
I‘m just worried about you

Even though Jungkook had been released from the hospital for a week now, Taehyung still wouldn't let him practice with them.

He said he didn't want him to faint again. He had also made sure Jungkook was eating well and not skipping any of their meals.

„Come on, i'm fine!", he said raising his voice a bit.

„I just don't want you to get hurt", Taehyung replied, a worried expression on his face.

It was their third time having this discussion today.

Jungkook wanted to start practicing with them again but minho didn't want him to.

He understood he was worried about him but he really had to start practicing for their upcoming tour.

„Fine…", Taehyung reluctantly agreed, finally allowing him to practice since the shoot.

„But please don't overwork yourself."

After dance practice they headed out to lunch.

As they were walking to their favourite restaurant a few blocks away, Taehyung suddenly grabbed Jungkooks hand, holding it in his the whole time they were walking.

Settling down at their table as the waiter brought them the menus they talked about their next comeback, discussing things like color scheme and other things.

As they were waiting for their food, Jungkook rested his head on Taehyungs shoulder, earning them a angry glare from Namjoon and a wispered „we're in public!"

When their food finally arrived and they began to eat, Taehyung kept feeding Jungkook little bits of his own food.

„Stop, i won't be able to eat my own food", he complained a playful tone to his voice.

„I just want to make sure you're eating enough", he said, pouting at Jungkook.