
Adventure in Infinite Worlds (18+)

Join Sonu on an exciting adventure through infinite worlds, where you can travel to an endless number of new and exciting worlds. Each world is unique, with its own set of races and customs to discover and explore. As you journey through these worlds, you have the opportunity to make them your own. From tropical paradises to frozen wastelands, there are infinite possibilities waiting for you to discover and conquer. Meet fascinating creatures, interact with different cultures, and uncover the mysteries of each new world. The adventure never ends, and there is always something new to discover. With Sonu as your guide, you can explore these infinite worlds with confidence and excitement. Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Come join us and experience the thrill of exploring the unknown! Warning Please be advised that reading this novel is optional. If you happen to find any grammatical errors or other issues that you do not like, please refrain from reading further and keep your opinions to yourself. It is important to note that the author is not fluent in English and as such, there may be some errors in the novel. Please be patient and understanding when reading and try to focus on the story and characters instead. Furthermore, please do not criticize or belittle the author for their language skills. Writing a novel in a non-native language is a difficult task, and the author deserves respect for their effort and creativity. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the story. Please support me on patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Chen_Si You can also join me on the discord https://discord.gg/k99np4f

Chan_Si · Urban
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57 Chs

51: Merman Kingdom

As the battle between the Merman Kingdom and the Serpent Kingdom unfolds, it initially appears that the merman and mermaids have the upper hand, with their coordinated attacks and strategic maneuvers. However, the tide quickly turns as the serpents send in five stronger warriors, who quickly turn the tables on the merman forces. The situation on the battlefield becomes dire, with the merman fighters struggling to hold their ground against the formidable serpents.

Unable to bear the sight of their impending defeat, I spring into action to help the merman kingdom. Utilizing my combat skills and abilities, I engage in a fierce battle with the five powerful serpents. It's a challenging fight, with the serpents proving to be formidable opponents with their venomous fangs and swift movements. However, I manage to hold my own, utilizing my speed, agility, and strategic attacks to take down each serpent one by one.

With my assistance, the tide of the battle once again shifts, and the merman and mermaids regain their momentum. They fight with renewed vigor, bolstered by my aid, and eventually emerge victorious. The serpents are forced to retreat, leaving the battlefield in the hands of the Merman Kingdom.

Grateful for my assistance, the merman kingdom expresses their appreciation by bestowing upon me a plot of land within their kingdom, as well as a collection of precious ocean treasures as a token of their gratitude. I am humbled by their generosity and thankful that I was able to help them in their time of need.

In recognition of my heroic efforts, the merman kingdom bestows upon me a grand ceremony, honoring me with their highest accolades. I am deeply touched by their appreciation and grateful for the bonds of friendship and partnership that have been formed between my guild and the merman kingdom. I know that this is just the beginning of a new chapter of collaboration and adventure, as my guild continues to thrive in the depths of the ocean, serving as a hub for teleportation and exploration, and fostering harmony between the land-dwelling and underwater worlds.

As I settle into the plot of land granted to me by the grateful merman kingdom, I realize the strategic importance of this location for guild development in the ocean. With its central position and accessibility, I decided to establish a branch guild here, serving as a teleportation station for travelers and adventurers alike.

Over time, my guild develops a strong relationship with the merman kingdom, with regular interactions and collaborations. I am fascinated by the beauty and grace of the mermaids, with their enchanting voices and captivating appearances. However, I learn that they are unable to transform into humans, as the transformation spells were lost during a war that took place centuries ago. Intrigued by this revelation, I am determined to help them recover the lost transformation spell.

I gain new insights and make valuable alliances with other underwater communities and creatures. I learn about the history and culture of the ocean, discovering ancient artifacts and deciphering ancient texts that provide clues to the lost transformation spell. I face tests of wit, strength, and magic as I navigate through the unknown depths of the ocean, pushing myself to the limits to achieve my goal.

In the world of the oceans, there are numerous treasures that are exclusive to these deep waters, and the merman kingdom has pledged to assist my guild in acquiring them. With their help, I teleport to the same island where my journey began and return to the majestic sea empire.

However, my attempts to establish a shop or purchase land in the sea empire are met with resistance, as no one is willing to sell or lease to me. Undeterred, I came up with a daring plan. I venture into the most dangerous area of the ocean, near the sea empire, where monstrous creatures of level two hundred and three hundred abound. I engage in fierce battles against these formidable foes, using my skills and abilities to defeat them one by one. From their defeated forms, I collect numerous valuable items, including boats and ships, but none of them meet my requirements. I need something more powerful and substantial.

Driven by my ambition, I set my sights on the king-level ocean monsters, known to be legendary and fearsome. I scan the vast ocean to locate these elusive creatures, and after much searching, I identify three monsters that possess the items I need.

The first monster I encounter is a colossal octopus with eight formidable tentacles that prove to be a formidable challenge. My fire spells are ineffective, and water attacks prove futile as the octopus evades my every move. In the end, I resort to brute force, striking its head with all my might until it succumbs.

The second monster I face is a massive serpent that requires swift and precise movements to defeat. With careful strategy and swift attacks, I manage to vanquish the serpent and move on to the third monster.

The third monster is a lightning-fast shark, which proves to be elusive and difficult to approach. I devise a cunning plan and drop some of my blood into the ocean, driving the shark into a frenzy. In its state of agitation, the shark becomes vulnerable, and I seize the opportunity to defeat it.

Defeating all three monsters yields a bounty of items, including boats, ships, underwater breathing skills, and most importantly, blueprints for a floating fortress on the ocean. However, to construct the fortress, I need a suitable base and materials. I scour the ocean once again, using my scanning abilities to locate a sunken ship that can serve as the foundation for the blueprints.

In the western part of the ocean, I discover a massive ship of sss level, and with the divine-grade blueprints, it becomes a masterpiece of divine-grade craftsmanship. With unwavering determination and relentless effort, I use the materials and blueprints to construct the floating fortress, a marvel of engineering and a symbol of my guild's power and influence in the ocean.

As the fortress takes shape, it becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration for my guild and other adventurers in the ocean. It serves as a hub for trade, exploration, and collaboration, attracting adventurers from all corners of the world. My guild's reputation grows, and we forge new alliances with underwater communities, merman kingdom, and other guilds, establishing ourselves as a formidable force in the ocean.