
Chapter 14

"Your majesty! You cant just let that beast rage havoc in the entire kingdom!" A man with black beard, elongated nose, squinted eyes, thin paper lips and a physical body shape of a round ball named Monggel said as he slam his fist on the table in anger.

"The black mist has covered the entire kingdom, its supposed to be daylight by this time but look! You cant even see the sun!" Barkon another one of the council complained, unlike Monggel Barkon is a the exact opposite of him in terms of physical appearance, with his round tomato shape like nose, big round eyes, freckles that covers his entire face and a body as thin as a stick he is one the oldest member of the council.

Most of the council members have been complaining none stop since the meeting commence.

The Emperor who's just sitting in his chair listening to their complaint sigh in frustration.

He cant blame them, he's frustrated too.

The sky has been covered by Leon's mist since yesterday, the people of the empire are scared and restless and the fact that he doesnt know why Leon would cover the sky with his mist like this frustrates him even more.

"Everyone calm down. For now we can confirm that something has happened in the Viosta dukedom, although we dont know what it is yet, just base on what we see it looks like its something big."

[Yes, Save my ass Sir Canon!] The Emperor though shamelessly with s smug look on his face.

Canon is the youngest council member although his age is younger than most of the council no one can deny the fact that he is one of the smartest liguirritio in the kingdom, despite all ligurritio being naturally smart when they're born Canon is still smarter than a normal ligurritio.

Born with immeasurable wisdom and knowledge it was like destiny itself has chosen Canon to be one of the council.

Aside from his intelligence Canon Zonch is also one of the most sought out man in the kingdom.

Bright brown eyes, jet black hair, sharp jawline, a proud nose, pinkish lips, broad shoulder Canon Zonch can hold himself with dignity and pride despite not being born with powers.

"I agree with sir Canon, unless we dont know the reason behind the duke's action I suggest we be careful not to poke an angry beast." The Emperor stated, everyone went silent after that.

If they poke an angry beast even more he might destroy the entire kingdom with a flick of a finger.

"Then what do you suggest we do Sir Canon? Just let the Grand Duke do whatever he wants to do?"

"Sir. Barkon do you suggest we arrest the Grand Duke? Do you have the power to do so? Not even the power but do you have the military force to arrest someone like him? Are you prepared for what might happen if we anger someone who is blessed by the god of war?" Canon stated in sarcasm.

Barkon and the other council members clenches their fist in anger at what the young council said.

"We must find out first why the Grand Duke is doing this. There must be a reason behind all this, I'll personally go to the Viosta Dukedom to talk to him." All of them looked at the emperor in disbelief, and the Emperor noticed their disapproving stares.

"Grand Duke Leon as much of a beast as he is, he is a reasonable man. Someone might have angered him and pushed him to his limits. I'll go to his mansion today to see what's happening." The Emperor said defending the Grand Duke.

They knew that the Emperor and the Grand duke goes a long way in the past but they didnt exactly know how close they were.

Everyone in the kingdom only knows that the Grand duke helped the emperor rise to the throne, thats it.

When the meeting ended everyone left the room feeling uneasy some felt angry at the Emperor's favor towards the Grand Duke but no one really said a word.

"John, prepare the portal. Were going to the Grand Duke." The emperor stated as soon as he everyone left the room.

"Yes your majesty." John said with a bow to show his respect.

"Also, call the royal guards they will be the one to escort me to the Grand Duke's mansion." The emperor said as he stood up from his seat.

From the room, he looked at the window as he pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"I wonder what happen for you to do this, Leon." He mumble to himself.

Minutes later John came back to the meeting room to inform the Emperor that everything is ready for his departure.

The Emperor nodded in response and both of them made their way to the portal.

When they arrived the royal guards greeted them by bowing to the Emperor.

There are aproximately over a hundred knights in position to escort the Emperor.

"Greetings to his majesty." They said in union, Vincent raised his left hand ordering them to be at ease.

With power and pride Emperor Vincent stood tall and mighty as he hop on his horse.

"Now. Let's go to beast's den."

Without any further delay Vincent was the first one to step inside the portal and one by one his royal knights followed, there are more than a hundred royal knights escorting the Emperor to the Viosta Dukedom.

It only took them a couple of minutes before arriving at their destination. The portal only drop them at the front gate of the mansion.

The second they stepped outside the portal they felt a menacing black aura coming from the Viosta's main mansion.

The aura was so strong that it sent shiver down their spine, most of the knights started sweating, the manacing aura was enough to drain their strength and they havent even gone inside the mansion yet.

"Everyone stay on your guard, I dont think what happened here is just a simple matter." The Emperor stated warning his knights.

