
Adventure in the New World[Time Stop]

Ivan - one of the guild members of the Ainz Ooal Gown. From the beginning of the game, he was never interested in PvP stuff but was fond of reading books and discovering secret quests and hidden dungeons. How he will survive in the new world along with his guild master. Will he keep searching for new knowledge or will he rule the world with his friend? ======================================== Nothing belongs to me, except mc and other future original characters.

Yung_reader_AHS_ · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

5 th chapter


{{3rd PoV}}

{Residance - Central Hospital of Moscow}

It was a regular morning for workers of the Hospital.

From the moment when Hospital opens at nine o'clock, and people come to take assistance from doctors, till to conversation that nurses have in their free time near reception were regular for all of them.

[Tanya]-"*Sigh* this is sooo boring."- Tanya is a graduated student from Medicine university. At the beginning of the first year of studying before the last year of university, she was fascinated helping people and saving a life as a doctor, and when she graduated, she gets excited more than before, but all her ambitions were crashed after six months of working as a nurse. During these months, this works didn't satisfy her wish of saving people's lives only what it did was fulling boredom and paperwork in her life.

[Ekaterina]-"Hey, no one forced you to work as a nurse instead here. You should have known that this work is not as in films.". said other nurses that saw Tanya, laying at the desk in the reception.

[Tanya]-" Yeah, I know but didn't know that this work will be so boring and if I had known that, I would continue my education further in the university."- she said with the same lazy tone.

Before they can continue their conversation, the doors of the hospital were opened, and a young man, no, Man entered. He has raven-colored black hair and bright blue eyes, combined with his well-built body, seen through his black suit, which made him attractive for female hospital workers. He also carried a bunch of flowers in his left hand.

*step* *step*

Second by Second steps hear closer and closer, and the man came near reception.

[Ivan]-"Where can I find doctor Michael?' with the deep voice, he asked.

[Ekaterina]-" In that time, he should be on the second floor."

[Ivan]-" Can you show the way, please?" he asked, probably not knowing the way.

[Ekaterina]-"Ow, yeah, right now I am busy, so Tanya will show you how to get there." She then pointed at Tanya.

When Tanya heard this, she was surprised and quickly came closer to Ekaterina and whispered at her ear-

('-' is whispering)

[Tanya]-"What does that mean!?" she screamed quietly.

[Ekaterina]-"Oh, you about why am I giving you an opportunity to get closer to the handsome man ?" when she said that, Tanya blushed and then said.-

[Tanya]-" But I didn't..."-before she can end, Ivan interrupts her.-

[Ivan]-"Can you please be faster. I want to visit someone here, and I don't want him to wait for me." he said with a monotone and cold voice.

[Ekaterina]-"Yeah, sorry about that. Have You heard him, Tanya? You should help him to find doctor Michael."Then she turns in another direction and says-" and I think that someone called me, so goodbye!" she said that and run at door behind reception, but before she closed the door, she gave the smirk and thumb up to Tanya.

[Tanya]-"*siiigh* OK let's do this quick"-.She said and then showed the way to Ivan.

{After some minutes of walk}

In the room, there is a brown-haired man, who seats on the chair and is dressed in a lab coat. In the next moment, someone knocked on the door.

[Michael]-"You can come in!" he said, and when the door opened, he saw how nurse and the black-haired man entered the room.

[Tanya]-"Good morning, doctor Michael, someone wants to meet with you." she said.

[Michael]-"Oh, yeah, nice to meet you .." he extended his hand to greet him.

[Ivan]-"Ivan."-. he gave his own hand, and both shook their hands.

[Michael]-"You can leave, now." - he said at the nurse, who was standing near the door.

After the nurse left the room, both of them started a conversation.

{after 10 minutes}

Tanya was waiting near the door before someone left the room. Also, she still mad at Ekaterina for her action, she can not deny that the man catches her attention, and so she decided to wait and ask Michael about this patient.

The door opened, and the first who left the room was the man followed by doctor Michael.

[Ivan]-" Thank you, doctor."

[Michael]-"You should not be grateful this is my job, you know?." he said that with a smile on his face. Then he added," She is in the 303 room, you can visit her, but you only have 20 minutes, Ok?"

[Ivan]-"Thank you, Doc." He said and went to another part of the facility.

