
Chapter Thirty-Five

Adaeze remained like that on the bed for a long time. She was not sleeping, just staring off into nothing as her mind wondered off. She thought about random things, her fiancée, her parents, her friends, this getaway she had going on here in Lagos.

Everything was just unfolding in her mind and it was as if she was watching it through a big screen.

She did not have the drive or energy to get up. The bed was just so comfortable that she did not mind lying there until the end of the world.

But as time wore on, she realized she had to eat. There was a raging hunger at the pit of her stomach and she needed to fill it up as soon as possible. She had eaten noodles back at Ken’s house, but unfortunately it seemed that was not enough to hold her for the entire day. Noodles ad not been designed for such purpose.

When she could not take it anymore, she turned in the bed and picked her phone. It was already late in the day, almost six in the evening. If she was still going to host Femi and his friend tonight, then she would have to eat. A lot.

Idly, she wondered how it was going to be for her.

She was really considering this. How on earth could she consider jumping from one man’s bed to another man’s arms just in the space of a few hours. It was now beginning to look like she was in a race of sorts.

But she had set up an appointment, she had given her word and she had to keep it. It would not look good on her part if she canceled now.

Yes, the sex with Ken had been great, mind blowing even. But that did not mean she had to dump Femi, her original plan right from the start. Moreover, he was readily available as opposed to Ken who would have other things like his wife and his job to keep him occupied.

Over the past few days, she had had so much sex, more than she had in the past two months. She had cum more than she had done in her entire life. And that was not an exaggeration. This thing she was feeling, it was so good. Why the hell was it forbidden? Why could she not go to the rooftops and talk about it? Why should she have to hide such things and be so secretive about it?

These were the rules of being human, and she had to play her cards right if she did not want things to get out of hand. And she was going to make sure nothing got out of hand. But meanwhile, she would prepare herself for Femi’s arrival.

Maybe, tonight would be as remarkable as last night.

With a deep sigh, she pushed herself up from the bed and sat up, burying her head in her palms as she tried to clear the grogginess from her head. Even though she had not been asleep, she was still feeling like she had slept for years.

She felt a soft rumble in her stomach, she really needed to eat.

She got up from the bed and walked naked to the bathroom. She splashed cold water on her face, staring into the mirror as all her sensors kicked into overdrive as they came awake.

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead…” she muttered to her reflection.

The little sleep and rest she had gotten had not been in vain, she did not look tired anymore and she did not feel it as well. By the time she was done washing her face, even the grogginess was gone as well.

It was then she picked up her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth after applying some paste. It was quick, as usual. And when she was done, she rinsed out her mouth and washed her face for the last time. Then she walked out of the bathroom.

She wore polo today and jeans. As usual, the jean was pencil and stuck to her legs like second skin, but the polo was baggy. So she made up by tying off one of its ends, this made the hem to slant up a bit, showing off her ass. It was a style she had picked up here in Lagos and she was beginning to see the wisdom.

She really enjoyed having guys check out her ass when she walked by.

It usually meant only one thing, they would imagine her seating on them.

Letting out a sigh, she looked around the room. She turned out the lights and the air conditioning unit. It has been a while she watched TV, so it had been off for about two days now. She was no longer sure how long exactly.

By the time the room looked like it had been sucked of all electricity, she picked up her purse and her phone. She made sure her ATM card was in there and she picked up her key card as well. Then she made her way out of the room and locked the door behind her.

The first thing she heard when she stepped out into the hallowed hallway was the laughter. It was loud and careless, as if the person doing it was not concerned about being heard. And it was a woman’s laughter.

But as she walked, Adaeze could also hear a man’s deeper laughter.

She rolled her eyes, why did they not utilize the soundproof features of the hotel? The point of the soundproof was so they did not have to disturb other customers.

As she closed in on the room, she saw that it was the same room she had stumbled on earlier with the open door while the occupants had been fucking. It was still open, but now they were not fucking. She could see them drinking and smoking, laughing at nothing in particular. The man was wearing only tight boxers, with a glass cup off what looked like tequila in one hand and a blunt in the other. The lady was half naked as well, wearing only her panties. She was also holding a drink, but she and man was sharing the blunt. Taking a puff and passing it on to the other.

Adaeze had no idea if this woman was the same one who had been moaning the other time, she had not seen the other person’s face.

Turning her face away, she continued her walk down the passage.

For all she knew, they could be married or dating, and no one was cheating. Or they could both be in serious relationships and instead came to the hotel to fuck each other’s brains out.

“Oh shut up, Ada!” she berated herself as she walked into the elevator, in a fit of temper, she punched the button for the ground floor.

She had no idea why this was affecting her like this, she had no right to judge either of them for what they chose to do with their lives. Or could it just be that she saw herself in them because she believed without a doubt that they were cheating? The same way she had seen herself in Ken because she was also sure he was cheating on his wife.

What exactly was she doing? Was she looking for kindred spirits? By finding enough cheats around her, she would be able to believe that this thing she was doing could be normal. Maybe the guilt she was keeping at bay, shutting down over and over so she could continue would not haunt her so much. She knew she would not be able to fight it forever, but she would definitely have to come to terms with how much she has changed her life.

That would be the only way to truly move forward from what she was doing.

But that was still a topic for another day. For the rest of her stay here in Lagos, everything would go as planned. She would still fuck Femi and his friend tonight, see where it goes and find out if she was a threesomes person.

If not, she would just move on from it as if it was a bad experience.

