

Melanie Arya Parker's life takes a dark turn when she is kidnapped and thrust into a high-stakes training program for secret agents. Given the new identity of Adelina Arya Costa, she undergoes scientific modifications to gain extraordinary abilities and endures intense training under the enigmatic Mr. Fernando. Adelina and her peers are tasked with infiltrating and destroying the Mafia system from within. As the trainees navigate this harsh reality, they form strong bonds and work together to strategize and survive. However, the twelve heads of the strongest Mafia families discover Mr. Fernando's plans and retaliate by attempting to eliminate Adelina's group. To sidetrack their enemies, Mr. Fernando offers the women as brides to the Mafia heads or their heirs. Adelina is married to the cold heir of the strongest Mafia family. Living apart from her husband initially, Adelina eventually reconciles with him, and they form a united front against common enemies. The birth of children to each of the mafia heads' strongest families, who inherit their mother's abilities, adds complexity to the women's struggle against the Mafia. Years later, Adelina faces a new challenge when her husband disappears, and she discovers she is pregnant. She uncovers the truth behind his mysterious absence and, with the help of her friends, flees with her children to protect them and herself. Upon her husband's return, he embarks on a mission to find his family, while Adelina faces the challenge of protecting them and staying true to her mission. Along the way, Adelina uncovers shocking revelations about her past and her parents' ties to the Mafia, fueling her determination to honor their memory. The story explores important themes such as abduction, human trafficking, child abuse/ exploitation, mental health, suicide, forgiveness and resilience in the face of trauma. Adelina's journey is one of empowerment and self-discovery as she confronts difficult choices, balancing loyalty to her mission with her devotion to her family. In a world where only the strongest survive, Adelina and her group must navigate a treacherous path to liberate themselves and others from the control of the Mafia system.

Leeloo · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


She got out of the shower faster than she wanted to after she heard her alarm ring out.

Aggressively, she grabbed the towel from the hanger before using it to wrap her wet body.

Sighing as she reluctantly left the bathroom before raiding her closet for something to wear.

She decided on something casual and stuck with a grey sweatpant and a graphic T-shirt that was about four sizes too big.

She turned on her laptop and started going through her clients' records till she found the one that had an appointment booked for that day.

"Miss Alexandria" Melanie muttered to herself as she double-clicked on the file.

She scrolled down looking for an address but found nothing.

She sighed as she disconnected her work phone from the charger before entering the number on the submitted form.

The phone call was answered on the first ring.

"Hello?" A silky feminine voice answered.

"Hello, this is Olives Cosmetics, am I on this call with Miss Alexandria Neon?" Melanie asked.

"Oh, you're the beautician, No?" The woman answered.

"Yes, I am" Melanie answered politely.

The woman had a smooth velvety voice with an Italian accent which was simply enchanting.

"Oh alright, is there a problem?" Alexandria asked

"Not really, the only issue I have right now is that you didn't indicate your address on the form you filled" Melanie explained.

"Oh sorry, silly me, is there anything I can do to correct that, do you need me to tell you the address over the phone?" She asked.

"No ma'am, if you could text the address to this number, it would be greatly appreciated" Melanie answered as a small smile graced her face.

"Oh alright, I'll do that immediately" She stated before ending the call.

"What is wrong with people and hanging up on me today?" Melanie muttered placing her phone on the table.

She started to pack up the equipments required for the appointment before she heard her phone beep.

She checked the notification, Alexandria had sent the address.

"112 Surrey street, Lincoln Avenue" Melanie read out loud.

She stuffed her phone in her pocket, flinging her workbag over her shoulders before leaving the house,

The strong wind caused her braids to slap her in the face, the cold seeped into her skin and caused her to shudder from the tingle that ran down her spine.

"Today is not my day" Melanie groaned pushing her golden brown braids away from her face.

"Maybe, I should just cancel, and stay at home" Melanie whispered to herself as she clutched her bag's arm, her grip was so tight that her knuckles started to look a lighter shade than her brown skin.

