
Adopted By A Demon Prince

In a world ruled by beasts and demons, selected as a sacrifice for demons by head of village, little Melanie accepts her fate and starts her wait for death. Not long after, the demon who owns the village appears before her. But to Melanie' surprise, the demon doesn't touch her. Instead lends her a hand, a kind and supportive hand. There begins the story of Melanie, a human living in the world of demons.

CHEWGEE · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Ep. 17 - Dinner I

Melanie wanted to ask anyone what was happening when she heard a horses footsteps. When she looked over, there was a pitch black horse walking towards the waiting group. And on the horse, there was a familiar yet stranger face.

Sandra shouted before the horse even got close to the waiting group; "Welcome back, big brother!"

Melanie stared blankly at the man on the horse that is blacker than olives. The man's hair was waving with the slight breeze.

Prince Arthern elegantly jumped off of his horse.

"You know what to do."

Suddenly, the buttler that Melanie remembered from back when she first came to the castle appeared between them and took the horse away.

Everyone was looking at the prince with a deep silence. Breaking the silence, Lord Dadrei left the crowd and put his arm around Arthern's shoulder.

"Welcome back, my dear nephew. How was yoir trip? I hope it was comfortable."

"It was, uncle Dadrei. I just want a moment to rest. So if you excuse me, I will be withdrawing to my chamber. Mastria!"

The crimson haired woman nodded and the two started walking towards the castle.

"How about you make an explaination to us first?" chanted Dadrei from behind the prince, staring at Melanie. He didn't sound as welcoming as before.

"I will, Dadrei, I will. Let me rest now, I will explain everything this dinner."

Arthern didn't look surprised at all. It was as if he was expecting this question.

"Alys, " started Arthern looking at the blond maid, "gather everyone at the dining hall for todays dinner. I want evryone, including the workers, there."

Alys smiled and nodded while Prince Arthern and Mastria entered the castle.

There was a short moment of silence between the group left behind. The group stared at each other, but mainly at Lord Dadrei. There was a range of emotions on the faces, from relieved to downright angry.

Suddenly Dadrei turned and walked into the castle with fast, long and furious steps. The woman with green hair followed him.

Melanie was confused. "What now?" she asked. Suddenly Sandra held Melanie's hand and and started walking, her pace was so high Melanie thought she was running, towards the castle.

"Come on! We need to get you prepared."

"Prepared for what?" asked Melanie loudly while trying to keep up with Sandra's steps. She found an oppurtunity to look around her before passing through the giant castle gates. Alys was running alongside them with a warm smile on her face. Boro was no where to be seen and all the staff had already left the entrance.

Sandra dragged Melanie through familiar gallways and stairways. This was the way to the prince's chamber.

The three entered the hallway that had the doors of the royal siblings' chambers. By this point Melanie was able to keep up with Sandra. She remembered her first time coming to this hallway and first day at prince's chamber.

This time instead of going to the final door they stopped in front of the second door. Melanie looked at the door and saw the golden plate that had Sandra's name carved on it with a fancy handwriting.

Melabie realized that sge hadn't seen Sandra's chamber till now. They saw each other occasionally at hallways and dining hall, Sandra even visited Melanie's training once, but she never showed Melanie her room.

Sandra pushed open the wooden door to her chamber. Melanie looked inside the room with a childlike curiosity.

The room looked a lot smaller than Prince Arthern's room at first glance. But after some thought Melanie realized that the size difference wasn't that big, but rather Sandra's room was a lot more crowded. Prince had everything placed neatly on shelves and wardrobes, while Sandra had too much stuff everywhere.

The second thing that picked Melanoe's attention was there were lots of wardobes. This seemed weird to Melanie because Melanie had been seeing Sandra in the same clothes ever since she came to the castle. There were also some fancy dresses lying here and there meaning Sandra didn't have copies of the same suit.

There was also a training dummy that looked similar to the ones Melanie used at the corner of the room.

Hanging on the wall next to the dummy was a really long sword. Melanie knew that Sandra used a sword but she didn't imagine it to be as long as, maybe even longer than, her. The sword had two handles and both of them had small metal spots exposed under the lether skin.

"Ok! Lets get you ready for this evening." said Sandra with an overly enthusiastic voice and really exited face.

"Why? What is happening this evening? Is it that important?" asked Melanie with a confusion.

Sandra answered from inside of a wardrobe; "I am not one hundred percent sure, but I'm pretty confident that he will announce and formalize your adoption."

Sandra left the wardobe holding a shiny teal dress; "What do you think?"

Alys jumped before Melanie could answer; "It's too glittery. Something simpler would suit better on her."

Melanie looked at Alys who was standing right behind her with a face as exited as Sandra's.

Sandra put back the teal dress and walked over to another wardrobe while Alys joined her.


"Mother, big brother Arthern sent a message through the orb. He wants you to join him in today's dinner."

The old woman stopped in the midst of the dead purple land. She was surrounded by wild beasts hiding in the occasional bushes, too afraid to come out.

"Tell him that I will be attending. Boram, can you guard me while I'm at it dear."

"Of course, mother."


"Melanie, you look absolutely magnificient. Alys, what time is it?"

"We still have about an hour and a half, milady."

"Right, Alys, you can leave, get prepared and gather the staff like big bro wanted. Melanie you stay and help me get ready."

"Sir, understood sir!"

"Sir, understood sir!"

The two giggles and moved to their assigned posts.


Prince Arthern tidied his tie before entering the dining hall. The few members of the family who arrived and sat before him got up while the present staff members, which totaled to about forty percent of the whole staff, bowed their heads with respect.

Arthern walked over to his preserved seat at the end of the long table which Mastria stood behind. He sat down and started waiting for the absent family members.

The first to arrive after the prince was prince's uncle Dadrei and his maid. The maid joined the rest of the staff while Dadrei walked over to the seat next to Arthern but Arthern stopped him.

"I'm sorry uncle, but that seat is preserved for someone different. Would you sit at the seat next to it if I ask politely?"

Dadrei did what he was told but he didn't seem happy one bit.

"So who is this 'someone different'?"

"You will see soon, dear uncle, real soon."

A minute didn't pass before a familiar face appeared at the door. Prince Arther got up to greet his special guest.

"Lady Feestris, it's so good to see you. I'm glad you were able to join us with this dinner."

Lady Feestris spoke from Jade's mouth;

"My dear, of course I was going to come. You know I can't turn down your invitation. Also I have an idea about this gathering's reason and I can't miss this."

Dadrei looked counfused since he hadn't seen Lady Feestris' new vessel before but he got up and slightly bowed his head with respect as soon as he understood what was happening.

"Will my sweet Leera be with us this beautiful evening, dear Arthern."

"I've sent her a message through the orb. She will be attending through it."

"Oh you near generations and your orbs. I've never gotten used to those things. I'll always prefer communication via crows, as you can guess."

Jade, being controlled by Lady Feestris, walked across the room and sat right in front of Dadrei. Right when she was starting to talk again the heavy doors of the dinner hall opened with a loud creak.

Guys I'm sorry I had to reupload this ep because of some volume issue :)

CHEWGEEcreators' thoughts