
Adam, the lone

In a world of secrets, there are many unknowns and many ignorants. A lone boy who suffers with schizoid personality disorder (SPD) carries the role of the mc on his capable shoulders. He believes not in myths not knowing the blood of a mythical beast flows in his veins. He seeks no attention but attention keeps finding him. He seeks no love but love keeps coming by. Misfortune befalls him and forces him to get involved in his world. He has to survive against life. A life filled with secrets. Join Adam on journey to freedom, to be free of life.

Penhouse2_0 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter seventeen

In a few moments, the four students arrive at the Dean's office door. Adam takes the initiative and knocks.

"Come in, Adam. The rest should stay out."

Adam complies and walks in. He smiles and says, "Hello Uncle Ben."

As if choking on a pineapple, Ben gags with stupefaction as his countenance also looks stupid.

"Since-since when could y-you smile." Ben manages to push out.

"Beats me. So, I'm here, what now?"

"Ahem! Sorry for the delay. Earlier today I caught wind of the fact that you were unwell. I called you here to verify for myself and postpone your punishment if possible. But since you are looking as healthy as a horse... It is 3 pm now. Finish the work before six."

"Yes, Uncle Ben."

"And I said: stop calling me UNCLE!"

"Shhhh! They will hear you." Adam advises and strolls out. "So, guess he didn't change his mind. You guys sure you still want to help? I mean the library is humongous."

They stand there exchanging looks and as if discussing something telepathically, they all smile simultaneously and then Mary responds, "Yes."

"Okay then, let's go to the Library."

Meanwhile, Hannah and Louis are in their car still on their way home.

"Louis, I think Mary is angry with me."

*Smirks* "Our Mary? She is too sweet to be mad at you. Plus, what could you have possibly done to make her angry."

"Seriously, you are a parent and you have no idea the rumours that circulate about your kids in school?"

"Nope. Enlighten me then."

*Sigh* "Did you notice how she reacted upon hearing the news of Adam moving in?" He nods. "There are rumours of she and Adam dating."

"Oh, that's all?" Louis responds then continues driving but then suddenly gives a sharp break (luckily or coincidentally, the was no car behind them) then shrieks, "WHAT!? Oh-oh-oh! If that boy sets foot in that house he is so..."

"So what? She is not your little Mary anymore you know? Now continue driving."He complies. "Do you recall what she did to Jane (Jane is the nurse at the school clinic) the last time she disobeyed her commands?"

"Yeah. She turned her into a rat and then left her in a den of foxes. Damn, she would have died if her Emo was sealed when she was turned."

"And you call her your sweet Mary. Tsk! Maria is sweeter."

"That devil! I still love her though. That reminds me, where is she anyway?"

"She was invited for the meeting with the Elfen king. *Sigh* I just hope the chills and blood lust I felt then from her was all my imagination."

Meanwhile in the school library:


"You fine, Mary?" Adam asks.

"Yeah. Probably just dust."

"Probably right about that. I mean look at this place. Doesn't anyone use the library anymore? This place is filthy."

"Right about that dude. This place is dusty. Some books are unshelved, some are not in the right section and-and this place is a total dump! When are we going to finish." Alex complains.

"No worries Alex. He never said we couldn't use the tools in the storage. Sorry, but I think I will have to be a bit bossy."

"No problem Adam," Edna assures.

"Okay then, Alex go get the vacuum cleaner and rags from the storage. Mary, Edna, let's start stacking the books on the right shelves."

"But-but... Fine. I guess I know why you want it to be me." He leaves and the remaining three also start with their work. Book after book they arrange.

Meanwhile, Alex walks leisurely headed for the storage room. He gets to the hallway where the storage room is. It is on the right side. He looks up ahead and then behind him.

"Okay, no cameras and no students around." He starts whistling.

*Whistle* *Whistle*

He gets closer to the door. He looks left then he looks right. "Oh, they use a padlock here. Let's take a look... What the f*ck! A Kwikset Smartkey padlock? What can possibly be in this storage room? Tsk!" He dips his hand in his bag and then takes out a phone-sized metal case. He opens it and gently picks from it a black brick-shaped material.

He reflects: 'Grandpa warmed me about this AP. It is as soft as clay but immediately the form is changed even the slightest, the clock counts down to two minutes before it gets as hard as steel.'

He takes in a deep breath with the brick resting in his palm. The tension building up in him is eminent in the elevation of his heartbeat, and the litres of sweat that is pumped out with every breath he draws in, he takes in a deep breath for calming and then slaps his cheeks with both hands simultaneously. He realizes a smooth texture on his face then:

"Oh, sh*t!" He starts to panic then starts murmuring to himself, "Oh no-oh no! I only have one of these! What should I do?" He continues to panic but then his countenance changes as if he has recalled a very important moment in his life. "Thanks, grandpa." He takes in a deep breath again then he suddenly becomes calm.

Alex rips the AP off his cheek and then starts to mould. He is moving his hands too fast to see exactly what he is doing. He goes on and on for some seconds then halts.

"Done!" He says holding an 'F' shaped object flat and small enough to fit in the keyhole of the padlock. "The two minutes should be up now." He tries to bend the item but it doesn't budge. He goes closer to the padlock and then puts it in. He moves his ear closer then he starts to twist and turn the F in the padlock. After a few tries and errors, the sound *Click* is heard and then the padlock unlocks. "Damn! My sticky hands are on fire today." He opens the door and barges in. Without a second thought, he takes what he was sent for and then turns to leave. Few steps out the door he stops then turns back. He keeps staring at a metal briefcase on a cubic table in a corner of the room.

"I wonder what could be in that." He says to himself. "No! Turn back, Alex. You got what you came for so turn back." Unconsciously he takes a step towards the table. "No Alex! Remember, grandpa said: curiosity is the only weakness of a thief. Now turn back!" He takes another step. "Oh f*ck it. A peek wouldn't hurt."

He moves to the table and then scans the briefcase. "Uses a four-digit combination, huh? Not very good with stuff like this but let's give it a try." He presses down the button and then starts to turn the number wheels changing to different digits. "360 turn here and there also there. Put in some spicy 180 turns here then there and this goes back then... EUREKA!" *Click* The lock opens. When he opens the briefcase he sees only a book. A big dusty and tattered book takes up all the space in the briefcase. "I wonder how much this can fetch... I mean I wonder what this is."

The dust makes it almost impossible to see what is even written on the cover. He blows air on it to clear the dust. There is an image of a skull which first strikes his heart with fear. There is a couple of writings as well. "My-th-thics. Oh, Mythics." He struggles to read out. "What is a grotesque book..."


Alex turns round in terror to meet the owner.

"Oh... Old man Paul... I mean m-my main man. What brings you here?" He laughs a shivering laughter filled with fear.

"Why are you here?" Paul asks in a threatening tone then closes the door behind him leaving them in the dark.