"Something must have really made him angry for him to go through such lenghts." Hildard the captain of the royal guard said, The Emperor looked at him with a worried look.

"Who's there?!" One of the guards of the gate yelled.

"Open the gates! The Emperor will enter!" Hildard screamed at the two man who was guarding the mansion's gate. They looked at each other before bowing to the Emperor.

"Greetings to the sun of the empire!" They said to the Emperor.

When they opened the gates, Vincent along with the Royal knights march towards the mansion.

In the front of the mansion's main door is Winston waiting for them.

When the Emperor got off his horse, "Greetings to the sun of the Empire." Winston greeted while bowing.

"Where is he?" The emperor asked, pertaining to Leon.

"He's at the south wing mansion your highness, the Grand Duke is anticipating your arrival, I shall escort you to him."

"South wing? Isnt that where his military force is? Did something happened in training that he had to go through such lenghts as covering the entire kingdom with his power?" The emperor asked confusely.

Winston just smiled at him and shook his head in response. "Its better for his majesty to see in person why the Grand Duke is angry."

Vincent Sigh in defeat, Winston is loyal to the Grand duke through and through, he wont say anything unless the Grand duke told him to.

"Fine. Take me to him." The emperor stated, Winston guided Vincent to the south wing of the mansion.

When they arrived at the south wing the Emperor gasp in shock at what he saw.

Thousands of soldiers gathered on the field, the atmosphere was so tense it was like there's a war thats about to break.

"W-hats happening here? Is there a war I wasnt aware about?!"

From where Vincent and Winston's are they can see the Grand Duke standing at the south mansion's balcony looking down at the knights below him.

Vincent and Winston followed by the royal knights immediately went to where Leon was.

Winston along with Hildard stayed outside the room, while outside Winston explained to Hildard why the Grand Duke is so angry.

Leon ordered Winston not to tell the Emperor anything, he wants to be the one to explain it to him but he didnt say that he couldnt tell anyone else.

"Leon! What country are you waging war at?! And why didnt I knew about this?!" The Emperor yelled as he burst through the room where Leon was.

"Emperor. Why are you here?" Leon asked without looking at the Emperor.

"What do you mean why am I here?! Have you seen the sky?!" Vincent yelled while pointing at the mist covered sky.

Leon looked at the sky and shrugged his shoulders. "Its a beautiful day isnt it?"

The Emperor slump his shoulder while looking at Leon with disbelief.

"....ha, it would be if you could actually see the sun!" Vincent yelled in sarcasm and roll his eyes annoyingly.

Leon shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back at his soldiers.

"Everyone get ready to move out!" Leon shouted from the balcony to his soldiers.

Everyone below shouted 'yes sir' hyping everyone up.

"Move out? When?! Where?! Why?!"

The Emperor was frantic at what to do. Just then Winston and Hildard entered the room. He turn to Hildard for answers but before he could even utter a word--

"Grand Duke the first group of soldiers are on the move."

His jaw dropped as Hildard salute to the Grand duke.

"Hildard you traitor! You dont even work for him anymore!" The Emperor stated with almost teary eyes feeling betrayed by his royal knight.

"Good. Let's go. Come on Emperor, I'll explain to you on the way." Leon said as he grabbed the Emperor's collar and dragged his ass to the carriage.

While the Emperor was being drag by the Grand Duke he looked at Hildard his oh-so loyal knight.

A playful smirk plastered on his face as he lip sync the word 'EXTRA TRAINING'.

Hildard face pale and hecould almost hear his heart breaking into a million pieces. The empeor smiled victoriously.

Inside the carriage Leon explained everything to the Emperor, from Leonna being poisoned all the way to Viscount Larry's involvement.

"So....the child's name is Leonna" with sparkling eyes the Emperor is more intrigue with the Grand Duke's child rather than the fact that they are about to destroy someone!

"Dont you think your priorities are a little backwards in this situation Emperor?" Leon asked smuggly.

"Tell me more about the child!" The emperor said in a childish demeanor he completely disregarded Leon's prior statement and still showed interest in the child.

"No. I don't want to." Leon stated firmly, the Emperor pouted like a child and whispered "over protective ass."

Leon twitch in anger and was about to lash out on the Emperor--

"But dont you think that its still a bit exessive to be doing this? You deployed half of your military--

"Two percent. I only deployed two percent of my military for this."

"Still! Its too many!"

"Its only appropriate for me to destroy someone who tried to harm my daughter. I will not only kill them but I will destroy everything they have. I will make sure that their entire existence will be forgotten." Leon said with his monotone firm voice.

