
End of Camping

After recalling Abra, Ahriman walked up to Adam and stuck out his hand and congratulating him.

Ahriman: "Nice match, your Totodile is strong and well trained. You should be proud."

Adam: "I would of won if it wasn't for you and your cheating Abra!"

Ahriman smirked and walked away looking for his friends, after a few minutes he was able to find Susan getting ready to battle. Standing at the side he watched as her Chikorita was sent out and faced off against a Sentret.

Susan: "Let do this Chikorita, just like we practiced at home, Razor leaf!" with just a flick of the large leaf upon Chikorita's head, 10 green blades were sent whizzing towards Sentret.

Male Trainer: "Sentret, show them we mean business and use use Quick Attack!" Using the speed of quick attack, Sentret dodged the green blades of energy and slammed into Chikorita and sent it hurtling back. Chikorita got back up and looked hurt and pissed. Without any further command from Susan, Chikorita used another Razor Leaf. This caught Sentret by surprise and was able to dodge the first few energy blades but was caught on the hip and stumbled.

Susan: "Chikorita calm yourself and use Tackle!" after taking a few breaths, Chikorita calmed herself and started charging towards Sentret. At the same time,

Male Trainer: "Sentret use quick attack!" Sentret got back up and started charging back at Chikorita, as both collided. a small shock wave was produced as loose dirt and grass was kicked up obscuring the results. As the dirt and grass settled, only Chikorita was left standing looking down at Sentret smirking before collapsing. The referee announced Chikorita as the winner as Sentret had fainted first.

Ahriman walked up Susan and congratulated her and Chikorita's performance. They both then decided to catch up with their group and find out how the rest of the group did. After returning their campsite, they were greeted by Chloe and Jason. After greeting each other and sitting down around the camp, they started to discuss their matches.

Ahriman: "Mine went well, my Abra fooled my opponent and was able to catch him before he could dodge. he did get me back but i had it all under control." sounding very smug and rivaling the Cheshire cat with his grin.

Jason: "That's not what i heard, i heard you cheated on your match as Abra was seen floating in the air whilst using another move." The group then looked at Ahriman wanting an explanation.

Ahriman: "Everyone has their secrets, this is not one of mine. I have trained my Abra to use his powers to lift himself off the ground and suspend himself in the air." The group however were not satisfied with that answer and kept pressuring him to reveal the truth, each promising to not reveal it to the others.

Ahriman: "Fine, let me show you." with that he started to bring people into his tent and brought along 6 rocks with him. Once the tent was closed, he started to levitate the rocks and had them making rings around him and started to move around the others slowly at first before picking up speed. "As you can see, i have certain abilities similar to psychic Pokemon." Ahriman then dropped the stones and started to concentrate on Jason. just as Jason was about to say anything, he found himself starting to float up and off the ground. His perspective also started to change as Ahriman rotated him in the air and left him upside down. "Told you i will have you upside down." all 3 of them started to laugh whilst Jason started to complain. After putting Jason down and the group leaving the tent. The group started to discuss the rest of the matches and to conclude, Jason and Chloe lost their matches.

Susan: "So, now we know how we all did, back to the interesting topic. How long have you known you can use your power?"

Ahriman: "Well i found i could moving things by thinking and it just developed from there. i can't remember when i first found out."

Jason: "So cool, your so lucky to get a super power. i wish i had the strength of a Machamp, or the speed of a Pidgeotto."

Ahriman: "Its not all that great, it takes a long time to train to get to this point. We will see to what extent i can train my abilities in the future." After talking for a while, Steven walks to the group and hands out the food and ingredients to make their food. Ahriman again prepares his food and Abra and Natu enjoy their meals happily. After eating, all participants that won in the first round are called to take part in their 2nd match. Ahriman finds himself facing off against another boy with a Cyndaquil. The match doesn't last that long as Natu is sent out and is able to dominate the fight with its agility, aerial prowess and Ahriman's tactics. With that Ahriman is now in the top 4 out of all the campers. After finishing the match, everyone got their Pokemon restored and went to bed.

The next day, Ahriman is called forward with the other 3 trainers. Unfortunately Chloe lost her next match, she was faced off against Pidgey and was unable to over come the type advantage. The next match was decided and it was between 2 boys, they both sent out their Pokemon and the match last around a few minutes before one Pokemon stumbled an presented a opening. This was capitalized on and the deciding blow was dealt. It was then Ahriman turn and he was to face a trainer with an aggressive Aron from Hoenn. Ahriman sent out Natu to take advantage to the speed and flight difference and ordered him to fly into the air and use calm mind whilst dodge any attack. After many close calls and sprinkling of damage from Aron trying to headbutt Natu in the air, Natu had used 6 calm minds and was then ordered to use stored power. This dealt some damage, however it was reduced due to type disadvantage. This didn't stop Ahriman as he ordered Natu to keep it up and to hail Stored power down on Aron till it collapses. This continued till after a few minutes, Aron finally collapsed and Ahriman was declared the winner and will move onto the final round.

After 30 minutes rest and Pokemon being restored, Ahriman made his way back to the field to prepare for his final match. he found his group on the side lines watching and cheering his name. he was faced off against the other finalist who has fought his way through this tournament with a Machop. Ahriman sent out Abra and with the match up, the fight didn't last long. after 30 to 60 seconds later the match was over and Machop was on the floor fainted. After recalling Abra, Ahriman walked up to the camp leader and was given a few rare berries and 1000 Poké dollars and with that. The camping came to an end after 3 days of camping.