

Could my mind stop thinking that way for a moment? Here was a woman with amazing boundaries, tough, personable, hardworking, soft, sensuous, throaty heartbeat that races when you touch her. Enough don't prey on the weak remember it's too easy. There is no challenge. 

Ah, but there is here, she is honest to the very depths and could give you a run for your money where your business is concerned. I really should have taken better care of that aspect of my empire. Well rather Tobias should have I did leave it up to him after all. I have been far too busy to waste my time in petty human disturbances.

"So for work, what do…"

"Shhh, leave work at work try and have some fun."

"Oh I am." At that moment she tripped over her own steps in the dance and started to fall backwards. I reacted instinctively and threw out my arms to grab her.

The moment I did my head screamed run now to risky. What did you just do! My eyes were mesmerized by her endless waves of water and their trusting depths. Her heart beat steadily into my chest and I watched the rise and fall of her breasts with increasing hunger.

Your eyes make you deconstruct the very reason of life. How bad would it be if you overlooked this wonderful girl and what she could do for you only because of simple pride? Let yourself indulge she will like it to the very end, until she is struggling and squirming in ecstasy begging you for more. No one would be the wiser, the girl would enjoy it so much besides you could easily erase her memory. Make it so you are nothing but a wet dream.

I stared into the water of her eyes and I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time a pang of hope in my chest. A pang I had lost when I lost Margaret. 

Nothing can replace her. Maybe you're not trying to replace her maybe you're ready to move on… Probably not though. I set her body down her weight was nothing but a feather to me but better to not give an opportunity for temptation. The girl called to my senses in all the right ways. Her honesty and integrity were a bright light to my dark and dingy past. Maybe that's why she is here now.. as a light to your dark. That's a lot of maybes though. Trust your gut but don't follow it into the fire. What about her makes me want to grab her and turn her into a little devil. A girl who could tear out your soul if she wanted to. Something about her made me want to turn her into a dangerous monster of the night. A monster who could be one of us.

"I think it is time I head home." I stood her back up onto her feet and let go with a slight bit of resistance that made no sense. My body disobeying direct orders, I have been in control of everything for so long. Nothing should change.

"Are you okay? You seem distracted? Maybe sick?"

"No, I am not sick I am fine." I am always fine. "Where is your friend? The one with the obnoxious laugh."

"She does not have an obnoxious laugh.."

"Ah, ah, ah remember I am great at observations."

"Fine, but only when she is faking it otherwise its lovely."

"Ah huh, do you want a lift somewhere? I am certainly not letting you drive when you are walking like a girl on a tightrope 50 feet in the air. You are tipsy."

She looked for a second as if she were going to deny it.

"Nope, I am drunk, not tipsy." She let out a carefree laugh and I found myself smiling in return. Her laugh was hearty full of warmth and genuine. It was refreshing. Her entire atmosphere was entirely intoxicating. Smiling why was I doing that so much tonight?