When he left, Tanya asked.-

[Tanya]-"Doctor, you know who is he and why he came to Hospital?"

[Michael]-"*sigh* I know him. When we first meet each other, he was only six years old and has the same cold character as he now." he have a sad chuckle and continued-"Guess time can heal every scar."Then he returned to the room.


[Ivan's PoV]

When I entered the room, the sunlight heats at my eyes, and then I saw a large bed and the woman who currently layin on it. Several medicine tubes are connected to her to provide her with vitamins. I turned my gaze at left and saw a chair. I took the chair and put it near the bed. Then I put the flowers in a vase and sat on the chair. I stare at my sleeping mom. It has been 17 years since that day, and in that time, I graduated from school and decided to enter a Japanese university in the programming field. Despite being under the conglomerate's rule, the quality of education didn't decrease and was even higher than before.

So, with the purpose to get an education, and see the culture of my father's country, I went there for almost four years. During these years, I have graduated with one of the highest marks and get some recommendations from my professors.

After graduation, I immediately bought ticked toward Moscow.

[Ivan]-" Hello mom, it was a long time when we met each other. I wanted to say that I came back from Japan and that I am alright and that you should not worry about me."- then I started to retell her about my education there and how did I spend my time there exploring Japanese culture.

After nearly twenty minutes, someone entered the room. When I turned to the door, it was a nurse, and she said-

[Nurse]-"The visiting time over, please leave the room. " she said politely.

[Ivan]-"Ok"-I said and turned at mom-" Sorry mom, looks like I should leave you. I will visit you the next holidays." After I said that, I left the room.

When I exited the Hospital, I decided to call a taxi, but I heard a familiar voice who shouts my name.

[Valeria]-"Ivan!!" Then I saw how a middle-aged woman run at me at high speed and hugged me tightly. I returned the hug and said with a warm smile.

[Ivan]-"How are you, aunt." My voice is steel monotone, but this time you can feel warmth in it.

[Valeria]-"What did you mean, how are you. Haven't I said to you that I would meet you at the airport. Why didn't you wait for me there." she said and pouted. Although she is an adult, she still acts like a child.

[Ivan]-"I am sorry, I just wanted to see my mom, and I could wait." That was the truth, and she knows that.

[Valeria]-" If it is the reason for that, I will forgive you, but you still owe me one wish." she cheerfully said with a wide smile.

[Ivan]-"Ok, Ok" I accepted her condition.

[Valeria]-" Alright then. Let's go to my home. I have prepared some dishes that you liked in the past."

{At aunt's apartment. In the kitchen. After both of them had breakfast}

When both of them ended with breakfast, Valeria. said-

[Valeria]-" So Ivan, have you made any friends or maybe even girlfriend in Japan?"

[Ivan]-"*COUGH*" I spilled the coffee that I was drinking and answered-"No.

When she saws my reaction, and she asked me-

[Valeria]-"Don't tell me that during your education in Japan, you never talked with your classmates." She said it with disbelief in her eyes.

I stare at her but didn't answer her question. That's right, Ivan- almost 23 years old man does not ever have a real friendship with other people.

(aunt doesn't count) .That's because I can't get along with people well due to my cold behave and indifferent look that I gave to every people, plus most of the people in the university who wanted to be a friend with me, were just trash who want to befriend me due to my marks. They always asked to help with their homework and exams, and when I asked something from them, they always rejected me due to some stupid excuses. At one moment, I decided that it is better to be alone without a friend instead of having this type of 'friends'.

After I break-up the friendship with my classmates, they started to spread a rumor about me. Most of the rumor said that I liked to abuse own friend and that I fond of demeaning other people, and you know what? most of my classmates believed in the rumor and started to hate me. Because of this, I became colder toward other people and started to ignore most of my classmates. My action made the situation even worse, but I ignored them.

Every time when I pass through the corridor, people tried to speak lower and hide their presence. Their action is understandable, some of them was trying to live peacefully and didn't interfere in any unnecessary accidents, but another part, just can't do something to me. You ask why? because compared to most of the Japanese students, I was taller than all of them, around 190cm (or 6,2 feet), and in addition, I had a muscular and lean body, they fear to do something. In the subsequent year of education, I tried to make new friends several times, but most of them feared me, other part wanted to use me, and so I just gave up making friends and concentrated on learning and reading manga in my free time.( rumor spread in the first year)

This accident influenced me. I became colder toward other people and now show fewer emotions in a public, but I still show them when I meet close friends and relatives.

