
Childhood Pt. 5

My mother and Que'lana started to prepare for my next training by gathering the supplies that they had gotten previously or brought over. They would use these materials to create poisons that, while harmful, would not be fatal and would be weaken some until I built up a higher tolerance for it. I guess this could be a very useful skill in multiple situations. The reason Que'lana was brought over was because She an Ma'lak thought it would be safer with a second pair of eyes to make sure no mistakes would happen, as any mistakes would prove to be fatal or just down right painful.

While they were making the poisons, Ma'lak had asked them both to cast a suppression magic on me and with two Nightsisters working together to cast it, the strength of the spell was twice as strong. While I was under that suppression, I had to go through all my usual training. From the normal workout out routine to climbing, then to sparring with Ma'lak with all the weapons and techniques I had learned. We continued this until I was in a state of complete exhaustion.

After we were done sparring, Que'lana and my mother walked into the room and cast a joint blessing on me, which gave me a major boost in my recovery and strengthen my body more. They then had me rest on the floor while they brought in the poisons. They then proceeded to cast a restraint spell that made me immobile. It was probably to make sure I didn't thrash around once I had been given the poison. We didn't have any needles, so I had to drink it and it tasted awful. It took a couple seconds to kick and and for me to feel it, but once I did, I tried to stay calm and just let it do its job and to resist and movements or screaming should it be one of the painful kinds. Luckily I had pain resistance, which really helped in that situation, cause as the poison built up, I could feel it burn. It started out small and then increased over time and I was able to suppress my voice thanks to other straight will or skill, cause I assure you that it hurt like hell. Literally in this case since I felt like I was on fire.

My body began to turn redder, due to the poison increasing my internal body heat, and I began to shake and twitch as they process continued. After another two minutes, my body began to adapt again and I heard the notification ring, probably telling me that I got a poison resistance skill. With the help of my new skill and my body working in tandem to fight off the poison, it was fully removed from my system three minutes after. I saw my mother write down her observations in her journal while the other two looked at me in minor shock. The poison was supposed to last for a full 20 minutes, but I had managed to flush it out after only five. While they stood there, I checked my skills and saw I was right about gaining poison resistance, but what I didn't expect, was that I had gotten heat resistance as well.

Seeing as this was going along better and faster than they thought it would, they administered another poison that had the opposite effect. Soon, my body started to seize up and I could feel the cold begin to set in. For awhile, I just felt slight cold and then I began to shiver all over. My body started going a shade lighter and gained a bluish hue. I then noticed that I could see my breath and that ice started to grow upon my skin.

This cold was definitely unnatural and I couldn't help but shake. If given the option, I'd choose the fire over this. It seemed that this poison, in line with it's effects, while slower acting, was stronger the the previous and was intended to leave its victim to die a slow death while they suffered from having their body turned into a living ice statue. Thankfully me body began to work against the poison and I heard the ring of a skill being acquired. Most likely being the cold resistance, given the similar situation and outcome of the last poison.

After recovering from the experience, I was able to rest for awhile because the others were able to see the struggle I had with that one. Though I still managed to fight of the poison in record time again. The next couple of poisons were those that caused paralysis, different degrees of pain, hallucinations, organ failure, internal bleeding and massive blood loss. Through these, I had obtained paralysis resistance and mental resistance while increasing the level of my poison resistance.

Once we had gone through a trial of each poison, we had ended our training for the day. My mother and I escorted Que'lana and Ma'lak in their departure of the house and I quickly went to bed right after. While I understand the benefits and surely didn't have to endure it as much as others would, I still hated having to experience the effects of poison causing havoc within my own body. I quickly fell asleep as I didn't have it in me to stay awake after such a tiring day.

During my sleep, all I saw was black, but then a hole started to open up in the darkness and in it I could see a scene I didn't know. There were multiple scenes flashing by, one by one, I watched as I looked upon a different person each time. Each of these people were Nightsisters that I'd never met. There were mothers with their daughters picking a Nightbrother and marking him with their family insignia. This was most likely to be the process of marking that Nightbrother as a new edition to their family. That would only happen if that Nightbrother was chosen as a champion. Some of them were just starting as I saw them draw some blood from their daughters and mix it with they ink before their eyes glowed green before applying it to the Nightbrother. As soon as the ink was applied to his skin, I could hear a sizzle where it touch and the ink pulsed with green, signalling that they were using magic in the process, probably in order to bind the Nightbrother with their new mistress. As I was seeing this and I had never seen them before, I decided to take notice of their appearance and double check with my mother later to see if she knew them. I suspected that they might be the families we were supposed to talk to after my birthday next year.

For now, I'll just sleep and deal with it as soon as I wake up. I then received a notice that I received the force clairvoyance skill and the visions began to disappear. After it fully disappeared, I woke up, but seeing that it was still dark outside I just went back to sleep. This time, I received another vision. It was a group of the higher ranking families discussing something. Apparently they were talking about a way to earn more for their race and were trying to decide how. We had little to nothing to offer to the smugglers and what we did have, we had already given. One of the Nightsisters then suggested that they could offer up their skills in assassinations and could even allow some of the smugglers to hire some Nightbrothers as guards for their transports. With this they'll be able to charge a high price since they could provide a well needed service in the galaxy and because of the way their culture, they were all gifted in the art of battle and with their magic, they could safely go through the blockade if they managed to acquire some ships and managed to hide them from those watching the surface of the planet. Otherwise the ships would be confiscated or destroyed and the smugglers would be found and apprehended, further cutting us off from the universe.

Hearing this gave me hope for the future. If the Matriarch approved of their idea, then while it would benefit our planet, it would also benefit him in his plans for the future. I could first try to guard some smuggler ships and learn the ropes and back channels, as well as try to make some connections with the shadier groups. This would give me some work in the future when I go off on my own and provide me with escape routes should I get into trouble with the Jedi, law enforcement, or other underworld organisations. I could also work as a bounty hunter to gain a favorable reputation with the law enforcement in hopes of them granting me some leeway. I could also take my family with me if needed and allow them to work the assassin side of the work or have them do the same work as me.

Then again, they're countless problems with this world already and I'd probably have to do something about them before I leave and that seemed like a huge hassle, but I'll persevere in order to leave this world in a better place later on.


[Poison Resistance Lvl.1/100 (passive): This skill raises the user's ability to resist the effects of poisons by 10%.]

[Heat Resistance Lvl.1/100 (passive): This skill raises the user's ability to withstand heat by 10%.]

[Cold Resistance Lvl.1/100 (passive): This skill raises the user's ability to withstand the cold by 10%.]

[Paralysis Resistance Lvl.1/100 (passive): This skill raises the user's ability to resist being paralyzed by 10%.]

[Mental Resistance Lvl.1/100 (passive): This skill strengthen the user's mind in order to resist mental attacks by 10%.]

[Force Clairvoyance Lvl.1/100 (active): The future is ever present but ever changing. This skill allows the user to catch a glimpse into the future by using the force when used.]

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