

As the moon 🌕 runs away over the sky. The night eats me alive. My body feel like firer 🔥. This burning 🔥 inside me is makes me crazy 🤪. The need to consum and to be consumed by this man. My thoughts are of hard hands stroking me. Making me feel like I would go insane if he stopped. It's a primal instinked. The need for this man is burning me up inside. I need to be sated with his touch. This need for him driving me over the edge of my own thoughts. This torture making me want an need more. My hands try to rise an stop. No! No, I need this. My feelings of burning desire to be sated! As my hand reaches out again I'm jared awake by my alarm clock ⏰. My body is drench in sweat 😓.

oh no! I'm late! I jumped from the bed in a hurry. In to the bathroom I go. I'm losing myself in my daily routine so I don't think of my dream this smorning. Im slowly trying to forget my burning desire 🔥 inside of me. Letting my mind go through the steps of dressing and making my son's breakfast and his lunch for school. I jog up the steps to his room. Avoiding the T Rex an a Lego castle 🏰 he made the night prior. I know I will have to clean this mess before the cleaning lady comes 🙃🙂. So I will put it off until i get my son dressed and ready for school. I go over to my sleeping angel an can't help but notice how he looks just like his father. With his jet black hair an his nose. His face curling in to a smile as he dreams of something to make him smile. I bend down an kiss his head. Hay you ready to get up lil man? I ask as he starts to stretch big an wide. Yes mom, as Jake gets up saying to me. Mom I had a dream the best one ever. What was it about lil man. He looks as if I should always know what he dreams about. Well it's like this mom Jake says all to seriously for his age. It's about fishing with dad, mom. oh one of those dreams, I stated matter of factly. Well we will see I say to him as I go to the dresser drawer an grab out is favorite T rex T shirt and a pair of Dino word print pants. Jake just runs over to me an waits for his pj's to get removed. As a mom I have found out that life only revoles around Jake an bill's. so I just take what life gives me an plan 🙃🙂. I noticed I'm running behind a little an pick lil man up jump over the castle 🏰 an T rex an dash down the steps. I reach the landing and set jack on his little chair an put his socks on as he tries to hold still. Jake's feet are so ticklish that he laughs 😆 the hole time we deal with the socks 🧦. With the socks an shoes 👞 done we go to the table to eat. Jake in his boster set an me beside him at the table eating eggs an toast. Jake loves eggs an toast. My lil man then tells me how he cot a bigger fish then his dad in his dream. I smile at him because he tells it with so much excitement. I quickly tell Jake to finish up an grab my plate an drink as well as Jake's an place them in the sink. Then grab a rag an wipe Jake off an toss the rag in the sink pick up the lunch I made for my lil man an we run to the car. We pulled out of the driveway an down the road to school we went. At drop off I hugged an kissed Jake. Told him would be back after school to get him. I head off to school for myself.

I'm so out of shape 😩! I tell my friends as I round the last lap of the high school track. Panting like a dog 🐕 I fall to the ground next to my friends Suzy, JZ, and Beth. Who are laughing about this new bow 🙇‍♂️ that my friends' cousin had met over at the Applebee's. She so didn't know what she signed up for with Eric, JZ said. Hay you can warn ⚠️ people and they still do the shit you told them not to do, Beth laughs. Same shit different day for leela I laughed 😅 🤣. Suzy was pretended to be a finned for her cousin, but let a smile brake through😒☺🤣. We just lost are selves in the joke after that. Yeah, it's like she has no standards when looking for a good boyfriend. I sighed Hay Suzy i said, are you going to ask out Travis for home coming this year? Sorry 😞 guys he's dating Donna right now Suzy said. Wait I scream 😱 Donna in A1 or Donna in B5! Suzy started to tear 😢 up, he's dating Donna in A 1 😭!!! Oh my gosh you have to be kidding me, Beth says. JZ jumped up, alright Suzy do you want me to kick that hoes ass. Suzy wiped away her tears an grabbed JZ before she could run after Travis. JZ fell over an landed on me as she tried to wiggle out of Suzys arms. Come on guys you know that's not fair get off JZ an Suzy let her hurt him just like he did to you. Beth tried to pull JZ off me. I had had enough of this on again off again stuff from Travis and Suzy. Del runs over JZ fan boy an pulls her off of me. Thanks Del I say as I get up from the ground dusting myself off. I say remind me never to pass you off JZ. We head towards the showers. I tell Suzy we need to find her a guy who will stomp Travis good looks in to the dust. All of the sudden it's like I have fell through the floor because right in front of me is my dream. Living breathing dream. What a hunk I hear beside my ear👂an that was all I heard. It was as if I was treading water. My hearing was as if nothing but soft noises as when you are in water. I can not make out what they are saying. he looked at me.we held each others eyes. I feel lost in the vision of this powerful man's eyes 👀. All I can do is stand there looking an feeling i was shaking with a need for this man's hands. For him to touch me an stroke me as the fire enveloped me. All at once a hand appeared in front of my face snapping fingers. Jess earth 🌎 to jess. I was shaken out of my zombie like state by Beth. Humm what did you just say I asked? I said let's ask that hotty Beth said loudly. What hotty I asked as I looked around? Where did he go I thought maybe I hallucinated him up I told myself. I will go ask, JZ said as she took off towards the office. Wait I said I feel really lost at this moment 😕😔. What are we talking about again?

the being of something great

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