

Adrianna lived a normal teenage life, or so she thought until that night. She had a wonderful best friend, awesome school life and a loving family. What could go wrong?. It all started that night. That night changed everything. With the new information she had, it was "goodbye human world " and "welcome supernatural world". Nobody could ever fight their existence, and she wasn't ordinary. Not in the very least, this is a story of a confused young adult who has to find herself, bond with her roots and become a stronger person. This is her story. And it's hers to tell.

tammybea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs



I  make my way to the school's parking lot,occasionally making sure no one is around.The last thing I need is rumours about me being a whore.

On getting to the parking lot,I sight the familiar red Toyota Camry...I can't help but remember how much I loved riding in that car..so many things have changed.I'm feeling so conflicted right now,a part of me wants to talk to him and another part is yelling"DANGER,JAMIE DANGER.ABORT MISSION!!".

Yeah,I'm gonna see him and settle things once and for all.I approach the Camry taking a long breath.He steps out of the car immediately he sees me..I force a smile..

"Jamie",I say as he grins.

"Adri,you left without a word.I had to drill Kate for about three days before she told me",he says.

He is looking really good,white vest over blue jean..his black vans and amazing smile. Adrianna,you have a mate!.

"I know and I'm sorry.It was a last minute thing.We are friends after all,I shoulda told you before taking off",I say as he smiles...the smile reaching his eyes. A few weeks ago, this would have been amazing but now I just feel nothing, no butterflies.

"I was hoping we could talk",he said,pursing for a while and then he engulfs me in a bear hug.

"I really missed you",he says as I smile.I guess Jamie and I can't be anything more than friends even if he asked for more.

"I missed you too. How is school and stuff?",I ask pulling away from the hug.I notice Jamie's reluctance to let go of me. I clear my throat and offer a strained smile.

"School's cool.Can we talk someplace else?.I feel like we are being watched",he says as I nod. That I agree to,I didn't  want us talking here. I know I'm not doing anything wrong but i just didn't want anybody seeing us together.

If we are gonna talk,then we should talk without any interruptions.

"Sure,I know a place...I think",I say as I get into the passenger's seat.


Daniel Cole

"What the fuck are you talking about?!,where the hell is my mate?!",I yell.Lumi,Danny and Keith are currently at the pack house claiming my mate disappeared on them during lunch.

"I miss school for a day and entrust my mate into your hands and you fucking let her out of your fucking sight?!",I yell growling.

"It all happened so fast.We were all talking when Mason asked to talk to her and they went some place private",Lumi says staring at the floor.

"I told you not to let her out of your sight,dammit!",I yell hitting the table with my right fist.

"We are really sorry,it won't happen again.We will find her",Keith says solemnly.

"You just fuck off.Get me her brother's cell number. Now!",I yell as they all nod and are about to leave when there is a knock on the door.

"I will get it",Danny says walking towards the door.He hisses on seeing who knocked"What the actual fuck are you doing here?",he asks.

"I'm here to see DC. I have news that might interest him",she says as Danny scoffs.

"Get lost",he says.

"It's about his mate",she says as I instantly go"Come in Brittany".She giggles,pushing past Danny and catwalking in.

"I know you are tensed up about your mate. I have some news on where she could be",she says with a smirk."And why should we believe you?",Lumi asks.

"I saw her leave school with a very handsome guy..oh and after sharing a passionate hug",she says as I growl.I have no idea how but the next thing I know is I'm grabbing Brittany by the neck.

"I..I can't breathe..let let me go",she says in pain."Don't you fuck with me Brittany. I will snap your neck if I find out this was made up",I say.

"It..it..it isn't..I s..swear",she says as I slowly let go of her and she starts coughing nonstop.

"It's not my fault your mate is such a bitch.You don't have to kill me for trying to help",she says breathing heavily.

"Get out now or I will be forced to commit murder",I say as she races out of the room.



"So how did you find a place like this so soon?",Jamie asks as he switches off the car engine.

I took him to the site Daniel brought me when we first met, which is a pretty stupid decision now that I'm giving it a second thought.

Daniel,I don't even wanna think about him right now.Not the cabin though just the clearing.I couldn't let anyone know Daniel's secret place.

