
Advent of the Archmage

Link was the top Archmage in the entire server. He had just defeated the strongest boss, the Lord of The Deep, Nozama with his party. However, instead of going back to town, he was transported to a secret location with pixelated CG. It sort of felt like a vacuum, and within it came a glorious and commanding voice that calls himself the God of Light. "Link, would you be willing to be the saviour who will pull the World of Firuman out from the churning abyss?" What a huge mission! If it was in the real world, Link would have rejected it immediately. However, he was bent on being the hero in game. "Bring it on!" Link answered confidently. "Then, best of luck." And so begin Link's journey of magic, friendship, betrayal, love and despair in the ever changing World of Firuman.

Mo Xiang · Games
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726 Chs

To Think It Would Be Someone as Prominent as You

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ice Peak Military Fortress  

In order to keep his mission a secret, Link stood in front of the fortress door clad in a low-level magic robe. He then shouted at the guards on the outer wall. "I am Mirose, a Magician from the East Cove Higher Magic Academy, here to join the army."

"Prove your identity!" the captain of the outer guards replied. He did not receive any news that a Magician from the academy would be arriving at the fortress today. If it were an ordinary Warrior, he would not even bother entertaining him. He might even order for him to be killed if he got too close. However, the other party now was a Magician; he had to be cautious.

Proving my identity? Link was slightly stunned at this request and thought for a moment before replying, "I am friends with a disciple of Dean Anthony named Marco. If you do not believe me, you can testify with him."