
Chapter – 21 A Conversation & Fun

The girl whom Lord Nova had seen in his vision—that was me. Tosca, the survivor, the one who defied the odds and emerged from the depths of that poisoned chamber. And now, as I embark on this journey with my master and his other servants, I carry the weight of my past experiences, the scars of betrayal etched upon my soul. But I will not be defined by my suffering. I will rise above it, for I am determined to forge a new path, to find justice and reclaim what was taken from us.

"Or so I thought, but what in the world am I doing here?" muttered Tosca to herself as she was lost in thought, she glanced at the unfamiliar surroundings and unfamiliar situation that confused her as she sought an explanation from her senior in the peerage, Lavinia, who was assisting her in tying the string of her swimsuit.

Lavinia replied kindly, "Ever since we arrived in Italy, we have been searching for you tirelessly. We haven't had much time for enjoyment, and Lord Nova wanted to have some fun before the next thing, which is why we've come to this private beach."

Tosca nodded in understanding, absorbing the information. As promised, once she had reincarnated as Nova's Pawn, he had placed her friends in a stasis, ensuring their safety. She had taken the time to communicate with them and provide a detailed explanation of the situation. Though the children didn't want her to bear the burden, they were immensely grateful to her for all she had done.

At that moment, Artoria chimed in, explaining further, "You have already endured so much, and soon, your training will commence, leaving little room for leisure. While we're still in Italy, take this opportunity to enjoy yourself."

"Is that so?" Tosca murmured softly, finding it hard to fathom anything more harrowing than what she had already experienced.

Observing Tosca's saddened expression, Lavinia gently lifted her chin and said, "It's true that you have gone through immense hardships, and that is undeniably sorrowful. However, it's crucial to focus on the future now. Artoria and I also have our own tales of adversity, but we've learned to look forward to a brighter tomorrow... and you should strive to do the same."

Tosca nodded, acknowledging their advice. "You're right," she agreed.

Artoria interjected with a smile, lightening the atmosphere. "Well, now that we've had this conversation, let's go. I'm sure our master is eager to feast his eyes upon us."

Lavinia nodded in excitement, her eyes sparkling. "Absolutely! Come on, let's make our way there."

Blushing, Tosca stammered, "Wha... what?"

They exchanged a knowing glance, and Artoria playfully teased Tosca with a mischievous smile, "Oh, don't be so coy, Tosca. As servants, it is our duty to cater to our master's every desire, in 'every' conceivable way, if you catch my drift."

Tosca's face flushed crimson, her mind spiraling with wild and imaginative thoughts. The implications of Artoria's words sent her a jolt of nervousness.

Seeing Tosca's reaction, Lavinia joined in the playful atmosphere, and the two of them giggled as the trio, comprising a blushing and slightly flustered Tosca, made their way outside the changing room.

While Lavinia, Artoria, and Tosca were changing into their swimsuits, Lord Nova found himself alone with Omega, feeling the need for a serious conversation with the enigmatic woman. Seated on a chair, he gazed at her silent masked visage and let out a deep breath.

Noticing Omega's continued silence, Nova broke the ice, asking, "So, you're telling me that you're unable to provide me with any information about this 'Kwisatz Haderach' and the 'Bene Gesserit Order'?"

Omega nodded solemnly, replying, "Yes. Without Lady Libra's explicit permission, I am bound not to speak of such matters."

Nova acknowledged her response with a nod. Tapping his fingers on the armrest, he contemplated for a moment before muttering, "Very well... When I return to the Underworld, I will seek Mother's guidance on this matter." Pausing briefly, he shifted his gaze back to Omega and posed another question, "Omega... Why do you think I wished to come to the Human World alone this time?"

Omega paused, contemplating the question before offering her insight. "Perhaps you wished to distance yourself from relying solely on the power and resources of the House of Agares, taking it upon yourself to rescue Tosca," she ventured.

Nova shook his head, disapproving of the simplified explanation. "That is only a part of it," he clarified. After a brief pause, he continued, "You see, acquiring Tosca was only one aspect of my visit to the Human realm. My true purpose lies elsewhere entirely. In what I seek to accomplish, I desired no association with the name Agares, and I intended to keep Mother and Father unaware of my involvement. That's why I wanted to undertake this journey alone. However, with your presence, you've disrupted everything, and now I find myself uncertain of what to do."

Omega fell silent, bowing her head in apology. "I am sorry that my presence has complicated matters for you," she expressed sincerely. "Nevertheless, I am here to support you in any endeavor you wish to pursue. While I may not comprehend your exact intentions, I assure you of my full assistance."

Deep in thought, Nova contemplated Omega's words, studying her as he voiced his concerns. "While your intentions may be pure, I cannot deny my lack of trust in you. Undeniably, you possess remarkable abilities and loyalty towards the House of Agares, which encompasses my father and mother. However, my objective, the things I wish to accomplish, must remain unknown to them."