"Yeah,I was just wandering and I found it",I say with a tight smile as he nods.

There is silence for a while,neither of us knowing what to say.

This is awkward.

"Adri,I love you",he says taking my hand as I turn my face towards him,making a motion to speak"No,don't talk.Just listen.Since the day I saved you from that bully I have loved you.I was only with Meredith to try and ease the emotions a little bit.Then I found out you left without telling me.I was broken. The only thing on my mind was me getting to you and confessing my feelings",he says as I take a deep breath.

Well,I'm not that surprised.

I knew this would come up somehow.

"Jamie,how do I put this.I liked you,I liked you a whole lot but after we moved and all,I realized that I could stop liking you. I'm not the Adrianna you knew back then.I'm not who you think I am",I say sighing.

Should I tell him in a werewolf?,no that would just make him stop talking to me.

"But what changed?,why did you stop liking me?. You say you are not the same Adrianna I used to know.What changed?",he says.

I could feel the emotions in his words.I carefully unattach my hands from his.

"Jamie,I appreciate you coming all the way here just to talk.But,I'm over you, we don't fit.We don't belong together.Look,Jamie,I'm not normal.It's best you just try to forget me",I say as he gazes at me for a while and then he nods.

"There is another guy right?",he asks as I groan."Did I mention another guy to you?.I'm over you now so just live with it",I say as I make a move to get out of the car.

"Adrianna,I'm not as normal as you think I am",I shake my head and pull open the car door letting myself out and if course he opens the door and starts walking towards me. I twirl around to face him, "Look Jamie, I never asked you to break up with meredith. If you had summoned up enough courage to confess your feelings to me then, maybe we could have given it a shot. But now, it's  gone. Get over yourself!. We can only be friends!', I literally scream. He just needs to get that nothing could ever happen between us.

"You do not mean that. You love me Adrianna. You are just too scared to admit it", Jamie says with a pained look on his face. Is he high on crack?. I never took him for someone desperate.

"What are you even talking about?. What is wrong with you?. Have you been using drugs?", I ask as he scoffs.

"Look whatever picture you had painted in your head while driving here that involved us making out and me declaring my undying love for you doesn't exist. I can't give you what you want", I state as he nods.

"Adrianna Casper I love you. You are the only one for me. And you will be mine", he says with this effect of finality. I really cant believe this , it seems like I'm dreaming. I start to walk away but he grabs me by the arm and slams his lips on mine. What the fuck. It takes me seconds to realized what's happening and I push him with every single strength  in me and land a hard slap on his face.

"Don't  you ever fucking try that again!. What is your problem?. Get lost!", I scream as he tries to speak but I shun him and keep walking.

"You are mine Adrianna", he says but I don't even bother to turn around, and give him a reply. My eyes are already blurry from the tears that are about to spill.

Even though I told him and he doesn't  feel like the Jamie i knew before moving away, he was one of my close friends and i cant help but feel like i just lost a friend. And I also cant help but feel like I just cheated on my mate. Oh my god, this is so messed up.

I grab my phone from my pocket and dial Kate's  number. I need to tell her, I need to talk to her.

"Adrianna baby.I heard Jamie drove over.Are you okay?",Kate asks over the phone as I sniff.

I just have to tell her,I can't keep hiding this forever.

"I need to tell you something..something important",I say.

"Adrianna,are..are you crying?.Come on talk to me",she.says as I sniff once more.

"I'm a werewolf",I say as I hear a scream from the other line and then it's disconnected.

Kate hates me now.

She totally hung up on me.My life is a mess.The tears began flowing freely and my vision blurred.

I shake my head and dial Lumi's number. She picks up in one ring.

"Adrianna!Adri,oh my gosh.where have you been?!",Lumi asks over the phone as I sniff."C..can you come pick me up?".


"My brother is beyond furious!.What made you disappear on us?!",Lumi asks the moment I step in her car.

I wiped all my tears right before Lumi could get to me.I hate crying,makes me feel weak.

"And why are your eyes all puffy?",she asks as I scoff.

"Nothing.I just had something in my eye",I lie easily as she nods.

