
Adeptus Custodeus(Warlock of Magnus World)

Mathew was always an obsessed Warhammer fan. He read through the lore and collected the minis. Throughout the factions of the Galaxy Mathew loved them all. However, one stood above all of them in his eyes. The Adeptus Custodes, and when he died he was given a chance to live again.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


It only took 30 minutes until the 5 Magus managed to find some kids who knew how to drive carriages. But in the end, they still had to drive some of the carriages themselves. They would have never done this kind of work in their lives, but they were in the face of what they believed to be a high-level Magus.

Mathew himself never corrected them and in a way, he could be called something like that. He was currently sitting cross-legged meditating as the more he called on the warp more attention he received within. Each time he used his Psyker abilities he was leaking psychic energy into the world.

In the immaterial Mathew's soul was surrounded on all sides by the Daemons of Slaanesh, Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle. He could see 4 Greater Daemons of the 4 Chaos gods who whispered dark promises in exchange for power.

'Be gone from my sight.'

A bright glow flashed from him as the Deamons retreated at the sight. If he was correct this meant that it was possible for even the Emperor of Mankind to exist. He knew the mental state of the Emperor was fractured at best and he struggled to take any action.

But now it was time for him to start using his Meditation Technique. Along with it was the perfect way how to become an Acolyte of which normally there were only 3 ranks. In the original Novel, the Acolyte would need to form Mental Runes which he still had to do.

The difference was how he had to form his Mental Runes. He had to form them from Warp Enermy mixed with the 'Radiation' or Mana as he would call it found in the Warlock World.

Mathew's transhuman brain backed up by the power of a Primarch analyzed through the three Mind Runes he needed to form in seconds. The first Rune was just as Leylin spoke of.

'An 'A', without the horizontal line in the middle, filled with patterns and helixes. I can see why it would take a regular person a while to form it if you are not me or Leylin.'

His soul in the Imaterium began to draw Warp Energy into his mind, but at the same time, he drew Mana from the air to fuse with Warp Energy. Both energies were forced to work together by his powerful will, and with this new energy, he began to form his mind rune in the center of his mindscape.

When the mixture of energies flowed through his mind, his mind rune began to take form in the center of his Mind Scape glowing a beautiful golden purple. With only half an hour of Meditation, his very first Mind Rune was fully formed.

The Rune hummed with power as it took place in the center of his mindscape. He opened his glowing purple eyes as he felt everything about him change. He felt more aware, his mind clearer, and his body stronger.

'Seems this Meditation Technique will allow my powerful body to keep up.'

His Meditation Technique alone would get rid of the biggest hurdles, but the rest still depended on his efforts. He spread his mind around the carriages as the many Magus had just set up different magic defensive arrays on the carriages to keep deaths at a minimum. The female Magus approached his sitting state but did not speak. Interrupting anyone in meditation was a great offense so she waited for him to speak.

He moved his head to look down at her as his helmet was in his lap.


"Venerable Golden Magus, we are prepared to leave."

He stood to his feet which caused the Magus to feel so much curiosity about what he was. His face looked human, but he definitely was not human. She wondered if he was a Body Refining Magus that pursued physical prowess, but his magic abilities were not weak.

He noticed this, but he ignored it.


The other 4 Magus rushed to take their own carriages much to their annoyance. They could have found kids to take their places, but they did not wish to go against his words. He drew a lot of eyes from the kids, especially the main character, Leylin.

At the moment Leylin was just a few steps away from him so Mathew stared at him for longer than was normal. It caused Leylin fear that his secrets were already known which they were.

As for Mathew, he knew very well what kind of man Leylin would one day become if allowed to. However, he did not plan to kill Leylin just yet or maybe at all. After all, Leylin had far more use alive and as an ally than a corpse.


"Stop calling me that. Just call me Lord m-"

Just as he was going to use his name of Mathew he felt it just did not match. He had the Apollonian Spear of Constantin Valdor. This was the time to pick a name he would carry for the rest of his days. But in all honesty, he had a better name in mind.

"Lord Trajaan Valdor is my name. You may refer to me as Lord Trajaan."

Leylin did so with no hesitation.

"Yes, Lord Trajaan."

Now Trajaan asked the question he had.

"You are trying to become a Prepatory Knight are you not?"

Leylin nodded.

"Why yes?"

Trajaan was just curious if he could use it on top of his Meditation Technique.

"Mind giving me your Breathing Technique? I never used one in my life so I am merely interested."

Leylin did not dare say no.


