
Across the Worlds

Same main character gets reincarnated . Read the first chapter and get on the ride.

Vishesh_Singh_7260 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

We will meet again 3

Silva ' s lips curled up in a smile. He left swiftly for ' taking pictures of fishes '.

" Huh ... I am truly lucky that that I have finally reached this river . Getting passed the teaher and other seniors and now the river . I even have the camera ! I can click photos first even before Joey . ".

Talking a small breath . " I just need to find the divergent point of tributary . Joey has the map so they will definitely find it . I don't need to worry I just need to focus on this . ".

Walking with quick steps he passed through big trees and wild flowers beside the river. Beside the river there was so much rocks and in which the sand was trapped inside . Seeing the calm flow of river Silva wondered if the river overflew some days ago. But he don't have any time to think anything else as he has only one thing in his mind .

Talking long and Swift steps he reached a point where he found that about the other side ( left ) . Of the forest a new river has emerged . He raised his eyebrows questioning his direction .

" I haven't found the tributary till now . Maybe these two river will meet ! . Oh my god what a steal ! I found it without any map. I am truly smart ".

Excitingly he ran towards his left and met even a fast flowing stream with much more energy .

" Ha !! looks like it has some fishes as well . But it is strange how these two river babies are different from each other's . "

Sighh... He took the photos of the fishes carefully . Although the photos were blurry he sticked into the book . After getting up and putting the glue into his small pocket he started walking again .

" Ahh.. !". He tripped onto to the rock and fell . Hisi half body was landed on ground but other half fell into water . It took a while for him to get out of the water . His whole shirt dripped with sand and water . His face darkened .

He stood up and picked up the camera on the grass . Thankfully it did not hit any rock or fell into water otherwise he would be in a real trouble . He started to relax a little until he found that the book he bought was flowing in the river and going farther away .

"Oh no!!! ". He exclamed . ".The file fell into the river . What do I do now ?!".

The book kept flowing away untill it reached the a big rock in the near the middle of the width of the river and and stopped by sticking to the rock . Due to the fast flow of river it remained there as if sticking to it . Seeing this , Silva knew what to do now .

" I am already half drenched in the water . I just need to get the file. The current of river is not to big I should be able to reach it ".Thinking this , he jumped into the water and started walking in the direction with the current . He felt some pressure on his back due to the current but he was fine . Walking in water was difficult but the river was not deep but rather shallow hence by walking few dozens of steps he picked up the file and lifted his hands up .

But walking against the current was to difficult for him . " Damn ! Walking opposite to the current is so hard maybe I should go cutting at right angle this way I would have to travel less distance . I should have thought this sooner !" .

But walking that was difficult too and somehow the flow of river started to increase uprubtly .

Looking at a huge wave coming at him he almost screamed " Is that a tide ! No the tide only happed in the sea or ocean and it's not even night moreover a full night !".

He could not help but scream for help but it was too late the wave reached him in the matter of seconds and he submerged into the water . He struggled to grab onto something but he couldn't find any thing . The file already left his hands and it's pages

ripped apart .

' Gulp '. The water inside his mouth rejected any air to reach his mouth . Slowly his consciousness started to fade away. His arms became weak and his movement for struggle halted . The huge current swept his bodyawat . Everyone being oblivious , the boy left this world .

" Sorry ! Joey , Cathy . We will meet again ! ".