
She is famous

Loud cheering can be heard through out the hall as Alice Lee, the most popular girl in the school entered the hall. Girls being envious and boys wanting to befriend her as she walked into the classroom proudly.

"Hi beauty queen" her bestfriend Xiang Yue greeted. "Hey gals" she replied scanning her group of friends as she sit next to Xiang.

Alice and her group of friends is know as the most popular and prettiest girls in the school. Alice was the prettiest and most popular amongst them.She was known for her beauty and intelligence. She is the favourite student of every teacher for which she is very proud of.

"I heard a rumour that a rich and hot guy is joining our school !" Ann Zeang exclaimed. "wouldn't it be nice if I can befriend him? " Leng Ru said dreamily. "That just so boring " Bai Lu commented. "Baibai don't be such a fun spoiler " Ru complained while pouting at her. "Gosh Ruru don't quack and pout like a duck" Xiang joked as the four cracked into laughter while Ru glared at them.

Suddenly the door thud open and....