A heavy silence permeated the room, stretching on for an uncertain length of time. Finally, Omega broke the silence, her voice calm yet filled with an undercurrent of earnestness. "Is there a way for me to earn your trust, Lord Nova?"

Nova looked at her intently, weighing her words. "Tell me about the 'Kwisatz Haderach' and the 'Bene Gesserit Order'," he proposed, "and remove your mask. Perhaps through these actions, I might begin to trust you to some extent."

Omega shook her head in resignation. "I'm afraid that is beyond my control," she explained. "I simply cannot fulfill those requests."

Nova sighed, feeling as if they were at an impasse. "Then it seems we have come full circle, and trust cannot be established between us."

"What if we were to form a Master-Servant Contract?" she proposed.

Nova blinked in surprise, taken aback by Omega's unexpected suggestion. "What did you say?" he inquired, needing confirmation.

Omega reiterated her proposal with conviction. "I am suggesting that we establish a Master-Servant Contract, with me becoming your dedicated servant. Through this contract, I believe you could find the trust you seek."

Considering Omega's proposition, Nova mused, his mind swirling with possibilities. "That's... not a bad proposition, actually," he murmured, acknowledging the potential benefits of such an arrangement. Lost in thought, he continued to ponder the implications and potential outcomes of entering into a Master-Servant Contract with Omega.

The concept of the Master-Servant Contract held profound magical implications, entwining the souls of two individuals and granting them an awareness of each other's locations. However, the contract also carried a potent curse that would befall the Servant upon betrayal or harboring guilt toward their master. This curse manifested as a distinct collar around the Servant's neck in varied colors

Given Nova's unique traits, [Time], [Gravity], and [Soul] he had the option to select one of these demonic traits to form the Master-Servant Contract. If Omega were to betray him, the consequences would be dire. She could either vanish from the timeline, be drawn into the depths of a black hole, or have her soul utterly crushed into oblivion.

Contemplating the weight of this decision, Nova felt compelled to inquire further. "Are you truly certain about entering into such a contract with me?" he asked, his voice tinged with skepticism. "By doing so, you would forever be bound to me, shifting from being a servant of the House of Agares to becoming my servant. You will never be able to defy my orders. Are you prepared for that?"

Omega responded without hesitation, her determination unwavering. "I am," she declared.

Nova found himself taken aback by her unwavering dedication and felt compelled to question her motives suspiciously. "Why such unwavering loyalty towards me?" he inquired.

Bowing respectfully, Omega replied, "Because my purpose is not merely to serve the House of Agares, but rather to serve you." Her words resonated with deep reverence and loyalty. Though Nova could not see her face, her eyes conveyed utmost devotion, and the sincerity of her soul reverberated within him, compelling him to consider placing his trust in Omega.

"Very well," Nova nodded, accepting her commitment. "I will not press you to reveal the secrets of 'Kwisatz Haderach' and the 'Bene Gesserit Order,' nor will I insist on the removal of your mask. You may share the information when you deem the time is right."

Omega lowered her head in gratitude. "Thank you," she acknowledged.

Continuing the discussion, Nova outlined their immediate plans. "In the human realm, the Master-Servant Contract can only be forged on the night of the full moon, which is nine days from now. Until then, we will remain in Italy, taking the opportunity to explore the country and enjoy ourselves." He paused, then added, "Once the contract is established, I will reveal my intentions and request your assistance. Do you accept?"

"As you command," Omega affirmed with a nod.

With that, the serious matter was now over, and it was time to have some fun at the beach.

As Nova stepped out of his room, he caught sight of a bashful Tosca, who hid behind Lavinia, clearly embarrassed by the conversation she had earlier with Lavinia and Artoria. Meeting Tosca's eyes, Nova chose to respond with a warm smile, understanding her discomfort, but refrained from saying anything that might further embarrass her. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but appreciate her appearance, taking a moment to truly observe her.

Tosca, clad in a dark blue two-piece swimsuit, exuded a sense of youthful charm despite her tender age. The swimsuit accentuated her features, and Nova couldn't deny that she looked rather attractive. Filing the image of Tosca in his memory, Nova's attention shifted towards Artoria, who also donned a two-piece swimsuit. However, Artoria's attire differed from Tosca's; hers was white with a vibrant yellow border. Adding to her ensemble, Artoria sported a half-opened crop-top zipper, drawing attention to the tantalizing cleavage concealed beneath. Holding a surfing board behind her, it was evident that Artoria was in the mood for some surfing. "I suppose I'll join her," Nova contemplated silently.

