
Advent: Life's End

In a fantasy world where humans are one of the weakest species, they are forced to rely on the strongest among them to fight against vicious monsters and other demi-human and heteromorphic races. In reality, the few "strong" among them have barely managed to gain any actual strength, their magical and physical abilities posing little threat to the dangers to come. After receiving a vision of the future where he is obliterated along with his city, Cylas must travel a vast world full of monsters, enemies, and political rivals to achieve impossible levels of power while attempting to discover who the true threats to humanity are. Armed with a ring that allows him to see levels, will he manage to overcome the odds and save the people he cares about, or is the foreseen future truly inevitable? Will release 1 Chapter every day. EDIT: Due to circumstances the book is currently taking a break so I can build a back-stock of chapters. (Character Sheets that have been put in the comment section are also available on my twitter.) https://twitter.com/TheDarkL1ght

TheDarkLight · Fantasy
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47 Chs

The Dead and the Undead

Cylas had to decide fast, pulling out the arrows from her back Cylas reached into his pouch and pulled out the healing potion, the blood on his hands covered the bottle making it slippery. Firmly grasping the bottle Cylas pulled the cap off with his mouth and quickly poured some of it onto the wound on her back.

"Hurry drink this!" Cylas instructed her, weakly she picked her head up and began drinking it.

The potion couldn't save her, but it would give them some time Cylas hoped. She wasn't dead yet so Cylas couldn't afford to panic, quickly standing up Irana weakly grasped the cusp of his pants.

"D..Don't go." she weakly whispered, she thought she was going to die and didn't want to be alone.

"Don't worry you'll be fine." Cylas smiled trying to comfort her, the arrows couldn't hit her behind the grave and he needed to get to the others. With his response tears formed in Irana's eyes and she reluctantly let go of his leg.

Quickly running to the others another set of arrows rained down around him. Moving behind the podium he could see the others were shocked.

"We need to hurry and deal with them, Inara doesn't have much time." Cylas told them.

Looking out at the enemy he started scanning them all to see what they had to deal with. Examining the enemy's power Cylas noticed they were significantly stronger than the Undead they had previously dealt with.

[Skeleton Archer]

[Level: 3]

[Race: Undead]

[Skeleton Guard]

[Level: 6]

[Race: Undead]

While the skeletons were more equipped their overall power was still rather low. Looking at the abnormal skeletons in the back Cylas's blood ran cold. The creatures looked like a combination of random skeletons merged.


[Level: 19]

[Race: Undead]

Their level was just below his own and there were 5 of them. Even further behind them a man stood between two red bulky beasts. Analyzing them too Cylas knew they were doomed.

[Blood Protector]

[Level: 25]

[Race: Beast]

With levels higher than his own Cylas doubted he'd be able to deal with them along with the other monsters. In the middle a man in dark robes stood holding a glowing red pendant, he was likely the one who was controlling the Undead.

[Beal Snark]

[Level: 18]

[Race: Human]

[Talent: None]

"We don't have much time; the enemy is stronger than us, one of you needs to carry Inara away while I buy time." Cylas told the group.

"I'll help you." Ward instantly spoke up breaking the other two out of their stupor. Looking at them Calder began trying to plan before the skeletons closed in.

"Okay! I've provided enough time for you all to say your goodbyes. Come out of the tomb!" Beal shouted, waving his hands elegantly.

Coming out of the tome Ward, Calder, and Cylas had their weapons drawn while Seren headed towards Inara lifting her onto her back. Out of the four of them she had the least upfront combat skills, so they had decided to have her go through a hole in the wall to try and get to the cart with Inara.

"Have you guys heard anything about Gravekeepers or Blood Protectors before?" Cylas asked the two walking beside him.

Ahead of them there were 10 Skeleton Guards, 15 Skeleton Archers, 5 Gravekeepers, 2 Blood Protectors and a mage standing in that order.

Shocked Calder looking ahead muttered, "Gravekeepers are a rank B threat and they have the ability to spawn skeletons around them, but I haven't heard of the other one before."

"I'm glad the sacrifices decided to come out! Though I see there's two that I'll have to go after." Beal started talking loudly again.

"We need to take care of the archers first. You two stick together and make sure he doesn't go after the other two." Cylas spoke quickly preparing to go in, cold sweat dripped down his back.

"Don't die." Cylas said sprinting towards the skeletons.