"No, no, I need the money" she muttered as she shook her head before making her way to the bus stop.

The bus to Lincoln Avenue arrived a few minutes later and Melanie boarded the bus sitting at the front row closest to the door, at the edge of the seat, leaving the seat near the window empty.

She started tapping in and out of apps due to the depressing boredom that overwhelmed her.

Just as she closed her eyes to take a short nap, her phone started to vibrate.

She yawned bringing her phone to her face level to view the Caller ID.

It was an unknown number, She looked around, allowing her eyes to dart around the bus, searching for a person holding up a phone.

Melanie picked the call as she squeezed at her sweatpants, her paranoia suffocating her.

"Hello?" Melanie answered in a meek voice.

"I can see you" A hoarse voice replied.

"Yeah, maybe that's because you have eyes" Melanie answered as she tried to use sarcasm to cover up her fear.

"You're in a bus, sitting at the front row" the man said.

"Wow, great job stalker, you're very correct" Melanie answered looking back at the crowded bus to see a sea of faces.

"And you're looking at me, I'm looking at you" The man chuckled.

She searched the crowd frantically, she couldn't see anyone talking on a phone.

"Who the fuck are you and what the hell do you want from me?" Melanie whispered into the phone.

"It's not what I want from you, Melanie Arya Parker, it's you I want" The man said.

"You've got to be crazy or on drugs, my man" Melanie retorted.

"Lincoln Avenue" The driver of the bus called,

Melanie quickly pressed the stop button indicating that she was getting down,

The bus came to a halt at the bus stop,

The doors opened,

And Melanie scrambled out of there as fast as her legs could carry her,

When she got down, she stood and watched in total horror displayed on her face expecting the stalker to get down with her.

But to her surprise, the doors of the bus closed and it continued it's journey.

Melanie rubbed her head in confusion.

She went through her call log, she didn't see a call from an unknown number.

"Am I really just imagining things?" She asked herself.

"I think I am going crazy" she whispered before going on her way.

She asked people for a lot of directions before she finally found her way to the huge mansion that she currently stood in front of.

"State your business" A guard demanded.

"I'm from Olives Cosmetics" Melanie said in a confident tone.

The guard gave the others that manned the gates a sign for it to be opened.

Melanie stepped unto the nicely done pavement as the guards escorted her to the house after searching her.

"I feel like trash" Melanie whispered admiring the place.

A huge golden chandelier hung up above the room which was bigger than her whole house together, She immediately assumed it was a parlor or a waiting room for guests.

They led her up the stairs into what looked like another sitting room.

There was a woman sitting on one of the white couches,

She was tall and slender, had sea blue doe eyes which gave her an innocent look and long silky ebony hair.

"Thank you, you can go back to your post" She told the guards stationed behind Melanie.

"Miss?" The woman smiled after she waved her guards off.

"Melanie" Melanie introduced herself while standing awkwardly in the huge sitting room.

"Miss Melanie, please have a seat" she smiled.

"Thank you, you must be Miss Alexandria Neon" Melanie said.

"Yes, it is me, you do recognize my voice, no?" She asked.

"Yes, and your accent is simply lovely" Melanie smiled.

"Oh thank you, I'm Italian, I grew up in Italy, I only started learning English sometime ago" The woman smiled.

"My mother was Italian" Melanie smiled at her softly.

"You speak of her as was, so I assume she's dead, no?" Alexandria asked.

"She is" Melanie affirmed.

"I'm sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is to lose a parent" Alexandria sympathized.

"Oh no, I don't really know anything about her, I lost my parents when I was four" Melanie shrugged.

"How did they die?" Alexandria asked in a concerned tone.

"Car crash, that was what my aunt told me" Melanie answered.

"I'm so sorry" Alexandria apologized.

"It's not your fault, now let's talk about the treatment you want" Melanie smiled.