

Yoongi and Taehyung immediately parted when they heard how shaky Jungkooks voice was.

Yoongi rushed up to him and embraced him in a hug. „Please don't cry", he said comfortingly.

They stood there a few moments Jungkook in Yoongis arms, Taehyung glaring at them with a deadly stare.

When Yoongi finally released Jungkook from his arms Taehyung visibly relaxed.

The rest of the dance practice was awkward as no one was talking. Only the mocking and slight fighting between Yoongi and Taehyung was filling the room.

When they got back to the hotel Jungkook dragged Yoongi and Taehyung with him into their shared room where he confronted them about their fight earlier.

They admitted to fighting because of him and that Yoongin was jealous of Taehyung because he got to share a room with Jungkook.

He also addressed the situation of them cuddling. Jungkook explained that he was just comforting him because he had a nightmare and that he would have done the same for Yoongi.

Taehyungs face dropped at that explaination. He hoped Jungkook had cuddled up to him because he liked him but it seemed as if that wasn't the case.

Taehyung was disappointed but he didn't let it show in front of Jungkook.

A few weeks had passed since their fight but Yoongi was still mad at Taehyung.

They had returned to korea and already started to think about their next comeback.

Their manager had given them a few days off after their tour and Jungkook decided to visit his family.

The days he was gone were oddly quiet as just Yoongi and Taehyung had remained in their dorms. They avoided each other as good as possible and when they met Yoongi would just shoot angry glares at Taehyung.

~lil time skip~

-around the time butter was released (2021)-

Yoongi approached Jungkook after one of their dance practices.

„Can we talk for a second?", he asked nervously.

„Uhmm… sure…?", Jungkook answered hesitantly.

„Come with me" he grabbed Jungkooks arm as he dragged him into one of their recording rooms.

He slowly closed the door behind them.

Jungkook was looking at him curiously, his head slightly tilted.

„So…", he began befor he stopped again.

„I don't want to make this awkward between us bur i need to get this of my chest."

Jungkook turned his head to the other side which made blood shoot into Yoongis cheeks.

„I've had this feeling for a while now but never the courage to tell you… Jungkook… you are an amazing person and you are so adorable no matter what you do." He stopped again to take a deep breath.

„Jungkook… i think i'm in love with you."

Jungkook was speechless.

Embarrassed Yoongi cowered down resting his head between his knees.

He got up from the floor again and took Jungkooks hands into his.

„And i was wondering if you maybe would like to go on a date with me?", he asked his hands trembling.

Jungkook looked at him for a few seconds then he took his hands out of Yoongis.

„i'm really sorry Yoongi. I really love you, but not in this way. You're like an older brother to me. I'm really sorry but my heart belongs to someone else." Jungkook looked at him with sadness in his eyes. „I still want to be your friend tho."

His voice started trembling. „Please promise me that this won't change our friendship in any way."

He looked at Yoongi with his big puppy eyes.

Yoongi looked at him tears in his eyes.

„I promise this won't change anything."