring the Unown ruins.

Ahriman found himself falling in a small tunnel, trying to use his powers he found he couldn't concentrate enough to slow himself. He could move himself around using the walls to push against but was unable to stop. After 10 - 15 seconds of falling, he felt the tunnel curved and started sliding on his back. After another 10 seconds he found the tunnel end and landed on a bed of soft sand. Pulling out his Pokegear and using the light from the screen to illuminate the room. He saw along the walls different symbols and in front him he saw statues of what looked like ancient pokemon. His Omnidex gave a run down of the ancient pokemon as he came across them. there were statues of Aerodactyl, Omanyte, Kabuto and all of their evolutions. There were other non-native pokemon found among the statues but none of any importance. Whilst he was walking around he could hear a faint noise that almost sounded like singing. It was always at a constant distance from him and using all of his senses he couldn't find the source of the noise. Calling out didn't help as this stopped the singing for a moment before coming back. Resigning to not finding out, Ahriman powered on to find any exit or signs of disturbances in the dust or foreign elements brought into this place. He called out his pokemon as 3 heads were better than one and he felt safer with them by his side. As soon as they were called out, both Natu and Alakazam both started looking around in amazement and curiosity, they both felt the well spring of psychic energy in this place and the singing both enraptured them and worried them at the same time. It was as if an angel was singing a calming melody but the lyrics only portrayed doom and despair. They both started looking in directions together and wandered in that direction. Not understanding whats going on, i followed close by least i get lost in this place.

After walking for a while, another tunnel was found and both the pokemon and i walked through and saw it opened up to a large chamber with no pillars or inscriptions along the wall. as we walked into the centre, we saw dark lines drawn onto the floor. With the assistance of my pokemon, i was able to suspend myself in the air and used the Pokegear to provide light. What i saw was strange to say the least, it was similar to what lined the wall but with no reference i had no idea what it meant. taking a few pictures so if i ever get out of here and seek anyone with any knowledge. The music had also died down when we entered the room and but the psychic energy was still present. All three of us sat near each other and started to channel the energy in the air and funneled the energy towards Alakazam. Whilst this was going on, a purple glow started to emanating from us and illuminated the room. With this i was able to see multiple symbols on the walls that previously had not been present. Chalking this up as the darkness concealing this, we carried on gathering the energy, but all 3 of us was periodically looking around with the feeling that we were being watch. just as Alakazam eyes started flaring up with psychic energy we knew it was now or never,

Ahriman: "Alakazam, use teleport and get us as close to Violet city as possible and get us out of here!" Just as Alakazam was about to finish the teleport, i noticed the symbols along the wall all shifted and the central eye was looking in our direction. They didn't move, just focused their attention directly on us and before i knew it, we found ourselves in a patch of grass near the entry to Violet city in route 31. This was the first time that i noticed we were all breathing heavily and sweat covered our face and body, well Alakazam and i, Natu's feathers were rustled and his wings were spread out trying to cool himself down in the breeze. We spent a few minutes recovering before getting up and heading into Violet city and head to room in the Pokecentre to change and relax. Ahriman was also trying to forget what he saw briefly before they teleported out of the room. just from a quick glance it must of been around 30 - 40 creatures staring at them and just thinking about this sent shivers down his spine. They had intended to spend a bit of today training but the mood of the group and their experience had changed this and all 3 stayed in the room and relaxed, only leaving to have meals and move around when the scenery needed changing. During the night all 3 could be seen near the lake in the town Ahriman and Alakazam had their feet dangling in the water whilst Natu roosted between them. During this time Ahriman scrolled through his pokegear and looked through the pictures taken. This lead to him seeing a horrific sight, all the symbols on the floor where not the same as he remember and they had a distinct eye that seemed to follow his movement no matter the angle of the device. This was when Omnidex started talking and causing both him to jump which in turned caused the other 2 to jump.

Omnidex 'Further information has been aquired regarding the unown, they are believed to be exist in their own dimension and rarely visit this world. They exist together to emanate a strange and wondrous power the unown feed off, if an unown is left alone too long they will slowly fade away from reality. If they feel their world is threaten they will come together and use their strange powers to manipulate the world around them and remove the threat. They have been sighted in historic areas where powerful creatures reside or have previously resided, such as in the Ruins of Alph.' Ahriman wasn't able to take in all the information once and had bit repeated several times.

Ahriman: 'Are you able to translate the symbols into English?' With this an image appeared in his head and the symbols slowly changed to represent their meaning in English. During the transformation, Ahriman was glad that the image in his head didn't include following eyes and started reading the meaning.

"Our words shall remain here for the ages"

Seeing how the message didn't contain much, Ahriman sent the pictures to Professor Elm and asked if he knew anyone in the field researching the Ruin of Alph. Ahriman got a reply back from the Professor asking him what this Ruin of Alph was. After quickly explaining what had occurred and referencing the images, Ahriman then found out that the images he had sent over contained nothing but symbols and sent a screenshot of the image. Quickly requesting the image be translated by the Omnidex, the message on the image read.

"Ahriman, child of the world call Earth. Our world has been and shall remained hidden."

This was getting to much for him and replied saying it was strange and the image must be corrupted. He wished the professor a good night and quickly recalled his pokemon and returned to his room. Ahriman struggled to sleep that night and kept tossing and turn, at one point during the night, he awakened to hearing familiar singing and saw multiple eyes staring down at him. He reached for his lamp and saw multiple Unown floating above him. His omnidex translated them as they stayed floating in the air forming words all the while staring down.

"Keep our existence a secret and good fortune will follow, break this secret and misfortune will soon follow." The stress of everything and the singing soon lulled Ahriman to sleep the night quickly passed as dawn breaks and the day of the tournament arrives.