
Admin of Girls' Chat Group

Don't expect for a perfect english sentence... A normal teenage boy with his Chat Group System.....and his harem.

Remg · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Time Skip/ Training

2 weeks passed

With Allen's abnormal raw power. His training already jump in practicing basic swordsmanship.

Within this week, his upper body sustain full of small cuts from Kokushibo's sword training.

But being from a poor family and he already experienced more deeper wounds, small cuts didn't stop. And how Yuechan is watching him, as a man's nature, he also want to impress her.

At the end of 2 week, he master the basic sword training. Under the surprised gaze of the Demon and Yuechan.


3 week passed

After his basic sword training. Kokushibo's next training for him is to expand his lung capacity for a breathing technique.

As a low level cultivator, his body is already not normal, together with mana and the pill he used, he easily passed the training.


1 month passed

Kokushibo teach him his own Moon Breathing Technique which he made hundred years ago.

But after he painstakingly tried, Allen never grasp any style.

Kokushibo personally experienced this because he also tried to master his twin brother's technique, but it's not compatible to him.

He advised Allen that he should either learn from another master or personally create for himself.

Allen choose the latter, he knew that the other former Hashira will personally kill him, if they know that they let Miza escape.

Kokushibo told him that the important part to create your own technique is imagination.


11 months passed

Many things happened.

Yuechan didn't just sit around waiting for Allen. Using the dense profound energy , she breakthrough 1st Peak Emperor Profound Realm. She also learn sword technique but because she's not as cheat as Allen, she only learned basic swordsmanship and she just focused her cultivation.

Allen not just created his own Breathing Technique, he also learn that he can cultivate without any deep meditation. He discovered it when he was resting, he tried to cultivate by chanting the ( Asura Cultivation Manual ), and it work, and now he is in Fifth Nascent Profound Realm. He also learn hand to hand combat from the Upper Moon 3, Akaza.

Kokushibo's image of his own twin brother's monstrous talent shattered in his mind.


" { Moon Breathing : Sixteenth Form - Half Moon }" a man with 3 pairs of eyes, wearing a black-purple kimono and black hakama named, Kokushibo. He is standing in a wide tatami floor.

Kokushibo is holding a katana that the guard and blade has eyes and veins.

Kokushibo hold his katana with his two hands, he raise it on the same level of his head and he slash it downward, creating a crescent slashes, resulting a powerful sixfold slash crashing down to his opponent.

" { Breath of the Moon : Third Style - Half Moon Slash } " His opponent, Allen also raised his sword and swing it downward, creating a single giant crescent slash to his opponent technique, leaving a deep cut in tatami floor.

* Boom * * Swoosh * * Slash * * Slice *

Two deadly technique met and disaster happened. Gust of wind form and scatter the whole place, resulting of many cut on tatami.

The two didn't even look at the result and continue their fight.

" { Breath Of The Moon : Fifth Style : Moon Walk } " Allen first to attack as he took a deep breath, storing a huge amount oxygen to his lungs, pumping his blood vessel, making his body to reach max limit speed of his body.

* Swoosh *

His body disappear and appear beside Kokushibo. He wanted to swing his sword toward his neck but instinct scream inside of him.

Without hesitation, he use his immense strength to stop his cutting motion and jump few meters in the air.

Just like he expected, a blade appeared where he was standing a moment ago.

"{ First Form : Evening Palace }, a single sword slash with all strength of the user. " Allen said while he is in mid air.

" Then take this. { Fourth Style : Moon Blade Dance } " Allen said before he slashes several times in the air and seven giant crescent-shaped slashes form and and move toward Kokushibo.

" { Second Form : Moon Gazing } " Kokushibo performed several slashes in front and safely defend himself from Allen's attack, but it managed to make Kokushibo step back.

" Tsk " He click his tongue when he saw his technique easily block.

Thinking that techniques won't work, he didn't have a choice but to use melee attack.

His Moon Walk is still activating, he rush again to him and use his katana in stabbing position and aim for his throat.

* Clang *

Kokushibo perfectly parried his attack with his own blade, but the impact is strong enough that he took a step back.

Allen retrieve his sword to attack again but before he could swing his sword. A hand is already in his stomach.

* Boom * * Argh *

" Huh...huh...huh...cough...cough..." Allen's flew on the other side, he wanted to stand up but the lack of oxygen in his lungs make him hard to breathe.

" I told you before, a sword is not the only weapon for swordsman but even his body, remember that " Kokushibo said looking to heavy breathing Allen.

" I don't have anymore to teach you. What you lack is resolve to kill, every strike should aim is to kill. That's why you can't advance your swordsmanship anymore. You made your own breathing style perfectly, and what you only lack is life and death battle experience. " Kokushibo said before turning back, leaving a small smile in his face.

I did my best...

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