
Chapter 50: Auction Convention 2

Moving ahead of Zhan Ye with one step, she crossed over to Huang Bei Yue. A pair of almond shaped eyes looked up and down towards the very normal quality black cloak.

The seats at the auction had now been filled with people. Everyone's vision had turn to this side, their foreheads dotted with a large amount of sweat.

Princess Ying Ye really had spent her childhood being raised in the deep palace, not understanding anything. How could she think to speak to a 9-star summoner like this?

The Royal Princess against a 9-star summoner.

It was a worthwhile sight to see!

Lord Luo Luo, the cunning old man, was also holding his hand, standing to one side and grinning but not saying anything.

It was then that Young Master Luo Luo quickly said, "Your Highness, today we are auctioning the red spider, the one Master Xi Tian dealt with."

"Of course I know she was the one that dealt with it!" The princess released a cold hmph, "I really like that red spider, how about you don't auction it, instead sell it over to me, I will give you a really high price!"

Using money to pressure people, this princess has no manners!

Luo Luo's face wrinkled, he clearly stated, "That red spider has been given to us the Bu Ji Er Auction to auction, if your highness likes it, then please follow the normal auction process to auction!"

Ever since he had spoken a few words with Huang Bei Yue at Yue Luo Valley, witnessed and even personally touched her ice spirit bird, Luo Luo was full of admiration towards this mysterious master, not allowing anyone to insult her!

"I am the Princess, if I said I don't want it to be auctioned, then don't auction it!"

Princess Ying Ye childishly exclaimed, looking towards Huang Bei Yue, "How about it? Do you agree or not?"

The person under the black cloak didn't speak a word and remained silent, releasing a body of cold aura.

"Hey, I am asking you something!" Not getting any response, Princess Ying Ye instead stomped and rushed over.

Standing behind her was Zhan Ye, who had taken a step forward, grabbed her shoulder, and sternly stated, "Enough!"

"Royal brother, this person doesn't even put me in his eyes at all!" Princess Ying Ye angrily pointed at Huang Bei Yue, for the first time in her life someone dared not to answer her questions!

Eyes were firmly locked towards this side of the crowd, there was suddenly a movement!

Master Xi Tian moved!

Huang Bei Yue walked around Princess Ying Ye, walking straight to the third VIP room, as though she had not seen the honorable princess standing in front of her.

She really didn't put her in her eyes ah!

Luo Luo's face revealed a happy expression, too handsome! Master Xi Tian's aura was superior, graceful and dominating, not inferior to the Royal family.

Princess Ying Ye was so angry that her nose was crooked. If her brother had not been pulling her, she really wanted to rush over and find that person to reason with him!

"Lord Xi Tian."

As Huang Bei Yue was going into the VIP room, Zhan Ye finally spoke.

"Ying Ye is young and naive, I hope you do not mind."

To Ying Ye who has been spoiled rotten since little, even Royal Father was helpless.

Huang Bei Yue stood still, slightly turning her head, calmly spoke: "I do not care about two kinds of people, one is the weak, and the other…" Under the black cloak's vision she had glanced at Princess Ying Ye for a second, "Fools."

Princess Ying Ye was stunned, even Luo Luo and Lord Luo Luo patriarch were stunned.

Those who had been standing near had also heard what Huang Bei Yue said, all going into a petrochemical state.

Only after Zhan Ye who had been startled, the corners of Leng Jun's mouth went slightly up.

This Xi Tian …. on the outside he looked cold and mysterious, who knew she could actually knock people, and it was that poisonous.

In front of so many people, Ying Ye lost a lot of face. She would no doubt think of more ways for revenge, which would lead to a headache later.