
chapter 13: Adopting a Kitten and Return of the [Gacha]

Early in the morning a young boy can be seen waking up with a light stretch, the boy wakes up and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. Taking out a pan and spatula, he preheats the metal stove, something he upgraded from the old stone one after getting a blacksmithing template. The boy then starts cracking eggs into a wooden bowl and starts mixing it, after the yolk and albumen (clear liquid), he adds a bit of milk and adds two tablespoons of a combination of herbs; including parsley, chervil, chives and tarragon. Then wisps with a fork, not forgetting to add a pinch of salt and pepper while stirring. Going back to the pan, the boy pours olive oil into it and spreads it around the base of the pan. Satisfied with the preparations, he slowly pours the mixture from the bowl into the pan, swirling the mixture around the pan creating a round appearance. After this the boy adds some grated cheese and herbs along the center. Decreasing the heat and letting it cook for about a minute, the mixture sets on the bottom yet stays somewhat liquidly at the top. Seeing this the boy flips one side of the omelet folding it in half, trapping the now melted cheese and turns off the heat.

Satisfied with his light breakfast, he makes two more. One similar to the last but with green pepper and mushrooms added instead of cheese, the other a combination of both. Finishing off all three omelets. The boy continues to make food, this time a large batch of pancakes each stacked atop each other, with maple syrup dripping down it's side, frosting adorning the apex of the stack, decorated with strawberries. After that he finished with a couple of hash brown, two breakfast wraps and a bowl of salad.

Moving on to the drinks the boy pulls out a bottle of orange juice, deciding to stick with a classic today.

Finishing his cooking the boy sets the table, the cheese omelet, some salad, and a hash brown on his own plate with a glass of orange juice. The second plate had the veggie omelet, a pair of hash browns, light salad, and a breakfast wrap accompanied by a glass of orange juice. The third seat however had much larger portions, with the cheese-veggie omelet, a large stack of pancakes, breakfast wrap, plate full of hash browns and the rest of the bowl of salad, accompanied with the juice bottle rather than a glass.

Taking his seat atop the first seat the boy awaited the two others who were joining him for breakfast.

Finally two Amazoness arrived at the table, Tione taking the second seat and Tiona taking the third seat with the most food. Taking their respective spots they all began to eat, with Izumi and Tione enjoying every bite and Tiona bulldozing though her food as if it was her last bite.

Finishing the food they all sat contently, Tiona with a noticeable bulge on her stomach, however for the Amazoness who ate so much it made her stomach bulge all she'd have to do was her normal workout to burn off all the calories. This paying tribute to the fact she was a newly leveled up adventurer and her heritage as an Amazoness, quite literally evolved to attract mates, one of these evolutionary abilities being, the ability to lose weight easily, an ability most Amazonians shared.

Somewhere in Oraria's red-light district…

''Achoo~!!'' The sound of a loud deep sneezed echoed in the red-light district of Oraria

A frog like Amazonian Sneezed as she somehow felt enraged. Turning around she saw a drunken adventurer who for a brief moment met eyes with her. Seeing this she decided to blow off some steam, as she 'seductively' licked her lips.

The male adventurer, seeing that froze as he started sweating profusely, sobering up instantly, he decided to make a run for it straight away. However as he ran he suddenly tripped up and fell.

Looking at his leg to see the cause of this the man saw a large meaty hand grabbing his leg, attached to it was an ugly obese Amazoness frog thing.

The man instantly started panicking as he thrashed around and screamed for help crying, however no one came to help him as the frog dragged him away with a deep perverse laugh.


''Someone! Anyone! Please! Save Me!~'' shouted the adventurer frantically. Both the adventurers and prostitutes only turned away pretending not to see anything, as they inwardly offered the man a silent prayer.

The adventurer was never found after that and was labeled as dead two months after his disappearance.

Rejoining the group of three kids, Izumi enjoyed his time talking to Tione and Tiona who for the past few months endlessly spoke about their exploits and level up to level three.

In fact the twins had stayed at Izumi's house so often he gave them a permanent room, the room they first stayed in after meeting. The reason they were here today, was they decided to visit yesterday and stayed the night, since they would be going on a familia campaign and wouldn't return until at least a month.

After their talk Izumi bid them farewell and good luck, finally deciding to do something he had been waiting to do for a long time.

'Uriel, can we do [Gacha] now!?' He asked in an excited tone, with clear yearning in his words. Truth be told he had enough to focus on with his current template but had rather just looked forward to the aspect of mystery as he had very little entertainment now, other than his talks with the twins.

[Yes, you have trained to an acceptable amount and should reward yourself, however please limit yourself to a maximum of 5 rolls a day. Since they may give you something which gives you more things to spread your focus on.] Uriel stated as if placating a child.

'Woooo~ Gachaaa~' Izumi yelled in his mind.

Perhaps Uriel was right in doing so.