"Oh? One of you have volunteered to die first?" Beal said cockily, raising his hand the Skeleton guards began moving towards Cylas while the archers aimed their bows. Behind them Cylas could see countless skeletons began clawing out of the ground around the gravekeepers.

With limited time Cylas sprinted towards the front line of skeletons. Equipped with huge shields and swords Cylas could see the difference compared to the previous skeletons. The archers behind wore ragged cloaks and low-quality bows.

Colliding with one of the guards Cylas quickly smashed its skull using the blunt end of his blade. Using the momentum, he rolled peeling the shield off the guard using it to block the incoming arrows from the archers. Immediately sprinting with shield in hand he closed the distance between him and the archers and toppled one with the shield before rolling into a sprint at the others. Leaving the shield behind him Cylas instantly took care of 6 archers before 4 guard's closed in on him again with swords and shield in hand.

Behind them he could see Ward and Calder were fighting with 5 guards by themselves.

"You have spirit!" Beal shouted raising his hand.

"Negative Pulse" Beal chanted; a sphere of purple light pulsated around his hand.

Suddenly the skeletons around Cylas that weren't too badly damaged began restoring and getting back up.

Weaving through the skeletons Cylas dodged slow strikes from the Guards while destroying the skeletons on the ground that were restoring. The skeletons from the Gravekeepers were almost up and he was running out of time.

Moving towards the remaining Archers he quickly took them out before sprinting towards the Gravekeepers abandoning the 3 guards behind him. The skeletons had just finished coming out of the ground and had started moving towards him, surprisingly most of them had worn down weapons in hand. Behind him he could see that the other two had finished taking out the guards they had been fighting previously and moved towards the group of 3 Cylas had left behind.

"I didn't expect you guys to put up this much of a fight." Beal still smiling continued taunting the group.

From the 5 gravekeepers around 50 skeletons had erupted from the ground. They were spread out for now, but they would swarm Cylas soon. Cutting through the first skeleton he came across Cylas worked his way through the hoard only targeting the skeletons in his path. Coming upon the Gravekeeper he could see the difference compared to the other skeletons.

With multiple sets of destroyed cloths along with random spurts of hair the Gravekeeper contained bones from a few monsters and humans merged into a hulking abomination. Noticeably it held no weapon, but it had multiple sets of arms and surprisingly seemed to be faster than the other skeletons.

Picking up a dull axe from a sliced skeleton he reached the gravekeeper covered in small cuts. Stepping in he swung the dull axe down on the gravekeeper aiming for the center of its body. A mass of bones spurted out but the gravekeeper still stood. Quickly swiping its arm across Cylas raised his sword to parry its strike. On the other side another arm came out from under its torso swiping Cylas's leg knocking him off balance. Before he hit the ground Cylas twisted the fall sweeping his legs into the gravekeepers.


About to go in for another strike a sudden ball of light came bursting out towards Cylas. Trying to dodge the ball of light hit the ground beside him bursting him along with gravekeeper.

Trying to stand back up Cylas's vision was shaky, a ringing in his ears threw off his balance and he fumbled, a large gash on his arm bled violently. His sword laid about 10 feet away from him and he tried stumbling towards it. In the distance he could see the other two covered in wounds fighting against the hoard of skeletons coming their way.

Picking up the sword the ringing in his ear subsided but his body was racked with pain. Bleeding from multiple locations Cylas knew he didn't have a lot of time before he would pass out. His breathing was labored and he could feel exhaustion slowly creeping in.

"I give you props honestly; I didn't expect you to push the Gravekeeper to that extent, I did help you out a bit though." pausing briefly Beal put his hand on his chin thinking to himself, "Okay I've decided, you get to watch.".

Immediately Cylas knew what he meant, beside the mage one of the Blood Protector's was gone. Cylas didn't notice it missing until just now, but it couldn't have been missing for too long. He didn't have time to think about it, he had to get to the other two before it was too late.

Slowly picking up speed Cylas began running towards Ward and Calder. Together the three of them might be able to stall a bit longer.

"Oh dear, you're still moving. What should I do?" Beal facetiously spoke moving in an exaggerated manner.

"Ward, Calder! Be careful!" Cylas shouted trying to alert them.

The two were struggling as is, hordes of skeletons that had been targeting Cylas moments prior swarmed towards them. The missing Protector was likely hidden heading towards the two while Cylas was struggling to close the distance.