Leylin had some thoughts in his mind, but Trajaan just ignored those surface-level thoughts. He tried to sit down on a carriage which caused it to lean to the side. He quickly got up as he could not get in as even a regular Guardian spear took 12 standard men to lift it, not to mention him and his full armor. He just sat on the ground as Leylin described the process.

"First, you must hold your breath for 65 seconds, then take three long and one short breath. The duration and frequency must be repeated as such for 20 minutes."

Trajaan closed his eyes and did as Leylin described only to be disappointed. The Knight Breathing Technique worked by pushing the body's Life Force to improve it. However, he was superior to even a Grand Knight, and his Meditation Technique already was doing that.

He would need one that was tailor-made for him making him give up.

"Forget it."

As he was distracted the A.I chip-scanned the Apollonian Spear and gave the results to Leylin.

'Unknown mineral composition. The estimated age is 10,000 years and has been made with the technology of unknown make.'

Trajaan was instantly informed of this by the spear which might be his Soul Weapon in a sense. The feeling was odd, but it made him sure that he would need either the A.I chip off Leylin or one of his own.

But for now, he looked Leylin in the eyes. This caused Leylin to freeze as he looked up at his Golden Purple eyes.

"I see your A.I chip carried along with you Fang Ming."

The moment the heard his real name and A.I chip caused Leylin to panic.


Trajaan smiled at that.

"I read your soul, simple as that. But if you are worried about your life don't be. I have no need of your death. Just be careful who you use that chip around. We will talk again later."

Trajaan left Leylin alone and in fear, but once the journey began they did not speak again. Trajaan walked at the front a decent distance from the rest. He was the vanguard as he had been told by the Magus how dangerous this land was.

They called it the Great Lands of Death and for good reason, it seemed. Soon after they began they were attacked by a massive Dire Wolf pack that numbered 200. The creatures would have been considered dangerous by the Knights he killed, but Trajaan gazed on unimpressed.

He raised his right hand forward as he called on to the powers of the Warp. As he was the first one at the front the Wolves charged at him seeing him as easy prey. His eyes glowed bright golden purple as he roared and aimed his hand forward.

Warp Lightning hit the wolves and split in a chain killing 50 of them. He aimed his left hand and a massive stream of Warp Fire took out 50 more wolves which made the creatures pause. The Alpha howled to signal a retreat, but Trajaan was not having it.

He held his hands together as he focused on the Wolves themselves as his powerful mind bore into their weak souls. His mind controlled the creatures to attack their kind causing the Alpha much trouble as he himself fled.

The Magus behind him watched on in shock as he showed he was a Fire and Lightning adept or so it looked in their eyes. Trajaan watched how his slaves were slaughtered, but they did take out an equal amount so from 200 wolves only 60 remained.

He let the survivors leave as they were only animals.

"We move."

His order made the kids and Magus move forward as he got rid of the danger as easily as it came. Leylin's A.I chip had been scanning the whole time around Trajaan, not on him or his gear.

Leylin wondered what that was about but unless he managed to convince Trajaan ti talk with him he would never know. This was just the first threat as Trajaan learned that the wolves were at the bottom of the food chain.

There were still many more cunning and vicious predators above them. On the way, Trajaan fought several animal colonies whose numbers were not inferior to that of the dire wolf pack from before.

Besides the plains' dire wolves, there were flocks of huge black birds that were several meters tall and even enormous monsters, dozens of meters long, which looked like saber-tooth tigers, except their bodies, were like small mountains.

They are actually taller than Trajaan he had quite some fun fighting them unarmed. He killed the Alpha in the back and skinned the thing. He used its head and hyde to place it around his shoulder much like Trajaan as a trophy. It was good that he could cure it with the Warp so it would not spoil.

The Magi even stepped in as they did not want him to do all the work all the time. It worked as he was always spending time toying with his psyker abilities to see what else he could do.

However, as they were almost reaching their destination they ran into something special. Trajaan looked forward where a monster that was dozens of meters in size looking like a mountain stood in their way. The creature was looking at Trajaan with wariness in its eyes as grabbed his Apollonian Spear

The Magi and kids all held their breaths until the small mountain-like creature walked away. That caused everyone in the traveling party to sigh in relief as it did not attack. Trajaan watched it leave as he placed his Spear back on his back.

He kept walking followed by the carriages. He still looked at the creature in the distance as he knew it had intelligence and he wondered if he could come back for it.

'Would be cool as a pet.'


This was the last time they encountered danger as they had reached their destination. He could tell because the smell of the Sea was in the air and in the distance were the tents of the Academies.

Trajaan crossed his arms as he looked at the vast blue sea with a smile.

"We are here."