'Ok but now that I think about it, how many [Gacha Tickets] do I have saved up?' Izumi asked.

[Due to the host's failure to complete the [Daily Missions] in the first few months, you are in possession of approximately 60 of random rarity.] Uriel explained.

'Ok in that case I'll make sure to have some left over in case I need them' Izumi decided.

'But first please use 5 [Gacha Tickets]!' He said returning his attention to the much awaited [Gacha] he had been waiting patiently for. Funny enough he didn't really care what he got as long as it was cool.

[Rolling Gacha (x5)...]

[Due to x5 consecutive rolls luck is slightly boosted…]

[Headpats (G-)]

[BGM (H+)]

[Pokeball (E)]

[Iron Knife (F-)]

[Abandoned cat in a box (A+)]

Izumi looking at his prizes was positively surprised, his mind first wondered to the [Pokeball (E)]. It was a reminiscent item, holding low value and success rate, but it would be fun to try and capture a monster. But then his mind looked onto [Abandoned cat in a box (A+)] and couldn't comprehend why it was A+ grade.

'Uriel, why is it A+ grade?' He asked.

[It is due to it being a living creature for one and for more you should check the item description like I always tell you too.] Uriel said.

'So wait, living things are ranked higher, just because they're alive.' Izumi repeated.

[...] Uriel said nothing as he had asked a stupid question.

'*cough*cough* of course they do, Uriel, open the descriptions!' Izumi said switching subjects and taking Uriel's advice.

[...] This time Uriel kept quiet for a different reason.

'Please.' Izumi corrected himself.

[There you go, see not so hard. Displaying item details…]

[Headpats (G-)]

A higher form of [Lesser Headpats] although low in rank it is marginally better than [Lesser Headpats (S+)]. Causes different feelings based on intentions switching from extremely pleasurable, comfortable, warm, and soothing. Effective on all beings regardless of race, gender size, or age.

[BGM (H+)]

Combination of different BGMs (Background Music). As the level increases it can play things like youtube intros to Dark Souls and Elden Ring boss music.It also contains popular music of any genre. At the current level BGM will be chosen at random from a small selection.

Note* this skill is evolvable through a unique [Mission], however it is locked right now.

[Pokeball (E)]

A Pokeball from Pokemon. A sophisticated piece of technology needed to begin the journey of a Pokemon master. Has the ability to hold one [Monster] inside. Chances of successful capture increases as the opponent is weakened or knocked out. Reusable 10 times before it breaks, however after catching something inside it is indestructible and usable an infinite number of times.

Note* The captured creature cannot be changed.

Note* If the creature inside dies, the pokeball will break.

[Iron Knife (F-)]

A shitty iron knife not worth the scraps used to make it. Moderately sharp.

[Abandoned Kitten (A+)]

Inside holds a random cat that was once or currently is abandoned, the kitten will not have any loyalty and can grow to hate the master if miss treated. The kitten can be a companion, pet, etc if the owner decides so, but the owner must earn its trust to do so. Any cat can be inside from Cath Palug to a common street cat, however the kitten will be at maximum a year old.

Note* The Kitten is completely randomized.

Looking through the descriptions my eyes instantly move to the [Abandoned Kitten (A+)] reading it, it was like pandora's box. Being any cat could even imply some gods, from it stating Cath Palug could come out it was possible, but I decided to drop that thought when I saw it would be a maximum of a year old. This would mean one thing, no matter what it would be a baby… a kitten!

'Having a pet, let alone a kitten is already enough reason for me.' Thought Izumi as he awaited his new pet kitten, in his heart swearing to raise it tenderly and with care.

Suddenly a large box appeared in front of Izumi, shocking him. As Izumi investigated the box he put his ear to the box and heard a light purring noise. Looking around the box he found a paper with information on what type of cat it is.


Name: Coconut

Gender: Female

Cat breed: Maine Coon

Age: 4 months old


'Aww~ Coconut what an adorable name~.' Izumi thought to himself.

'And she's only 4 months old~' Izumi squealed in manliness at the thought of his new pet kitten.

'Uriel, can you tell me about the 'Maine Coon' cat breed? I think they existed in my previous life.' Izumi said remembering a certain fuzzy cat breed.

[Maine Coon are direct descendants of Norwegian Forest Cats, and grow rather quickly also due to its ancestry they grow rather large. They are also known for being extremely loyal to their masters.] Uriel said, explaining the basic information about Maine Coon cats.

'Ok she'll grow pretty big…huh. I'm slightly sad I didn't pull a Cath Palug and pull a Merlin, but this might be even better.' Izumi said as he excitedly approached the box.

Carefully opening the box a small cat ear pops out and with it a small 6 year old with fuzzy cat ears and tails pops out. The little girl has long white hair with light brown tips reaching her waist, a set of heterochrome eyes with a turquoise and amber color, and tanned skin. She looked like a young Gyaruu in the making. Contrasting her looks she had a slightly shy and nervous personality with a clumsy aura creating a cute persona. Staring at Izumi who had gone frozen stone solid she asked with a cute voice and slight stutter.