Suddenly the Protector by Beal's side sprinted towards Cylas. The beast stood on two legs and had two arms but looked nothing like a human, quickly closing the distance between the two the protector swung its clawed hand for his torso. Immediately he felt the force behind the blow, pushing him back, his arms were numb from blocking the blow, he couldn't afford to block again.

Immediately the monster followed up aiming for his torso again, its speed was faster than his own and Cylas struggled to parry it. Even with him minimalizing his movement he was barely able to respond to the monster's attacks. Suddenly the monster lunged seemingly trying to capture Cylas, dodging to the side Cylas swung his sword putting a small cut on the monster's arm.

Instantly the monster swung its arm directed at Cylas's chest, attempting to dodge suddenly Cylas's vision blurred, with the fist on him Cylas meekly raised his sword to block some of the force.

Immediately Cylas felt the power, the blow knocked him to the ground and his vision blurred. Intense pain shot through his body and it felt like he had thousands of needles piercing him. Blood poured from various wounds on his body and he didn't have the energy to stand back up.

"Cylas!" Calder shouted trying to get through the skeletons collapsing onto the two.

Reaching down the monster picked Cylas up by his throat holding him midair.

"Ah, the other sacrifices have just arrived. I'm so thankful they could make it." Beal clapped and, in the distance, the other Protector walked towards them holding Inara and Seren by their necks.

Cylas had thought he sent the Protector to finish the other two, he had assumed wrong, and now there was nothing he could do. Limp in air Cylas struggled to raise his arms, but for some reason he couldn't muster the energy.

The skeletons had stopped swinging their weapons and had piled onto Ward and Calder who struggled to break free. The two were completely exhausted, dirt and blood coated their faces along with various cuts covering their body.

Bringing them all together Beal skipped happily towards them.

"The parties all here!" Beal exclaimed springing out his arms, "Who wants to go first?"

"Let the others go, just take me instead!" Ward pleaded; desperation covered his usually blank expression. Beside him Calder sat silent his eyes out of focus.

"L...Let me go!" Seren said struggling against the grip of the monster while Inara weakly groaned, her skin paler than before.

Looking over the group paused for a moment before a repugnant smile took over his face.

"Alright! I've decided." Beal said slowly, a repulsive tone entered his voice.

Suddenly a repulsive crack broke the silence, the creature holding Inara and Senna threw Inara's limp body down onto the ground lifeless.

"N...NOOOOO!!" Seren shouted increasing her struggling against the monster.

"No! I'll kill you!" Ward screamed anger in his voice as he struggled to move. Beside him Calder still laid emotionless and unmoving.

"St..sto" Cylas tried speaking up but the words wouldn't come out. Beside him Beal looked over with a repulsive smile.

"Ahhh I got ahead of myself, sorry. I'm not supposed to kill them instantly, but I love the reactions you know?" Beal rambled patting Cylas's leg.

"That being said, one of you isn't giving much of a reaction at all." Beal spoke as he began walking towards Calder. Crouching down he grabbed Calder by the chin,

"How'd you break so fast? How weak was your mental state?" Beal spoke rotating Calder's head using his hair.

"I suppose there's no use in keeping you then." he sighed. Suddenly the pendant in his hand flashed and a red light sprang out over Calder's body. Immediately once the light vanished Calder's head went limp.

"You bastard!" Ward screamed increasing his struggling.

All Cylas could do was watch in horror as one by one the friends he had made were slaughtered in front of his eyes. He tried thinking about various ways to save them, but nothing came to mind. Tears filled Cylas's eyes and before he had even known it, he had started crying. In the background Ward's screams and Seren's struggle filled the graveyard along with Beals laughter.

"Okay I planned on surprising you with a twist but upon seeing your reactions I'll be switching the order a bit." Beal said sneering at Cylas's teary face.


In the background Seren's screamed had turned into cries of pain.

"AAARRGHHH" Seren screeched. Suddenly he started moving closer to her as the monster carrying him moved towards Seren, his own head now only inches away from her own.

Seren eyes filled with tears and her skin had seemingly started shriveling. Still screaming she looked at Cylas with desperation in her eyes.

"I..I'm sorry." Cylas cried, breaking down.

Slowly her screams had gotten quieter and turned to groans, her eyes stared at Cylas pleading with him until even they shriveled into nothing.