"I get it, believe me. Im a father too, But you cant just kill a viscount whenever you feel like it! I know you could do it but there are laws made for punishments. " Vincent said seriously, gone the bubbly and childish like Emperor.

"I cant keep defending you to the council Leon. Atleast if you're going to do something like this tell be before hand! And whats with the black mist in the sky?! Are you really trying to give me a heart attack?!"

Leon looked at sky from the carriage window. It has no stars that shines no moon that lights the night. Just pure darkness.

"Im not actually going to destroy the kingdom. I just did it to scare those who would try to hurt Leonna in the future. Im sure that it wont completely stop them from trying to hurt her but atleast it would scare them its just so they could see who they're up against." Leon said in a serious tone voice.

[I wonder how Leonna is doing? Is she awake?] Leon thought. He couldn't help but worry for Leonna.

For the first time in his life he's second guessing his decisons.

[Is debuting Leonna to the public the right choice? But I cant just keep her hidden.]

Due to frustration Leon slammed his fist side ways to the carriage door.

The Emperor jolted in his seat.

"The poor door...."

"Tsk. Being a parent is hard." Leon mumbled annoyingly, Vincent looked at him weirdly.

Minutes later the carriage stop, they arrived at the Viscount's mansion..

"Your grace, the gift you prepared has been delivered." Winston stated from outside of the carriage.

Leon's lips curved into a sly smile. "Good." Leon looked at the Emeperor and said "Enjoy the show your majesty."

After saying that Leon opened the carriage and stepped outside.

"Winston, stay inside the carriage and accompany the Emperor while Im busy." Leon said, Winston just bow in response, " Yes your grace."

"Your highness, I think you should wear this." Winston stated and handed the Emperor a hooded cloak.

Vincent looked at the cloak and after some thinking he accepted the cloak.

"Thanks." Vincent said, Winston just smiled in response.

[If people see me accompanying Leon while he's doing his ehem 'work' rumors might spread that Im tolerating the Grand Duke in doing everything he wants to do without consequences.] Vincent thought while putting on his cloak.

Minutes later all the knights outside the Quir's mansion gasp in shock when they saw the whole mansion suddenly engulf in black flame mixed with the suffocating black mist.

The soldiers had to retreat a couple of feet so that the intense fire wont reach them.

"Thats the grand Duke's powers?!"

"This is c-crazy!"

"Is he even human?!"

Everyone was in total shock at how strong and powerful Leon's power was.

The flame reached the sky to the point that you cant even see the end of it anymore.

Everyone was on edge waiting for what will happen next, minutes past everyone jolted in fear when they heard screaming from the inside.

"He really is angry..." Vincent mumbled.

"If you saw lady Leonna's condition you would be too your highness." Winston answered, Vincent looked at Winston who was smiling while looking at the mansion being destroyed.

"They deserved it....." Winston whispered as he clench his fist in anger.

"That child must be special for you and Leon to be this angry." Vincent said, more curiose than ever.

"Master Leon's anger cannot be compared to mine, although I too am angry at what they did to my lady but there is no one more angrier than my master. He may not say it but I knew that everytime he looks at Leonna he feels like a failure a failure of a father not being able to protect his daughter, its a first for him so he doesnt know how to contain his emotions, so he does what he does best which is to kill those who wrong him and his daughter." Vincent was just listening to Winston speaking.

[Leon....maybe, he is changing. Little by little.]

"He's learning to protect others aside himself.....interesting, I really need to meet this child."

Winston just smiled at him thinking [Master would never let that happen.]

"What with that face?!" Vincent stated in annoyance, Winston tilted his head in confusion "what face?" He said with a smug smile.

"That face!" Vincent retorted.

"This? Its the handsome face." Winston said while pointing at his face.

"thats the most punchable face in the world." The Emperor said in annoyance.

Winston just chuckled in response to the Emperor.

Vincent was about to say something else when the carriage door opened, both of them were shock for a moment.

"Is it done?" Vincent asked.

"Yes." Leon answered while getting inside the carriage.

"That was quite a show." Winston said. Leon just smirk at him.

"Its not for you to watch. Its for those bastards who dare to try and hurt Leonna again, let this be warning for them."

"To go through such lenghts just for a child....now I really want to meet her." Vincent said to Leon as he took his hood of his cloak off.

"Tsk. Not a chance." Leon retorted. Vincent chuckled as he took his hood off.

"Why not? Im the Emperor."


[End of chapter]

Author's note:

2.8k words...ugh I think my brain has left my body.

Im done for this week! took me six hours just to edit this. uggghhh. see next week loves. mwah.

20 Collection Im soooo happy!! thank you! I cant see who you are but thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

MissCringeyAuthorcreators' thoughts
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