

After gaining control our my newly acquired conquer's haki, I look at luffy and Robin and they were breathing heavily while sitting on the ground and staring at me wide eye.

Robin: what ha..ha.. was that silver"" Robin asked while breathing heavily.

Luffy: yeah ha..ha.. What did you do"" Luffy also ask.

Silver: well guys I just unconsciously used my power when I was talking about my dreams."" I said awkwardly while scratching the back of my head.

Rbin/Luffy: what... "" They both said at the same time.

Silver: yeah Luffy believe me I did not have any attention to hurt you and others feeling. "" I said genuinely.

Luffy: no matter what you will always be the member of straw hat's"" Looking at how stubborn luffy was and didn't even listen to me, I was thinking a way to make him understand when his next words make me shocked me"" But I am not gonna stop you from fulfilling you promise and your dream, and remember that you will be always my friend. "" Luffy said the ending part while laughing.

Silver: really.. Luffy thank you for understanding, I promise you that you and everyone in the crew will be my friends and I will always be there when you needed my help and I will be always one of the straw hat's member, while operating my own pirate crew"" I said to luffy and smile knowing that he was the same stupid luffy whom I know watching in the anime, I genuinely think of him as my friend and I will save ace for only you luffy, otherwise I don't want to interfare that much in changing storyline.

Luffy: hahahaha you don't need to worry about me and others we are pretty much strong "" Said luffy while laughing.

Silver: yeah I know that, "" Saying that I come closer to him,touch him and say, "" Luffy I am sending you to straight were zoro, samji, nami and others are, """ Haa.. And how are you gonna send me there, """ Luffy asked while titling his head.

Silver: like this,""'after saying this I use my own space ability to teleport him to the other straw hats.

Silver: alright this matter is solved and now shall we start heading Robin. "" I asked Robin who was still still looking at me, now standing calm.

Robin: were would we head to and to tell you this in advance me leaving crocodile will make him really piss him off"" Robin said while looking at me.

Silver: well you don't need to worry about that I already have taken care of his most plans, and want to see his face when he know all of his plans to obtain the ancient weapon and Alabasta kingdom have been failed, hahaha "" I said laughing while imagining how will crocodile react.

Robin: what have you done to make you so confident, and what was that ability that you used to send straw hat luffy away like that was it your second ability or le staring at me like I was hiding many things from her.

Silver: well I will tell you everything after a while now let's go, "" I said and come closer to her.

Robin: alright I believe you tell me sooner, and were are we going.

Silver: well I was fulfilling my promise now give me your hand, "" I said as I put my hand in front of Robin.

Robin: alright, "" She took my hand not knowing what I was talking about.

While she took my hand I was using my observation haki to find were zoro and luffy encounter the second poneglyph that was in this kingdom, and I soon find it's location and lock on it and transfer me and Robin to were it was.

Robin's pov

I was holding silver's when he started to look around and smile and suddenly I feel something pulling me and the next thing I know we were in cave that was surrounded by sand and in the middle of it was lying a poneglyph, I was so shocked to see it here like that, I and crocodile spent three years to find it and he find it like it was child's play. Suddenly memories of everyone who sacrifice their life in O'Hara come to my mind. When suddenly I feal a hand on my shoulder, I look behind and see the smiling face of silver.

Silver: are you gonna day dream all day go and look at it, "" Saying that I created a flame ball to bring light in the dark cave, because sun was already setting and this cave was already so dark it will be difficult for Robin to read poneglyph.

Robin: ok, "" Saying that I just go to poneglyph ignoring silver once again use new ability, he will tell me himself about his secret's. I just have to wait.

And like this Robin goes to the poneglyph and started to read it, and while she was doing so I was thinking that"" In canon nobody even know that this poneglyph was present here until zoro and luffy found it along with chopper.

Well poneglyph carried the true history of the world, each poneglyph contain the history of world which related to the void century. The text written on it are unknown language to the world and only some people can understand this, these poneglyph are created by the Kozuki clan of the wano country. There are four Rio poneglyph's and others which will help you to reach last island Laugh- tale.

While I was thinking Robin come back with sad face.

Silver: why the sad face didn't I tell you that, information of void century may be record in the new world's poneglyph, those poneglyph are called as the Rio poneglyph and there are four of them and it will lead to the last island, we're the one piece is.

Robin:"" Hearing what silver said I can't believe what I was listening "" Silver how did you know so much about poneglyph, and Rio poneglyph what are those and do you know were they are""Robin asked questions continuously.

Silver: well I will tell you sooner know to much will not be good for you, "" I said calming her down.

Robin: alright "" I calm down after listening what silver said it is true it will bring only trouble if I know to much.

Silver: well what do you find.

Robin: it tell about the location of Pluton, honestly I cannot believe that you know to much information about poneglyph's.

Well she was still thinking about that.

Silver: well leaving that aside, I am goona use my ability to customize your devil fruit power, "" I said as I was not interested in pluton because I am more dangerous than pluton.

Next chapter