
The Stranger


"Damn it!" I cursed, checking my phone, only to see that it was almost 2 pm.

"This is all Madam Green's fault. I was free yesterday, but she just had to wait until today?" I muttered under my breath, making my way through the dusty road towards the bus stop.

I was a panting mess, and the sun didn't help at all as I was wearing a black outfit. Of all the days, it just had to be scorching today. I exasperatedly thought while adjusting my bag, thinking of how bad luck my day was.

I would have settled for Bodaboda but decided to save those fifty shillings and settled on trekking or running. As little as it might be, I still needed it, but now I was rethinking my decision with all the heat and heaving.

I couldn't afford to miss the bus knowing how deserted this place could be, and if I missed one, then I would have to wait till evening, which was definitely not an option. Finally, I was able to spot the bus station from afar. I heaved a sigh of relief which was short-livened when I saw the bus present taking off.

No, no, no! This is not happening. I panicked.

"Hey!" I clamored at the top of my voice, waving my hands in the air hoping someone would see me.

"Hey! Please stop!" But seems like my voice did not reach anyone.

"Stop! Wait! I am over here! Hey! Please..." I shouted with everything in me. The desperation in my voice was apparent, and when I saw the bus continuing to drive, I felt like crying. I was already at the bus stop, only to watch the bus leave me behind.

I helplessly held onto my knees breathing heavily. I was out of breath, sweaty and disgruntled. How am I going to get back home? I cried internally, starting to think of a way to get back home. I stood straight, with my hands on the waist looking at the retreating bus with squinted eyes.

"Ruthless driver. Stupid taut. How can you leave just like that when I am still here?" I poured my frustrations into no one in particular. I exhaled roughly, glancing at the bus again and surprise, surprise! It actually stopped a couple of meters away. And the taut I called stupid a while ago was standing outside waving at me.

Forgive me, God, for what I said about him and thank God! I made a cross in appreciation and quickly made my way towards it, my feet almost giving up once I boarded.

"Tha. . .tha. . .thanks." I stuttered my thanks and fell on the next available seat I found. I was a panting mess, more like a dog, only that my tongue was not outside my mouth but too sweaty for my liking.


Smelling my armpit, I feign sneezing.

Wow, girl! Don't you smell bad?

I am never, ever wearing black anytime soon. I thought, adjusting myself on the seat, hoping to be more comfortable, which proved otherwise.

I tried to fan myself with my handkerchief, not that it helped in any way. I was starting to feel hot flashes on my face and neck. It was like I was cooking from the inside, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat. Releasing a deep sigh, I reached out for my bag, rumbling inside while trying to look for my water bottle, and just my luck which was getting worse in seconds, it was not there.

I was frustrated with how everything was going against me. My days started wonderfully, only to be ruined by the sudden command of Mrs Green when I was ready to leave. Releasing a disheartened, I decided to make myself as comfortable as I could. As they say, make lemonade out of lemons when life throws them at you.

So, I decided to rest my head on the headrest with a bang. Maybe my choice was not lemonade, as it was not as spongy as I thought. My eyes closed, feeling the vibration of the aftermath of my actions, and I had to hold myself from making faces.

Slightly inclining my head on my left side, an idea popped.

"Sir!" I called the man occupying the seat next to me, but he did not react to my calling.

"Um...Excuse me, Mr." I tried one more time but still got no reaction from him. I squinted my eyes as I looked at him, wondering why he was not responding to me. Or was he ignoring me? I wanted to leave him alone since he preferred it that way, but the hot flashes were too much for me to handle. I needed air, lots of air.

I turned my body so that I was facing him. Well, he was facing the other side of the window, so I could not see his face aside from his side profile, and I had to admit that he was one hell of an attractive fellow.

How come I did not notice him before? This man was simply alluring, and I was yet to see his entire face. Clad in all white, quite the opposite of me, made him look like some sort of prince charming. He was tan-skinned, and his hair was ruffled messily but still able to pull the look.

I noticed the black earplugs in his ear, immediately understanding why he didn't respond when I called him earlier. I almost changed my mind about calling him, afraid that I might not be able to handle his looks and everything, but I was no coward to retrogress because of a man.