Outside the hotel, the sun was low and had lost most of its heat by now. She walked leisurely through the compound and out into the busy roads of Ikeja. The fact that it was evening meant that there was even more traffic than at any other time of the day. Cars were packed side by side like sardine. Thank God she was not planning any trip for tonight.

She could not imagine having to go into that.

She was not going to Eugene’s Place again, she did not want to run into that caterer friend of Tunde, or was it Abike? She could not really recall anymore. Hell, she could not even recall his name.

She pushed her way through the evening traffic, looking for the nearest restaurant after the last one she had been to.

It took a while, but she finally found another one. She walked in and immediately placed an order. She went to the counter and made the order instead of going to sit down and wait for the waiter to come and get them for her. That was just how hungry she was.

She bought fried rice, salad and fried chicken laps along with two boiled eggs. Then she bought a bottle of water and 5Alive as usual to wash down the food. She paid for the food immediately, and then heaped them all on a tray. She carried the tray to the closest empty table she could find.

She enjoyed eating the food, she cleared the entire plate in less than fifteen minutes. By which time she was licking the flesh off the bones of the chicken. Finally satisfied, she wiped her hands on the paper towel that was provided for her. Then she finished up her drinks, both the water and the juice.

When it was all over, she felt so full she did not even know how she would be able to get herself home.

She was there for over an hour before she finally pushed herself out of the chair and walked out of the restaurant. By this time night had already fallen and the roads were lit up brightly. Both from the buildings and from passing cars. But people were still plenty on the roads, so she tightened the hold on her purse as she pushed through the crowd of pedestrians.

She could see ladies dressed in all shades of indecency, she spared them a glance and then continued on her way.

She got back to the hotel without any hassle. She went straight up to her floor. As she walked past the room she had peeped into earlier, she saw that it was still half open. This time they were fucking once more. They were on the floor and she could see their legs, he was on top and driving hard against her. She could hear the slap of his body against hers as he slammed into her. She could also hear the woman’s moans of pleasure filter through the door.

No, this was definitely a different woman. The moan was different.

She had no idea what confirming this did for her. She just acted like before, she ignored them and continued on her way until she locked herself up in her room once more.

She leaned against the door as she wondered. Now that she had gotten what she wanted, now what? The man in the other room was definitely a cheat, just like her. He probably had a wife at home, so he brought his girls here. Different girls, mind you.

Adaeze looked around her, he was just like here.

She brought different men here to fuck her brains out while her own man waited for her back in the house. But the thing about it was that she was enjoying it so much, and she was even looking forward to the next tryst, even when she knew she was not supposed to be doing it in the first place.

And then, there was Ken. She had felt that level of comrade with him since the first time they had met, and she had not been wrong. Was Ken just a reflection of who she would become? A lady that would comfortably bring other men into her home, but still retain love for her husband. Would that truly be possible?

Ken was doing it and it was working so well for him, he loved his wife too much for him to soil their matrimonial bed, or their bedroom for that matter. Although he did not mind soiling other parts of the house. And then, this man next door, he probably loved his woman too much to take the girls home.

Could it be that the man next door reflected her present while Ken stood for her future. Could she really let it get into that level?

She let out a deep sigh as she slid down the wall and sat on the floor, dropping her purse beside her as she cradled her head in her hands.

What the hell was happening to her?

The plan was that she would do all she wanted for a week and then return home to be with her husband. And her husband alone.

But look at her now, barely four days in and she was already contemplating cheating on her husband that she was even yet to get married to. This was not the plan at all. She had to take control of the situation before her feelings hijacked it and made her do something she would no doubt regret.

She would still continue as scheduled, but she would watch herself now so that she does not get too attached to this life. No matter how addictive it might feel. Once she was done with everything she came to Lagos for, she would pack up her bags and get out of this state. Leaving everything that has happened behind. So she could move on with her life.

It might not be easy, but she would just have to brave it. She had no choice. There was so much to lose and she could not put that in jeopardy.

Taking a reassured breath, she pushed herself back to her feet, feeling better about herself. She took off her polo and tossed it into the laundry basket, the jean trouser went soon after.

Taking her phone from the purse, she made her way naked to the bed and cuddled up with one of the pillows.

She still had no idea how the rest of her stay in Lagos would go, but she was willing to guess. She knew everything was going to continue moving according to plan because she had put quite a lot into keeping everything on the quiet. And that was how it would go until she had to go back home.

And after that, she came up blank. She did not know how her life would be once she returned to Eche, the amount of changes she would have gone through and the type of decisions she would begin to make.

She did not know, and what she did not know could very well kill her.

Just then, her phone began to vibrate. The screen lit up and she saw that it was Femi that was calling her.

She picked it, “hello.”

“Hi, Ada.” His sexy voice came through, hearing it whenever she was going through a crisis of sorts, always just made it all seem like it was worth it. She realized she still wanted to continue fucking him. so bad.

“What’s up babe…” she muttered, hugging the pillow closer to herself.

“Where are you?”

“Where else? I am in my hotel room. You need to stop asking this question.”

“Nah… you could have been at Abike’s place.”

She shrugged, “you do have a point though.”

“Just keep your sexy body there okay? We are on our way.”

We…. The word rang through her head.

This threesome was really happening.

“Okay,” she muttered. “I am waiting.”

“See you soon.”

And the line went dead.

She dropped the phone on the bed as she let out a sigh. It was happening now, whether anyone liked it or not.

She was going to add to her sins against her future husband.