
Drunk dazed

-evening of Jungkooks birthday-

When Jungkook returned to the dorm this day the other members were already waiting for him.

„Happy birthday!", they all shouted when he entered the living room.

They had ordered all his favourite foods and also prepared some soju and other alcoholic drinks.

„Thanks guys", he told them.

Then he settled down with them to eat.

When they were done eating Jungkook suggested they open the soju and start drinking.

They played a few drinking games until all of them were tipsy. Just Taehyung wasn't drinking.

Most of them were tipsy to fully drunk when they decided to play truth or dare. (They combined it with spin the bottle)

Yoongi went first.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Jungkook.

„Jungkook, truth or dare?", he asked slowly his gaze fixed upon the younger boy.

„Truth", he answered confidently.

„Have you ever had feelings for anyone in this room?"

„Yes", he answered truthfully.

„Who?", he demanded to know.

„Only one question per round", he teasingly said to Yoongi.

„Your turn", Jimin said impatiently.

Jungkook spun the bottle. It landed on Taehyung.

„Truth or dare?", he asked looking deep into his eyes.


„Kiss me"

„What?", blood shot into his cheeks.

„I said kiss me", he said.

Cheeks bright red he stepped closer to Jungkook, slightly leaning down so the younger boy could reach his cheek.

Jungkook had other plans tho.

He got up and wrapped his arms around Taehyungs neck, pulling him closer to his body.

Taehyungs heart was beating so fast he thought it would explode in his chest at any moment.

At that moment Jungkook pressed his lips onto Taehyungs. Frozen in shock he didn't know what to do.

Then he melted into the younger boys arms and returned the kiss with the same passion.

When they parted Taehyung was breathless.

Yoongi was furious. He marched up to Taehyung and pushed him making him fall onto Jungkook.

Perplexe he looked up at him.

„I thought you got over him", he mumbled.

Furious Yoongi stormed out of the room Jimin and the rest of the boys following, mumbling something about „to see how he's doing" and „making sure he doesn't hurt himself"

When all of them had left Jungkook was still sitting on the ground Taehyung on his lap.

When he noticed that he was still keeping the younger boy down he quickly got up.

He was still looking at the door when he heard Jungkook get up behind him.

He turned around to see the other boy standing there staring at him. No, not at him.

But his lips.

He stepped forward and pressed his lips onto Taehyungs again.

This time he immediately answered the kiss melting in his arms.