

Adrianna lived a normal teenage life, or so she thought until that night. She had a wonderful best friend, awesome school life and a loving family. What could go wrong?. It all started that night. That night changed everything. With the new information she had, it was "goodbye human world " and "welcome supernatural world". Nobody could ever fight their existence, and she wasn't ordinary. Not in the very least, this is a story of a confused young adult who has to find herself, bond with her roots and become a stronger person. This is her story. And it's hers to tell.

tammybea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs



I punched the wall so hard that my knuckles were red.

Mom and Dad dropped this huge bombshell on me and the worst part is,everyone of them knew about this,even Adrianna,and I just found out today.

Mum said they had agreed to tell me family night but family night was cancelled so they just had to tell me either way.

Believe me,there is no right way to tell your son that he is a werewolf.

A werewolf?!,like really?!.I wish it was all a joke or a dream. But,I'm a werewolf.

Not a full one yet though,I will be able to shift and do other werewolf stuff when I'm sixteen.

I wince at the pain in my knuckles as I grab the jug to drink some milk. Damn!,this freaking hurts.

"Mace honey,what are you doing?",mum asks as she approaches me placing my injured knuckles in her palm. Her eyes laced with worry.

"Don't touch me mom",I say instantly pulling my palm away. I could hear her sniffing. I hate it when mum cries. She rarely cries and when she does,it hurts a lot. But this time,I'm also hurt.

"Honey,your dad and I are sorry we kept it from you. We were only trying to keep you safe",she says with a sigh. Her eyes are all watery."Safe from what?!.From what mom?!.All those times I would come home and cry to you,telling you how I was blinded with rage and almost beat a guy to death.

You knew why but you never said anything. I almost went into therapy!.That's why I started playing basketball...to stay less angry. I thought I was disturbed mum",I state as mum breaks down. She full on starts crying.

"I thought I had a huge problem. Well,it still is a problem but at least now I know the cause",I finished as tears roll down her cheek."I will forgive you mum just don't pressure me",I say as I gulp down the milk and storm off to my room.



"Mum,it's alright. Everything is gonna be alright. I will come straight home now",I say to my mum over the phone as she sniffs."Okay darling",she says as the line cuts.

"What's up?",Kate asks in a soft tone. Obviously,she senses something serious is going on.

"Mum just told Mace about the whole werewolf thing. You know how he is",I say with a sigh as she nods.

She is about to speak but Keith beats her to it.

"So,your brother finally found out he is a werewolf?.He should just man up",Keith says not averting his gaze from the road. We were supposed to be on our way to the pack house but right now,I can't leave my mum in the middle of all this stuff. I know dad's there but he really doesn't know how to handle Mace in times like this.

Kate snorts at Keith's statement.

"You would know what it is to man up ",she throws back at him as his grip on the steering wheel tightens.

"Keith,just drive us home. Tell Daniel to come get us in an hour. Everything should be somehow sorted out by then",I say as he nods.

"You do remember we came here from school right?.DC had no idea I brought you here but thank God I mind linked Danny. That doesn't mean I won't get growled at though",he says as I chuckle.

"I will talk to him and I'm not hurt so he should be less angry".

"Helloooo? .I'm also here",Kate pipes behind us. Well,I do wanna get home in one piece that's why I sat beside the driver's seat and shoved her in the back seat.

"We know you are",I say as she scoffs."For a second there I thought I was invisible. Sooooo...who is Danny?..and who is DC?",she asks her blue eyes glimmering with curiosity.

"Well,Danny is a friend of mine____",I start but is cut short by Keith.

"Who happens to be Lumi's mate",Keith finishes as Kate gives him a mean glare.

"I didn't ask you",she says as he just sighs and focuses on the road. He really is trying though,more than usual. I give my best friend a look that clearly states...

Do you have to act so bitchy?

She just shrugs and winks at me as I shake my head.

"And DC is my mate but I call him Daniel",I say with a blush as Kate eyes widen and she screams in realisation. Yup people!,she screams.

"What the hell was that?!",Keith yells pulling over at a side of the road to address the issue.

"Uh...my amazing banshee abilities?",she answers as I can't help but laugh at this. Lydia Martin,you have a big fan here.

"See why I told you not to watch that TV show?",I ask she snorts.

"Your movie taste sucks so I will not comment on what you just said",she says with a scowl.