Directing his gaze to the third girl present, Nova's attention settled on Lavinia. Among the trio, she possessed a more mature demeanor. Lavinia's dark blue two-piece swimsuit featured a delicate white flower print, enhancing her allure. Nova couldn't help but feel a surge of heat, internally acknowledging Lavinia's exquisite beauty. "Hot damn," he thought to himself, recognizing that Lavinia, in her own league, radiated an undeniable appeal.

Despite the allure of Artoria and Tosca, Lavinia's elegance and allure captivated Nova. Her curves flirted with the limits of containment, creating an alluring aura without crossing the boundary of immodesty. The sight left him momentarily astounded.

As the trio of girls prepared for their beach excursion, Nova approached them, and questioned, "So, are we all set for a day of sun, sand, and surf?"

Lavinia smiled and replied, "Absolutely!"

Artoria chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I can't wait to hit the waves!"

Tosca, gradually overcoming her initial embarrassment, offered a shy smile. "I'm a bit nervous, but I'm excited too."

"Great! What are we waiting for, girls? Let's go!" Nova exclaimed with genuine excitement, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards the vast expanse of the ocean, his laughter echoing through the air. The girls exchanged glances, a shared sense of mirth lighting up their faces, and joined him in his joyous sprint, their giggles mingling with the sound of their footsteps.

As they embarked on their beach adventure, the warmth of the sun enveloped them, casting a golden glow upon the sand. The rhythmic crash of the waves greeted their ears, inviting them into a world of endless possibilities. With each step, their bonds grew stronger, nurturing the budding friendship among them. Together, they embraced the essence of the summer day, savoring the exhilaration of being in each other's company.

St. Peter's Basilica, located in Vatican City, housed a training facility where a distinguished old man with white hair, standing at an imposing height of two meters, observed a simulated battle between two girls. Despite his advanced age, the old man displayed a remarkable muscular physique, accentuated by the wrinkles etched on his face.

Among the combatants was a woman in her late twenties, possessing blonde hair and blue eyes. The other participant was a young girl, likely around the age of 11 or 12, with blue hair and brown eyes. The older woman served as the instructor and wielded a sword during the training session.

As the old man watched the young girl's performance, he chuckled inwardly, contemplating, 'Perhaps she will indeed inherit Durandal from me one day.'

Engrossed in his thoughts, the training facility was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of a churchman dressed in priestly attire. The churchman hastened toward the old man and addressed him urgently, "Your Eminence," he called out, extending a letter to him, "This letter just arrived. It's for you, the sender is someone named 'Clown'."

The old man expressed surprise at receiving a letter, particularly one with an unfamiliar sender named 'Clown.' In his 82 years of life, he had never encountered anyone with such a moniker, leaving him slightly bewildered.

As he opened the envelope, the old man inquired of the churchman, "Who delivered this letter?"

"It came via standard mail," the churchman responded promptly.

"I see," The Eminence nodded, examining the addressed envelope, confirming it was indeed intended for him.

Since it did not arrive through a magic circle or any similar 'unconventional' means, it will be impossible to track the person who sent the letter, 'It seems that whoever sent this letter really did not want to be tracked back.' Such was his Eminence's thought.

Unfolding the paper, he began reading the contents of the letter. With each passing paragraph, his eyes widened in surprise, and his expression underwent a series of transformations.

Upon finishing the letter, he issued a commanding order to the churchman, his tone elevated, "Archbishop Valper Galilei... bring him to me... immediately!"

The churchman was taken aback by the Eminence's heightened emotions. Having worked in St. Peter's Basilica since his youth, he had never witnessed Eminence Strada display such anger. It was evident that something terrible had occurred to evoke such a reaction. With a sense of urgency, the churchman swiftly left the training facility to fulfill Eminence Strada's directive.

The contents of the letter unveiled a shocking revelation—the Holy Sword Project, which had been under the supervision of Archbishop Valper Galilei, had taken a dark turn. The letter exposed the project's grim outcome, disclosing that numerous children had been callously disposed of due to being deemed useless and unworthy of the project. The gravity of this revelation weighed heavily on the shoulders of Cardinal Vasco, the Church's second-highest-ranked official.

As a prominent figure within the Church, Cardinal Vasco had been aware of the existence of the Holy Sword Project. However, the details regarding Archbishop Valper Galilei's methods and the extent of his research into the arcane secrets enabling one to wield the legendary Holy Sword Excalibur had remained elusive. Now, the letter had shattered Cardinal Vasco's ignorance, leaving him with a profound sense of responsibility and urgency. The revelation demanded decisive action—the Holy Sword Project must be halted at all costs.




Author's Note:

With this chapter, we have concluded this arc, in the next chapter, the next arc will start to build up, of course, before that, there is also the Master-Servant Contract thing with Omega. So two things will happen, firstly, there will be a Contract and a brief glimpse of what the next Arc will be focused on.

P.s. until the next chapter.

Have fun.

Next chapter