As the carriage continued to advance, the green in the distance became less and less. In place of it was a vast blue, and wave after wave of strong winds.

The female magi had stayed close to Trajaan as his guide.

"We've finally arrived, the Death Beach Golden Magus."

He nodded as he walked forward.


As they neared the sea, a small town-like place appeared at the end of his line of sight. Numerous tents of various shapes and sizes stood together, and they formed a huge camp. Surrounding them were dozens of carriages similar to the one Trajaan guarded.

Already numerous Acolytes and Magi were looking right at him as not only was he massive his golden armor was unique. However, seeing a White Robed Magi bowing to him meant he had to be someone important.

As Trajaan looked around he noticed many teens around thirteen to fourteen years old, each and every one of them carrying looks of curiosity on their faces. His helmet counted them all and that there were several hundreds of them, filling up the entire camp. From time to time, some acolytes walked out of the tents, many different expressions adorning their faces.

The female Magi spoke up to him as she explained.

"This is where the acolytes will be tested to enter their schools. For now, I will need a moment."

He nodded.

"Go on."

She bowed and spoke up.

"Alright! Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the intermediate stop of our traveling destination, Death Beach! You will all decide on your future academy here, and then return back to your respective academies with your teachers to practice magic!"

The horse carriages halted, and three white robes came out and gathered the acolytes and they all wanted to know who he was. Crow was the name of this particular Magi and he was the one who ordered the Knights to attack.

He had done his best to not get into Trajaan's bad side. He looked at the acolytes and spoke to them.

"Now, follow me into the campgrounds, and choose an academy. Remember, you may check on all the various academies, but once you have signed a contract to join one, you must not renege! Anyone who disobeys will be hung to death at the gate of the camp!"

Crow's frosty words made the acolyte's hearts turn cold.

"Haha! Crow! You guys are pretty late today!"

A voice sounded, and a fat magus walked out from the campgrounds. He too was wearing a white robe, which made Trajaan look down on him. Fat people in this kind of middle age type society were corpulent for a reason.

"Don't scare these adorable new-"

He stopped talking as he looked up at Trajaan who was looking down at him. He gulped as the aura screamed danger.

"May I have the honor of knowing who this is?"

Crow spoke up for him.

"This is Lord Trajaan. A Magus above Rank 1."

Hearing that made Trajaan an expert in the South West Coast where the peak was Rank 3. The Fat magus bowed with respect.

"Forgive me for not noticing."

Trajaan ignored him.

"It matters not."

Crow cleared his voice as he motioned forward.

"Alright! Newbies! Now follow me into the camp!"

Fatty spoke with Crow and the others for a while more, then turned his head and shouted to Leylin and the rest.

"You guys can call me Jevon, of the beautiful Ennea Ivory Ring Tower. Trust me, if you are to choose an academy, the Ennea Ivory Ring Tower is definitely your best choice!"

Jevon said as he brought the acolytes into the camp. Once they entered, various sounds traveled into their ears, reminding Trajaan of the marketplaces in his previous world. As for Crow and the other two white robes, they seemed to have something else to do, and they soon left the group.

They were more than happy to get away from Trajaan so left the acolytes. However one of the Magus stayed behind to lead the acolytes while Trajaan followed. The surroundings were bustling with activity, mostly due to acolytes. Some of them had gathered in a circle, while there were others who were entering or exiting the tents.

Jevon brought Leylin and the rest, a total of 40-odd people, into the middle of the campgrounds. Here, was a large tent of pure white color, and there were still strange flower patterns on the outside of it They seemed like both ornaments, and yet resembled writing as well.

Trajaan could see it easily as it seemed Psyker's were similar to Magus. And he was different as well.

Jevon spoke up to explain to the acolytes.

"Because you guys have come a day late, you only have a day's worth of time left, and in this span of period, you must choose an academy where you will practice magic, if not you will have to wait until next year! Now, all of you, line up and take the form from me one by one, and then enter for the test!"

Jevon sat behind a white table, took out a stack of forms, and placed them down. The line moved forward quickly.

"Fill in your particulars in this form, and then enter the tent and follow the instructions of the person inside!"

Trajaan took one as well and looked at the paper which was actually sheepskin paper. The particulars required were minimal, only a name, age, and location born, as well as a few others. He could read the language which was interesting.

He put the form back as he did not need it. He did not enter as he had no need. Apparently, his Meditation Technique had no element it was based on. And the Innate spells that would be created would appear as he progressed.

For now, he just stayed back from everyone.

This new rewrite is not too different, but will let me push past my block easier.

God_Of_Wolvescreators' thoughts