"Where the hell were you?!.My brother is questioning Mason at the pack house".

"What?,why?!",I ask. Could this day just get any worse?

"Because he was the last person with you and Brittany claimed to have seen you leave the parking lot with a guy",she says as I start panicking, kissing Jamie doesnt even make me feel any less panickier.

"Did she tell Daniel that?",I ask as she nods.I am so screwed.

"You have a lot of explaining to do.I'm taking you to the pack house",she says as I almost shrink at the thought of facing my mate.

Immediately we arrived at the pack house, I spoke my younger brother walking towards me.

"Daniel questioned me but I told him nothing",my brother says giving me a hug.

"Thanks Mace",I say as he looks me in the eye.

"You were crying,weren't you?. What did that motherfucker say to you?!",he asks.

"We will talk about this at home.For now,just go home and tell mom and dad that I'm okay",I say as he nods and gives me a hug.

"Okay",he says leaving.

"Come on,we have to get you to my brother before he kills everyone",Lumi says nudging me towards a hallway.

"Can he really do that?",I ask as she scoffs.

We stop in front of a black wooden door.She didn't even bother knocking,she slowly opened the door going in and I went in after her.

I met a worried looking Danny..his Jacoby hair was all disheveled and he looked tired.

Keith was no better,his nose was scrunched and his face was in a frown.I haven't seen Daniel yet.

"Where the hell did you go?",Keith asks as soon as he sees me.He still had that frown on his face but he looks a little relieved.

"I..I only went out to get some fresh air.I was feeling suffocated at school",I say as Lumi looks at me shaking her head. I shoulda just come clean.

God,Brittany must have told them all,now they see me as a slut and a liar."We were so worried about you.Alpha would have gone crazy if you hadn't called Lumi",Danny says with a tight smile.

"I'm sorry I got you all worried over nothing",I say as there is a slam on the wall causing me to cringe in shock.

"Over nothing?!.Where the hell were you?!,Daniel asks coming into my line of vision.

I swear,I have never seen anyone this angry in my entire life. He doesn't even know about what I did and he is this mad. What would happen when he finds out that Jamie kissed me.

I sigh and go "I don't really have to tell you my every move okay?!",I reply.

Wait,Adrianna you fool!.

You weren't meant to say that.He will only get angrier.

My mouth needs a beating.I immediately shut my eyes realizing what I have done. I try to salvage the situation as fast as I can


"Out!.Everybody out!. Now!",he yelled in anger as the trio left the room.

Lumi gave me a tight reassuring smile and squeezed my hand before she left the room,shutting the door.

"I know you are pissed.I didn't mean to say what______

"Who was the guy you left school with?",he asks staring at me.I gulp at the intensity of his blue eyes on mine.

"He..he was a friend from my former school",I say as he keeps staring at me,moving closer and me moving farther.

"Why did you leave school with him?",he ask as I sigh.I guess I should just tell him everything.

"His name is Jamie.I had a crush on him back then.Even up till moving here I still liked him.I didn't even tell him I was leaving cos I found out he got himself a girlfriend and I was heartbroken.But my best friend told him where I was and he drove here to see me.He wanted to talk so I took him somewhere and then we talked_________

"Not another word.Do not speak any more",Daniel says.Hurt and pain evident in his eyes.

"Daniel,at least let me explain. You have to let me finish", I plead. "That was all before I moved here, before I met you!", I yell at him.

This is unbelievable. He didn't even trust me enough to listen to me.

"I said not another word!",he yelled and I sank into the wall behind me.

He must really hate me now.

"You need to listen to me Daniel. I dont know what Brittany told you but she obviously exaggerated  everything just so you could get mad at me!", I state in disbelief.

"Don't talk to me.I don't understand how you can even talk to me.Why you?!,he yells as he moves towards the door.

"I agreed to give you space but you actually wanted to be with the guy you love instead",he says and without letting me speak.He storms out of the room.

Fresh set of tears start falling again.God,I'm so emotional today.I get down on my knees and cry..I cry because my best friend hates me now...I cry because I can't tell Jamie what I really am..I cry because I just experienced first hand the anger of my mate and that makes me feel more broken and empty.