"Well,try to give us a heads up next time before you go all banshee on us",Keith says angrily as he starts the engine again and once more,we are on our way home. The trip back seems longer than coming.

"You told me about him over the phone!.He was the one who made you forget Jamie!",she squeals as I gulp. I sneak a glance at Keith and he has no expression whatsoever .I'm guessing Daniel didn't tell them about Keith.

"By the way,you should see that guy. He looks so depressed lately,I won't lie to you girlie,it's a little bit scary . He's been like that after he came to see you",she rants on as I send her a glare.

"What?!",she asks with a confused look on her face.

"So...Jamie is the name of the guy who came to see you at school right?",he says as I avert my gaze to the window. These trees look so fascinating to me all of a sudden.

"Go on missy. Just ignore Keith",he says as I sigh.

"Daniel and I already talked about it",I state simply as he shrugs.

"You are doing it again!",Kate yells.

"What?",Keith and I ask simultaneously.

"Acting like I'm invisible!",she says with a pout as she kicks the back of the driver's seat with her right foot in annoyance.

"Hey!",yells Keith.

And here I thought Daniel and I were complicated when we found each other.

Theirs is way worse.


"Mum,we're home!",I yell as Kate and I step into my house.

"Woad. It's even more amazing on the inside",she says with a grin as I smile.

Keith left for the pack house, although he did do something really sweet. Due to the white armless top that my best friend wore,she was cold so he gave her his jacket .Although,she is being bitchy,I'm sure she isn't giving back the jacket.

"Adrianna,thank God you are here",mum says as she comes down the stairs. Her eyes are all red and puffy from crying and her hair is in a messy bun. She is wearing that hideous lemon dress that grandma gave her. She only puts it on when she is sad and today she is.

"Mrs Casper!",Kate yells as she hugs mum."I really have missed you dear",mum says with a smile as Kate smiles back.

"Your house is really amazing now I see why you moved - what are you wearing?",she asks pointing to my mum's dress. I chuckle at this. My bestie really doesn't know when to butt out.

"Young lady,I'll have you know that my mother made this dress for me",mum says obviously trying to hide her smile. Even she knows it's hideous. Grandma can't sew to save her life.

"Wow...It's not that bad",she says as my mum and I laugh.

"Let's go upstairs first. You need to shower and stuff",I say as Kate nods with a grin.

"I'm exhausted!",she whines.

"Well you certainly didn't think that when you were giving Keith a hard time earlier",I retort.

"That's a whole different story bestie",she says as mum stares at us.

"Am I missing something?",she asks I smile.

"I'll explain after I talk to Mace".

"He is in his room",she says feeling sad all over again.

"Don't worry mum. Adrianna's got this",I say as Kate snorts.

"Yeah. Adrianna to the rescue",she says with a grin as my mum laughs.

"I definitely missed that girl",mum murmurs but I hear her and so does Kate who blushes in return.

"Come on",I say as she grabs her suitcase and we go up the stairs.

"So I'll show you our room and then I'll leave to go talk to Mace",I say as she grins.

"Was it this hard for you too when you found out?",she asks as I sigh.

"Trust me it was way worse",I say as she sighs.

"Who would have thought my best friend turned out to be a werewolf . It's quite a shocker".

"And who would have thought my best friend would be mated to a werewolf",I say as she scowls.

"Shut up . That's just bullshit",she says as we finally get to the entrance of my room.

"This is it. Get yourself settled in. I gotta go be a big sister",I say as she gives me a smile.

"We will talk about you and Keith when I'm back. Damn!,I'm doing a lot of talking to today",I say as she scoffs.

"Don't flatter yourself. Now get lost",she says as I laugh. I turn to face the door opposite my room. This is gonna be hard.

"Go on",Kate pipes up from behind me.

"Why are you still here?",I ask whipping my head around to face her with a raised eyebrow as she raises both her hands in surrender.

"Fine. Whatever chick",she says asks she opens the door to my room and shuts it abruptly not after giving me a death glare though. Seriously,did she suddenly contact that bipolar thingy??.

I knock on the door three times in a row.

"What?",comes his voice that he is trying really hard to make sound manly. Ichuckle at this.

"Mace,can I come in?",I ask as there is silence for a while.

"Whatever",he says as I smile . That's our sibling code word for "Yes ". The thing is we only use whatever when we are feeling too proud to say yes. So whatever means yes. I place my hands on the doorknob and open the door.

"God!,what a mess!",I squeal.