
Adil & Dito

Adil and Dito are two students from different schools. Adil studied at Elementary School 2 Rawa Laut, Lampung, Indonesia. Meanwhile, Dito studied at Elementary School Al-Kautsar, Lampung, Indonesia. Adil and Dito met in a maths quiz competition at the elementary school level in Lampung Province. Adil and Dito is a dynamic friendship story at the beginning of the millennium, in 2005. The years when social media had not spread like raincoats in the rainy season. The years when traditional games still dominate life. Will Adil and Dito can be true friends until they graduate from school? What happens if Adil and Dito fall in love with the same woman?

Dito_Aditia · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 10. Praying on the Father’s Tomb (II)

The atmosphere of emotion still enveloped the faces of Dinda, Mrs Ida, Mr Cipto, and Adil this morning at the funeral.

After Cipto led everyone present to pray that the late Pak Suharno Hadinoto would be forgiven by Allah, the Lord of the Universe, Novan and Adil helped Dinda sprinkle flowers on her father's grave.

Tears were still dripping from his eyes.

"Dind, this is to wipe your tears," said Adil, giving his friend a piece of facial tissue.

"Thank you, Dil," said Dinda, with teary eyes.

"You're welcome, Dind,"

"The strong one, Dind," said Novan, also giving moral support to his friend.

Not wanting to lose to Adil and Novan, Dinda's mother hugged her daughter with great affection. Hoping, Dinda can save her tears and be more sincere about her father's departure.

The moment of warmth between a mother and her only daughter was presented in front of Adil, Novan, and Pak Cipto. No doubt, the three embraced each other as if to rival the hug between Mrs Ida and Dinda.

Seeing the three people hugging each other, Dinda and her mother laughed with joy.

"Why .. why to hug each other too," said Dinda.

"We don't want to lose to you, Dind," said Adil.

A few seconds later, they were laughing together, happy and entertained together. However, overcast clouds and the sound of thunder that sounded in the sky made them realize that they had to leave the cemetery.

"Mom, we should go back to the house. Maybe it will rain heavily," advised Mr Cipto.

"That's right, Mr Cipto,"

"Dind, let's go home. It's going to rain soon, son,"

"Yes, ma'am," answered Dinda, slowly.

"Dad, let's say goodbye to go home first. Dad, rest in peace in there," said Dinda.

Raindrops began to fall on the earth. They rushed to the car and got in. Luckily when the intensity of the rain got heavier, they were already sitting in the car, so they didn't get rained on.

"Huhuhu. We almost got rained on, Mom," said Dinda who was sitting in the front seat.

"Yes, Dind. Fasten your seat belt, son. We are going home now," said his mother.

"Mr Cipto, Adil, Novan, no one has missed or missed something here, right?"

"Nothing, ma'am," said the three from the back seat.

"Okay. We're leaving now," said Ida.

Mrs Ida started the engine until the engine was hot and ready to go. In the midst of heavy rain like today, there are no longer visible flower sellers or parking attendants around the cemetery.

"Van, you don't feel something strange do you?" Adil whispered into Novan's ear.

"What the hell, Dil? Isn't that right," said Novan.

"Why do flower traders leave so quickly when it rains heavily. It seems that when it was still cloudy it was still there,"

"Hahahaha. Yes, it's clear, Dil. They can just hurry back to the house when it was cloudy," joked Novan.

"But, how fast is it, Van?" whispered Fair.

"Yes, yes. It's ah, Dil. There's no need to discuss it, rather than making goosebumps," said Novan.

"Why, Dil, Van?" asked Cipto who sat beside the two.

"Oooh. It's okay, sir," said Adil, not wanting to continue the discussion.

Rain continues to flush the Bandar Lampung City area evenly this afternoon. Even though it was half-past 12 noon, white clouds covered the sun, so the atmosphere was dark.

"Drive slowly, ma'am. It's raining really hard," Cipto suggested to Ida.

"Yes, Mr Cipto. It was sunny, suddenly it rained like this," said Ida, while driving.

"Sometimes the weather is unpredictable, Mrs Ida,"

"That's right, Mr Cipto,"

"Eh, Dil. If we study at school during social studies class, the dry season is from April to October. But why is it still raining in April?"

"Yes, there is a transition season, Van. The transition season is between the dry season and the rainy season or vice versa. I think it's now the transition season," said Adil.

"Hmm. But do you prefer the rainy season or the dry season?"

"I prefer the rainy season, Van. It can rain," answered Adil.

"Ah, you are.. hahaha,"

"It's like you don't like rain, Van when you are in first grade,"

"Yes, I like it,"

The car continued to drive to Dinda's house in Garuntang Permai at a speed of 40 km per hour. Due to the quiet atmosphere of the highway, there were no significant obstacles on the way home.

At 12:05 pm, they arrived at Dinda's house. Until Mrs Ida finished parking and turned off the car engine, then they got out of the vehicle.

"Hmm. We can't go back home yet because it's still raining," said Cipto to Adil and Novan.

"Go home in a hurry, Mr Cipto. Just wait for the rain to stop, let's go inside. Fair, Novan, let's all go in first. You can pray the midday prayer and have lunch here," said Ida.

"Hmm. Isn't that a bother, Mrs Ida?"

"Why should I feel bothered, Mr Cipto?" Ida asked.

To appreciate the owner of the house, especially when the outside conditions are still not friendly enough to return home, the three of them entered Dinda's house.

Adil was surprised and curious why his sister Dinda did not join the pilgrimage to his father's grave. In the family room, while waiting for Pak Cipto and Novan to perform ablution, Adil asked Dinda about this.

"Dind..," called Adil.

"Yes, Dil. Why?"

"Why didn't your brother go on a pilgrimage to your father's grave?"

"Ooo. My brother is in Jakarta, Dil left yesterday evening with my uncle. There is an agenda there,"

"Oh, I see. It's no wonder why you haven't seen it since this morning,"

"Yes, Dil..hehe,"

"I'll help mom first, I'll prepare lunch in the kitchen. You'll pray the midday prayer first. I'm with Mother again," said Dinda.

"Okay, Dind. Continue,"

A few minutes later, Pak Cipto and Novan had finished their ablution. It was Adil's turn to take ablution before performing the zuhr prayer in the congregation in a small room that was functioned as a place for prayer by Dinda's family.

Adil takes only 2 minutes to perform ablution. After that, he joined Pak Cipto and Novan who arrived first in the prayer room.

"Are you ready for the midday prayer, Dil, Van?" asked Cipto. He will act as the Imam of the Prayer.

"Ready, sir," answered Adil and Novan.

"Please straighten and close your rows. Straight and tight rows are a priority in congregational prayers," said Cipto, reminding him.

"Okay, sir."

Meanwhile, in the kitchen room, Ida and her daughter Dinda are preparing a menu for lunch, namely Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin.

Ida is busy frying rice on a frying pan, while Dinda is making hot tea. Great collaboration between Mother and daughter.

Since becoming a single parent, Ida has not only played the role of a housewife who prepares food, washes clothes, and cleans the house, but also becomes the head of the household who works in the office to meet the family's financial needs.

"Mom.." Dinda called.

"Yes, son. What's wrong?" Ida asked, still frying rice.

"You don't want a housemaid who can help with cooking at home, do you?"

"Hehehe. Is mother's cooking not good for you? So that makes mother need a maid," said her mother.