
Admin of Girls' Chat Group

Don't expect for a perfect english sentence... A normal teenage boy with his Chat Group System.....and his harem.

Remg · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

A Demon ask a human to hunt a Demon

Allen sat on the floor as he rubbed his stomach, the Breathing Technique that he just used is base from the game he played and from his master.

When he created this technique, he is like copying an assignment from his classmates.

" Are you alright ? " a worried voice from above said.

Allen look above and see Yuechan flying toward him. She gently landed in front of him and began to inspect his stomach where he was punched.

Yuechan began to inspect and she see that it's just a bruise, she sigh.

For 11 months, not just their power increased, but also their feelings to each other.

Yuechan fell in love with him, not just because he's hardworking, but he's also a caring person. Everyday, he always cook for her even he is badly beaten up by Kokushibo, tell jokes to her and he was even fought to the Upper Moon 2, Douma, because he saw the way he look at Yuechan.

As for Allen, he fell in love with her, not just because she's beautiful but also underneath her cold personality, there's kindness hidden.

But being both a beginner in love, they can't confess to each other.

" Hai ~ I'm badly beaten up again by Sensei" Allen sigh as he stretch his arm before he sheathed his katana.

" Umu...You did great. If you're in my world, countless sect will do anything they can to get you. And besides, you didn't use your profound energy or your mana. " she said while she observe the changes of Allen.

Because of different culture, Allen is not comfortable to use loose clothe like yukata or any traditional clothe of Japan. So he just bought a black jacket with a kanji word ' I Love Demon ' and black military pant, and black sneakers.

As for his weapon, his sheat has a long strap that are connected to base and end of it, and his nichirin sword, that are given by his master has a normal blade just like a normal katana, but at the base of the blade, there's a set of different moon beautifully curved.

His face can be said a little handsome in his world, but his body has been conditioned by training. He doesn't have an ' ikemen ' vibe, but more in a manly side.

But for Yuechan, it doesn't matter wether he has godly look or not.

" Ne...Allen-san why don't you become a demon like us ? With your talent, surpassing Kokushibo is not hard for you. And maybe, Princess Muzan fell in love with you. " a teasing voice interrupted the love birds.

They look at the source and see the teasing smile of Akaza.

" What did you said ? " Yuechan's tone change when she heard his words.

" Stop, I surrender. Please Allen-san calm down your girlfriend. " he said helplessly, the prideful and battle maniac immediately gone.

Akaza still remember when he saw how this woman skewered the Upper Moon 2, 4 and 5 in a giant ice.

When Allen got angry to Douma because the way he look to Yuechan, they fight, but Allen doesn't have breathing technique at that time, the result is that he almost die.

Yuechan is cultivating at that time, that's why she is not beside him, and when she saw his state, her wrath exploded, because of her anger, she killed the other two because the Upper Moon 4 and 5 just watch in the corner. At that time, the ' infinity castle ' almost turn into ice castle because Yuechan released her own domain which is stronger than Nakime's skill.

Miza didn't even bother to add an Upper Moon, she just promoted Nakime, and the other positions are empty since then.

" Haha...he was just joking, Yue " Allen said gently while using her nickname which given by him.

" Hmmp " she turned sideways with a blush under her veil.

" What do you want, Akaza " Allen said to his ' sparring partner '.

" Well you know it " Doma said knowing look to Allen.

" Okay..okay but this just for today " then a box of beer appear in the air before Akaza, one of the most strongest demon happily catch.

" Oni-san me too. " Daki, the beautiful little demon said as she hug Allen's waist, behind her is her older brother gritting his teeth in frustration.

" Geez, here's yours, Daki " then a vanilla flavor ice cream appear.

" Yay !!! Thank you Oni-san " after that she happily walk while skipping.

' Psst.. Gyutaro, catch ' Allen toss another box of ice cream to him and giving him a wink.

The demon siscon give him a thumbs up because he will have something to bribe his sister.

The demon is not surprised by the thing that appearing out of nowhere, because the day Yuechan killed the 3 Upper Moon, they understood that ' normal ' is not right term for this two human.

" What is it Akaza ? Still not leaving ? " Allen ask when he notice that Doma is not leaving even he already have a box of beer.

Except for the 3 Upper Moon that died, he's quite close to the other Upper Moon.

Akaza is like his buddy, he was always his sparring partner. Kokushibo is his teacher, Daki is just like a spoiled brat sister while Gyutaro is just a siscon.

For Nakime, she's the silent type of girl but always straight forward, and last but not the least, Miza, she regained some human emotions, she's heartless towards the other Demon and Demon Slayers but to someone she was closed to like Yuechan, they are like tea buddy but they are not talking to each other even for an hour.

" Well I agree to Kokushibo. What you lack is resolve to kill, so I just advice you to hunt lower demon or Hashira, killing normal demon or demon slayer is way too easy for you, so you should aim for the bigger one " Akaza said.

" A demon ask a human to hunt his kin ? " Allen said.

" Well what about you ? A human ask a demon as his teacher and being a freeloader in their own hideout " Akaza said teasingly.

" Well I can't deny that. Then do you know the location of the Lower Moon. " he said.

" I don't know about the others, because they don't stay in one place, but there's a Lower Moon located in Natagumo Mountain. Well that's all I know, bye. " he said to Allen before walking back.

" Isn't that Rui ? Well, what about you Yue ? Do you want to come with me ? " Allen ask Yue.

" Un " she happily nod.