When she doesn't get any response, she said with a shock.-

[Valeria]-" How is it possible to not make any friends with anyone during four years in one class. What have you do during this time ?" she said.

[Ivan]-"I explored the culture of the country."I said but turned my gaze to another side due to shame.

[Valeria]-"Ivan, reading manga and watching Anime doesn't consider exploring the culture, you know?" she said while rubbing her forehead.

She then slapped the table and said-" Anyway, I knew that with your character, it is impossible for you to have friends, and let's don't talk about improvement in your social ability. So I want to ask you, have you ever heard about Neural Nano-Interface System" she said the last sentence with a low voice.

[Ivan]-"I don't know much, but I know that this system was created for military purposes and allows the human brain to function as a supercomputer."

[Valeria]-"Yeah, you are right. Neural Nano-Interface System was invented in 2079, but the Japanese 'Government didn't want to reveal this technology to the world and decided to use it in the military field. However, one of the conglomerates used this technology in the gaming industry and made the game, and they call it 'YGGDRASIL'."

[Ivan]-" And why you telling me this ?"

[Valeria]-" I am telling this to you, my darling nephew, because I get one of this system and I wanted to you play this game and find new friends and develop your social ability!"- before I can reject, she added-" and don't think about rejecting my gift, because I use my wish that you owed me, here."- she said with the smirk on her face.

[Ivan]-" *sigh* Ok"

After she saw my agreement, she became even happier. She then slapped her hands and said-

[Valeria]-" That's great, now about your job. I am currently working on a Company where we have a lack of workers, and you also have a great aunt, so you shouldn't worry about that." she said that like she is making this every holiday. ( i mean, corruption in her job is so common)

Yeah, I almost forget that she also graduated with the highest marks and when she returned to Russian, she quickly got work in the largest IT Company. She had been working there for the years, and during these years she got a reputation there and was promoted by the heads of the company.

[Ivan]-" This is ok for me."

[Valeria]-"Also about an apartment, I assume that you haven't a place to go, and for the first year I will provide you with the shelter, but in the next, you should move from my house." I just nodded at her and said-

[Ivan]-"Thank you for giving shelter and providing me with the job" I thanks her with the wide smile that I can give.

When she saw my smile, she answered with her and said.-

[Valeria]-"Of course I will give you everything that I can. You are my nephew, and I am your aunt, don't forget about this." she said

She turned and said-

[Valeria]-" Did you remember where is your old room?" I nodded, then she continued." If you went there, you will find the Vr helmet on the desk. Everything that you should do, just wear it, and it will automatically inject a syringe of nanomachines directly into your body. There is nothing to worry about it. The company where I work checked the Vr helmet and didn't find anything that can harm people. "she then turned to the kitchen and walked away.

Then I went toward my old room. When I entered it, I saw that aunt had changed everything here. The furniture was new, and I can still see that no one has used this room yet. After some minutes of inspection of the room with my gaze, I saw the Vr helmet on the desk and decided to look at it closer. When I came closer, I saw the regular-looking Vr helmet with a yellow light on its back. Then I wear it, the first that I saw was darkness, and then I felt a pain in my neck like something was injected, but in the next moment, the pain vanished, and the darkness was replaced by bright light. When the light disappeared, I saw that I was in the white space. Then in front of me appeared a game menu, after ten minutes of registration I saw the line-


When I saw this, I didn't hesitate and wrote-

{Player's name - Ivan}

After that, the display disappeared.

Then I clicked on the menu's button, then I saw the display with several sections, where should be a game's icons, but only one of them has the active icon of the game. The icon has the image of the big tree that connects seven different spheres. I pressed the icon and saw name of the game written in the strange font =





To be continued...


I have changed the way the injecting of nanomachines.

Goodbye then !!

Word's count- 2623

The same, please comment and write your own advice.

If you don't like something, just wrote it and I will try to fix my own mistakes and try to avoid them in future works.

Yung_reader_AHS_creators' thoughts