
Cut throat

The Duke appeared at his bed chambers and standing beside him was a figure clad in black with two horns sticking out of its head and fiery eyes, this figure was infact Azargoth the demon which the Duke formed a contract with.

It served him, doing everything from assassinations to genocides and massacres, it was also his fallback plan for protection if everything else failed and just as he had planned Azargoth did save his life!

"I want you to bring the intruder's head to me this instant, his blood and flesh you can have" he spoke to the demon giving it orders.

With a low growl it disappeared into the shadow.

The assassin(Takashi) was standing on the highest point on the roof of the Great hall, he was surveying his surroundings searching for his prey, unknown to him the demon appeared at the same spot where the Duke had stood.

Azargoth grew batlike wings in an instant and flew straight up to the roof where Takashi stood oblivious of the impeding danger, as the demon got closer, Takashi suddenly felt its presence and immediately moved out of the way by back flipping and floating in the air.

'so the bastard Duke has got a demon?' Takashi was getting excited.

"Demon, take me to your master and I'll think about sparing your worthless life" he spoke to the demon.

Azargoth opened its mouth and a ball of red light started to gather, in an instant the ball had gotten bigger and shot out a strong beam of light, Takashi managed to dodge it by anticipating the attack.

The light hit the Great hall destroying half of it in a massive explosion, Takashi moved fast towards the demon his sword was glowing now and sparks of lighting were gathering around the blade.

"How dare you attack me, you filthy scum" he yelled as he approached the demon.

Azargoth opened its mouth again and fired the beam which collided with the tip of Takashi's lighting sword and BOOOM!! there was an explosion so powerful it had them flying in opposite directions for a few meters, Takashi was faster to recover from the shock.

He teleported! appearing behind the Demon, before it could turn back he had driven his blade into its heart, Takashi felt a bit dizzy.

It happened every time he teleported so he preferred flying super fast, because he was dizzy he didn't see Azargoth twist its head in a full 180 degrees, he only noticed the ball of light gathering again, this time he was too slow to dodge so it hit him and sent him flying.

The Duke was seated on a large golden throne in his bed chambers, in his hand was a cup filled with wine and condensed Rishi, he sat with his legs crossed waiting for Azargoth's return.

'hpmmm' he sighed as he was getting tired and then - Boom, there was a loud crash as Takashi came through the wall and landed at his feet, the Duke spilled his wine as he jumped, he wasn't expecting something like this, after he regained his composure he stared at the body lying at his feet and at once he recognised the "little boy" that had threatened to take his life.

"what's wrong? I thought you were going to kill me" he stepped on Takashi's head as he kept taunting.

He kicked Takashi hard which sent him crashing into mirror by the bed, the Duke moved to the other end of his chambers where numerous weapons decorated the eerie looking wall, he picked up a mean looking battle ax and started to walk towards the assassin.

With all his might the Duke swung the ax down to behead his nemesis, but at that instant Takashi regain consciousness and teleported to the corner where the eerie looking wall was, the Duke made a massive hole in his floor.

"where did you go rat?" the Duke said as he turned around looking for his victim.

Takashi picked up a spear and hurled it towards the Duke aiming for his heart, the Duke had already seen him so he easily evaded the attack and rushed towards the assassin, hoping to finish him off in one blow.

Takashi picked up a sword and met the Duke in combat, sword and ax clashing with a deafening sound of iron against iron, Takashi's left arm was hurt and immobile from the beam shot by Azargoth, the Duke noticed this and kicked him there.

"Argh" Takashi exclaimed as he fell over and crashed into the throne where the Duke had been sitting.

"Get up and fight me like a man" the Duke snickered.

"Gimme a minute, I'll be right with you" Takashi replied as he coughed and spat out blood.

The Duke advanced yet again this time faster than before, unknown to him Takashi had set a trap while he was pretending to catch his breath, Boomm!!, the Duke stepped on a pearl, it exploded and sent him flying upwards, he hit the ceiling of his chambers and fell to the floor flat on his face.

Takashi attacked at that instant, but the Duke was already on his feet and he parried the assassin's blow, kneed him in his stomach and hit him in the face with the butt of the ax, the force of the blow threw Takashi across the room as he hit the door leading to the hallway.

"you are really tough for a cockroach, aren't you?" the Duke was quite impressed by his resilience.

"Alas your tricks won't save you this time, surrender and I'll make your death fast and painless" the Duke adviced Takashi with a scornful look on his face.

He had heard about the duke's talent for fighting, and having served as a general in the emperor's army, he knew the Duke of combat tested.

'damn that demon, I could have taken him if not for my injuries' as he thought to himself it then dawned on him that he had taken some rishi pills from the guards he defeated, immediately, he threw two pills into his mouth and he could feel the energy surge through him like lightning as his wounds began to heal.

Takashi raised his hands towards the wall as three spears floated towards him.

'Telekinesis? who is this man?' the Duke wasn't expecting the assassin to have more than one skill type, for in their world one could acquire only one skill type, Telekinesis, Teleportation, pryokenises were skills among others that people had but always one and never two.

"Who are you?" the Duke asked with a straight face, he thought it'd be a pity to waste such a talent.

The Duke was already thinking of ways he could use Takashi's powers in his quest to destroy the emperor

"I'm the little boy who will take your life, just as you took the lives of my family and everyone I cared about" Takashi said angrily

"Do not be a hero young man, join me and I'll give you powers beyond your imagination" the Duke said with his arm outstretched, urging Takashi to take it.

"You cannot beat me!!" the Duke roared to further intimidate Takashi.

"I do not care about being a hero or a Villain, I want to see the world in ashes" Takashi replied.

"It's such a pity but you....

splush! the Duke felt a cold chill down his spine as Takashi thrusted his blade into his heart from behind.

"how?" the Duke asked with a surprised look on his face.

Unknown to the Duke the person in front of him was but an illusion, Takashi had already teleported behind him, and before he could finish his sentence the assassin stabbed him in the back.

The Duke fell on his knees as Takashi placed the blade against his throat.

"I told you I'll have your head Duke" Takashi said in a very cold voice.

"ahh, you did say that, but tell me one thing, what does it mean to be a Villain? what does it mean to be a hero?....

Takashi slit his throat, stabbed the back of his neck severing his head from his spine, he twisted his blade and pulled out the duke's head, that was the last thing he remembered as a beam of light appeared behind him and everything turned white.