
Adil & Dito

Adil and Dito are two students from different schools. Adil studied at Elementary School 2 Rawa Laut, Lampung, Indonesia. Meanwhile, Dito studied at Elementary School Al-Kautsar, Lampung, Indonesia. Adil and Dito met in a maths quiz competition at the elementary school level in Lampung Province. Adil and Dito is a dynamic friendship story at the beginning of the millennium, in 2005. The years when social media had not spread like raincoats in the rainy season. The years when traditional games still dominate life. Will Adil and Dito can be true friends until they graduate from school? What happens if Adil and Dito fall in love with the same woman?

Dito_Aditia · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 6. Meaning of Discipline

Udin took a document containing notes about the discipline of the teachers, staff, and students of the public elementary school he led.

The document was given by the School Performance Monitoring Team assigned by the Provincial Education Authorities, a few days ago at the Lampung Regional Government Office.

It was the moment when Udin experienced an unforgettable event throughout his career as a school principal.

"This is a document that you need to check," Sugiarto said, a member of the Supervisory Team.

"Okay, sir. Is this the result of the assessment for my school?" Udin asked.

"That's right. We hope that you can lead Rawa Laut 2 Elementary School better with this document," Sugiarto said.

"Okay, sir. I'll try," Udin replied.

"Please pay attention, Mr Udin. The school you lead is still one of the pride schools in this province. We hope that the model school will not disappoint us in the future," Sugiarto said.

The warning from the member of the Supervisory Team still rings in Udin's ears. Deep in his mind, making it difficult for him to rest well these past few days.

He demanded to meet with Darno, because on Darno's shoulders, he hoped that the discipline at his school would be better.

It didn't take long for Udin to return to Darno, who was waiting for him in his office.

"Sorry, it's been a long wait," Udin said.

"It's okay, sir. What do you want to tell me?" Darno asked.

"Here is a document that you should read first," Udin said while handing the document he had obtained to Darno.

"Yes, Sir," Darno answered, then opened the document.

Darno read page after page of the 100-page document. He read the main points of the document carefully for 15 minutes. His brow furrowed even more as he reached the conclusions and suggestions section.

"Sir, is this the result of the analysis of the State Elementary School Supervisory Team for our school?" Darno said.

"Yes, sir. Overall, our level of discipline has decreased drastically," Udin replied.

"Sorry, sir. I feel like I failed as the person you chose in enforcing student discipline," Darno regretted.

"Mr Darno, it's have passed, let's make a joint evaluation to improve discipline at this school. We can certainly do it," Udin assured.

"For sure, sir. So, what is the new task that I will take on?" Darno asked.

"I will expand the authority of you and the Counselling Teacher Team. Are you ready if I give the additional task of enforcing the discipline of teachers and staff?"

"If you don't mind telling me the task, Sir?" Darno asked.

"Give a warning to teachers and staff who arrive late for an unreasonable explanation," Udin said.

"I get it," Darno said.

"Good. Tomorrow I will order the Secretary of the School to finish the Draft Regulation of the Principal which contains the additional authority. I hope that you and your team can carry out this new task well," Udin said.

Shortly after the agreement between the Principal and the Head of the Counselling Teacher Team, both of them returned to carrying out their work. Mr Darno returned to his room in a hurry.

Meanwhile, from class 6C, Dinda and Galih were chatting in front of the class. Even though this is the Arts lesson period, Mrs Ratih as the Art Teacher did not come.

"Galih, have you heard the news about Adil and Novan? They explain the Lampung language lesson without text smoothly," Dinda said.

"What is it about?" Galih asked.

" I just salute Adil who wants to be more diligent," Dinda said.

"Oh. I thought it was something important. That's just how I can do it," Galih replied sarcastically.

"Hmm. It's odd, your response to him is really bad. What's the problem with you?" Dinda asked.

"I don't like you talking about him, someone who can't keep his promise," Galih said.

"See, everyone has their faults. Are you still resentful of him for waiting so long in the schoolyard?" Dinda asked.

"That's just one of the many things that make me dislike him," Galih insisted.

"But, he has proven his promise to come to my birthday. Even though he gave the gift late, it was this morning," Dinda said, defending Adil.

"The point is, I still don't like his attitude," Galih said.

"Is that how you treat our friends we know from first grade?" Dinda said criticizing Galih's words, but Galih did not answer the question. He even returned to his seat.

The situation in class 6C is getting noisier because of the empty hours when the teacher cannot attend class according to the lesson schedule. The noise was heard in the Counselling Teacher's Room.

"Mrs Diah, please check class 6C now! What lessons are there currently and which teacher should be teaching. How come the crowds are heard so loud," Darno complained.

"Okay, sir. I'll be there," Mrs Diah explained, a member of the Counselling Teacher Team.

Diah stepped into class 6C. In surprise. the whole class saw Mrs Diah who was standing in front of the classroom door.

The voice that had been noisy gradually calmed down. Diah entered the classroom with a serious look, without the slightest smile.

"What lesson period is it now?" Diah asked.

"It's art, ma'am," the whole class answered in unison.

"Who is the teacher?"

"Mrs Ratih, Ma'am. But, she hasn't come yet," Dinda answered as the Head of Class 6C.

"Hmm. Did she tell you to do your homework if she didn't come in?"

"No, ma'am," all 6C graders answered.

"Then, wait in class and don't make a fuss! Aren't you ashamed of other classes like being punished in the Ceremony Ground for making a fuss in class?" Diah said.

"We are sorry, ma'am," all the students answered in unison.

Mrs Diah stepped out of the 6C classroom, and back to her room.

Darno asked about the class atmosphere to Mrs Diah.

"How did it go, ma'am?"

"Class 6C should have an art lesson, but the teacher doesn't come, sir," Diah answered.

"In that case, you should go to class 6C again to fill in the anti-drug lesson! So that they won't be noisy again," Darno asked.

"Okay, sir," Diah answered.

Mr Darno immediately checked the Attendance List for Teachers and Staff, on his initiative. He met Sugeng, one of the Personnel Staff in the administration room.

"Sugeng, I need a moment," Darno said.

"Yes, sir. What can I help you?" Sugeng asked.

"May I see the Teacher's Attendance List today? Mrs Ratih who is supposed to be teaching Arts in class 6C is not present in class."

"Okay. Just a moment, sir," Sugeng said.

Sugeng took the list that Mr Darno asked for on his desk, then he showed it to the most respected Counselling teacher in the school.

Seeing that there was no Mrs Ratih's signature in the "Attend" column, Darno was surprised.

"Did he inform the Personnel Section that she won't come to work today?"

"Not yet, sir. We haven't received any news at all," Sugeng said.

"Can I ask for Mrs Ratih's phone number? I need to find out the reason for her absence today," Darno said.

"Yes, sir. I will check on the contact book," Sugeng said.