
Across the worlds

"Do you wish to give your wings and halo to save the girls' soul?" "Yes" the angel aswered without hesitation.

Bell_Lullabye · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Since a long time ago it is known that every living person on earth has got a protector send from above, an angel.

Every angel cares for their human and loves them, but there hasn't been any case in wich the angel loves the human romantically....until now....

Johann is a regular angel, but he always dreamed of being promoted to battle angel. The battle angels are the ones who clean up the underworld, they travel across the worlds and erase from existence as many sinners as they can.

Once a month, short wars between angels and sinners take place in hell.

The angels don't waste time and erase everything in their way using holy light, then they return to heaven unharmed.

As a regular angel, Johann is asigned to watch over a human girl named Cesima.

The girl will soon turn nineteen and she works on becoming a successful writer.

Two years ago Johann started visiting her dreams, talking to her.

In the girl's dreams, the two of them became best friends. They talk about Cesima's ideas of books, about heaven, about the human world, about different events from her life.

Slowly, the angel fell in love with the girl he is suposed to protect.

Lately, Johann noticed the girl wasn't as lively as she used to. While he watches her in real life, she seems to be getting more pale as the days pass, sometimes she has cough fits and she gets tired easily. But Cesima doesn't bring it up when they talk.

This night he decides to ask her about it.

Again, the two of them meet in the magical refuge they created together in the girl's dreams.

Vast fields undulate around a crystal clear waterfal, not far from it, is a towering walnut tree in all its splendor. Cottoncandy clouds float lazily in the sky, above all kinds of colorful flowers.

The view being complemented by the sparkling orange light of the sunset.

Johann and Cesima sit together next to the tree.