Raising my hand, I tapped his shoulder lightly, hoping to get his attention. And I did, and my heart stopped for a moment. Maybe I should have been a coward and stayed in my place silently. Describing the guy by his side profile was no justice to him.

His eyes were the first thing I noticed. The first thing that entrapped me to him was his orbs that held the softest brown infused with green as if he held the new spring growth inside. It felt like I was somewhere to rest and breathe. The first thing that came to mind was Hazel. And I decided then that hazel was my favorite eye color henceforth.

"Ahem." I was cut short before I could stare properly by someone clearing their throat. I snapped back from my fantasy, realizing that I was staring. I blinked my eyes once, then twice before I got my bearing back. I was embarrassed for losing myself in those damn beautiful eyes for a moment.

"Huh?... I mean... Can we please exchange seats?" I asked - rambling.

Haze gave me a look as if I had horns growing on my head. It was rude of him, but either way, he was still the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

He kept staring at me, his perfect eyebrows slightly raised, and that's when it hit me that he was waiting for an explanation.

"I am sweaty, very sweaty in fact, and I could really use some fresh air that only that window can offer, and believe me when I say that my sweat..."

Before I could finish what, I was about to say, he raised his hand, my rambling coming to a halt.

Thank goodness! I was about to say something stupid. I don't know why I talk too much when I am nervous.

Wait, why am I nervous again?

Yeah, right, it was his big attractive eyes. Why is he so gorgeous? and his eyes. Oh my, what is happening to me?

What's up with him? Why is he waving his hands in front of my face?

Oh, I was staring again. I thought, slapping myself mentally.

What is he doing to me?

I was about to get up from my seat so we could do the exchange when he moved to my side abruptly, and I almost fell off the car seat.

This man is so rude. I concluded. And he was ugly. Well, maybe not that.

I sighed and decided to let it pass for now since it was a Favour. After I settled at his previous spot, I opened the window and removed my sweater, remaining with a black sleeveless top. I closed my eyes, a dreamy sigh escaping my lips when I was assaulted by the cool breeze. I leaned my head on the headrest, which was spongier than the first one, allowing the wind to caress my skin like a lover.

Finally, I could breathe.

I almost dozed off, but I needed to be more comfortable.

Reaching out to my bag, I grabbed my roll-on and my lip balm and put them on my lips. I wiggled my hair, spraying it, as I did not get the chance to do it before leaving.

My actions came to a stop when I heard someone sneeze. I turned in the direction of the sound and was met with Haze fanning his face.

Good Lord!

I tried fanning the smell out of the window with my hands. I was so engrossed in fixing myself to at least look presentable that I forgot where I was.

"Arggh!" he groaned when I accidentally hit his face.

"Oh my! I am sorry, oh why am I so clumsy today," I didn't know what was wrong with me. In haste to rectify my mistake, I found myself rubbing his forehead. The stranger was looking at me with deadpan eyes that got me to retrieve my hand immediately.

Clearing my throat, I looked anywhere but at him. This was awkward.

"I am sorry. I know this is not a bathroom or anything of that sort. I am sorry I got carried away. I did not mean to -" I turned to face him. I saw a flushed bruise starting to form on his forehead and felt bad for him. Unconsciously my hand reached his forehead again and rubbed it softly, only to be caught by Haze in his strong grip.

His hands were strong, okay, but it did not hurt. Usually, I wouldn't let any man grab me in any way, but with this guy, something was different. Instead of getting angry at him, my heart skipped a beat.

My breath hitched when I felt a zing flow through my veins. It was a feeling that I had never experienced before. Still lost in the feelings and his eyes, I failed to pull back my hand until the hot guy dumped my hand on my thighs, breaking whatever got me in a daze.

My senses returned back and thinking back of how a fool I must have been made me cringe. I was so embarrassed that I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up. I looked behind to see if anybody else saw how I disgraced myself. I thought what happened escaped people's attention but internally cursed when I saw the guy sitting behind us chuckling.

Oh no!

"Relax, they don't know you," I muttered under my breath while turning my attention outside the window. I swore not to talk or look at the prince charming beside me because he had proved to be more of a prince harming my sanity.

Come to think of it, he had not uttered a single word compared to me, who spoke thousands of words. This man is so rude. And I. Hate. HIM. It was like a mantra playing in my head as if it was to convince myself or something.

Was I attracted to him? It was not difficult not to.

I killed the thought as first as it came. Was I going crazy, or was it the heat?

Definitely the heat!

I attempted to stop myself from looking at him in my peripheral view, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to look. To stare at him closely to memorize his face and... I gave myself a mental slap again to get back to my senses.

This was going to be a long ride.

I relaxed my shoulder and tried to whirl myself to sleep, hoping it would divert my mind off the stranger. I heard some rustling near me, and when I opened my eyes guess what? It was Haze! He was removing his bag from the overhead rack.

Oh no! Was he about to get down already?

The thought of him getting off the car made me panic - a little, and I swore that there was a loose screw in my head today.

To my surprise, he reached down towards a black backpack and opened his bag. It was actually a cooler backpack, reminding me that I was thirsty. I could already feel my throat drying up, especially when he removed a water bottle from it.

My eyes followed every move he made, from grabbing the bottle to opening it to his mouth. And he gulped once! Twice! Thrice... and all this while I was back to staring at him like a hungry child. It was all I could do, hoping that it would ease my thirst, but all I got was torture instead.

With each gulp, his adam's apple bobbed violently, like pumping water - chilled water. My throat was as dry as a desert, and I could no longer control myself as I reached my hand, afraid that he would finish the entire bottle. Again, I felt the zing when I held unto his arm.

When I looked at his face, his eyebrow was raised as if to ask me, 'what was it I wanted now.'

"Please help me with some water." I was almost begging, but could one blame me? The craving for water had been with me for some time, and so it was time to get up and reach for a glass. Unfortunately, he was my glass at the moment.

He let out a frustrated sigh, handing me the bottle, which I accepted gladly. Normally, I would never drink from the same cup or anything someone else has used, but I did not mind at all. No one can know the infinite importance of a tiny drop of water better than a thirsty bird or little ant or a man of the desert! The water was like manna from heaven.

Damn, it felt good,

I drank like a child who hadn't seen water for a week.

Having cold water in this heat felt like a great luxury on earth, the chill running down my esophagus and my head making an involuntary shake.

A numbness crept into my brain. When the bottle was drained, I took my sweet time basking in the coldness of my tongue, running it against my lips, only to be interrupted by Haze clearing his throat. And then it dawned on me that I didn't leave any for him. Looking up at him, I grimaced as I asked meekly.

"Did you want me to leave you some?" Haze only scoffed, grabbing the bottle from my hand and returning his bag to the rack. Grumpy much.

"Thanks," I said sweetly, but he only shook his head, plugging in the earphones he had removed. Taking a deep breath, I let my head rest back against the headrest, my eyes staring at the view outside through the bus window.

My eyes were on the trees that grew in their infinite patience, leaves breathing out our oxygen, bathing in the same light as we. I could feel the movement of the wheels over the road, following the curves and greeting each slope in its smooth way. The ride was my meditation, a chance for my thoughts to greet the horizon, salute the clouds, and ready my feet for the day ahead.

Before I knew it, I was already asleep, and the next moment I woke up, it was my stop. I squinted my eyes, a yawn escaping my mouth while trying to rid of the drowsiness. While stretching my hand, I again accidentally knocked the poor, hot guy next to me again.

What is with me and knocking haze!

¨The heck! ¨ Finally, he spoke. Even though he was cursing at me, at least I got to hear his heart stopping voice. I wished he could have spoken sooner, not when I was getting off the bus. I apologized again, grabbed my things and made my way towards the exit.

But before I could step outside the bus, a crazy idea popped into my head, and I had to move back just a little bit. The guy was undoubtedly not expecting me back, as he looked at me with a raised brow.

Offering my sweetest and flirty smile, I said, ¨Thanks for the seat and the water, hot guy. ¨

Then blew him a kiss accompanied by a wink before getting out of the bus. Not before seeing his eyes wide, with a surprised look that got me to giggle.

I have never been that bold!


First chapter down. I would really like to know what you think of Melissa's character.



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Adlyne faith


Bodaboda - Motorcycle.

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