''A-are you my master?'' she asked with her head down and eyes full of hope. Seeing this however, Izumi was left with many questions.

'Uriel, what the fuck…' he asked.

[I don't understand your question] Uriel replied with a slightly amused tone.

'This, this, all of this. You told me it was a Maine Coon and wasn't she supposed to be 4 months old!?' Izumi exclaimed.

[Yes, she is a Maine Coon of Nekopara world and her age is 4 months. Marine Coon in that world reach adulthood by the age of 1.] Uriel answered diligently.

'A cat girl reaches adulthood by 1 years old. The fuck, did they genetically modify them or something.' Izumi retorted.

Coconut however, not receiving a response, became panicked as her breathing quickened.

''Hu ha hu ha, D-did I do something wrong? Are you not my master? I'm sorry, please don't abandon me. Or maybe you should I'd be better off dead.'' She said as her cute aura quickly turned into a depressed one.

Izumi seeing this although flabbergasted, deciding to act before the worst could happen. Raising his hand, Coconut expected a slap as she closed her eyes, but only felt a hand gently rub her head causing an extremely soothing and calming sensation, washing away all of Coconut's suicidal thoughts.

''Sorry, sorry I was just taken aback by how cute you were and yes, I am your master.'' Izumi assured as he smiled gently. This caused Coconut to tear up as she hugged Izumi tightly, refusing to let go.

''I-I'm sorry for being useless, maybe I should just kill myself…'' She whispered into Izumi's shirt. Hearing this Izumi felt a sense of crisis from this girl who was apparently 4 years old so easily talk about suicide, deciding to nip it in the bud now rather than later he gave his first order.

''Coconut, your life is precious to me, ok. Never and I mean never talk about you killing yourself, understood?'' Izumi ordered in a calm and serious voice conveying his heartfelt emotions as he tightly hugged the crazy cat.

''Um~Prrrrrr~'' hesitantly nodding, Coconut agreed and then melted into his touch as she unconsciously let out a content purr. As her heart suddenly became warm.

'huuh…Uriel can you tell me more about her?' Izumi asked tierdly.



[Name: [Coconut]

Species: [Cat girl/Neko]

Breed: [Maine Coon]

Age: [4 months]

Skills and abilities:

[Beastkin physique (Maine Coon) (C)] [Enhanced Learning Speed (D)] [Maid Talent (B+)] ]


[Coconut has also been added to [Relationships]. Would you like to see?] Uriel informed after displaying her physical components and talents.

'Oh~ yes please.' Izumi answered while still going through Coconut's information.



[Tione Hiryute] [Fiance (Temp)]


[Tiona Hiryute] [Fiance (Temp)]


[Coconut] [Master/Slave]

[Favorability: +87 (???)] [Loyalty: 101% (complete devotion)]

[Kinks: Unavailable (must be lovers)]

[Emotional State: [Joy] [Gratitude] [Devotion] [Love?] [Confusion] [Suicidal Thoughts]


';...Uriel, what's wrong with her relationship tab, I can kinda understand the whole 'Master/Slave' thing, but…' Izumi said slightly confused.

[Coconut, is an extremely simple and devoted girl, for cats (from Nekopara) they develop fast and have a boosted maturity speed both mentally and physically, however she doesn't have much understanding about 'love' nor anyone to teach her, another thing to consider is she is 4 months old and her body is the equivalent of a 6 year old. Because of this even though she's developed complete devotion and love for you, simply for accepting her and comforting her, she doesn't understand her own feeling.] Uriel, patiently explained.

'Wait, complete devotion and love? Isn't she going a little to fast?' Izumi asked.

[Nope, for her race, it is not uncommon for them to devote themselves entirely to the master who takes them in. Also she's pretty desperate for attention. 4 month old, remember?] Uriel stated.

'Isn't that still too much?' Izumi thought.

[Maybe you think so but she's judge you to be worthy of it, even subconsciously she ended up purring at your touch. Also this choice is heavily influenced by her instincts, that's why she trusts you.] Uriel said.

Still in his embrace Coconut looked up at him with a tilted head. Looking at his troubled face she couldn't help but ask.

''Am I troubling you master?'' she asked with a solemn voice and dejected tone.

''N-No not at all'' Izumi responded. Becoming pleased with his answer, Coconut clung to Izumi and rubbed her face into him as if marking him (which she was), after having her fill, Coconut asked another important question.

''am I cute master?'' she asked in an even quieter tone.

''Huh? Yup, really cute.'' Izumi answered back not thinking much of it.

''Hehehe'' Coconut giggled in bliss hearing his answer.

After playing with the little kitten enough, Izumi brought her inside and fixed her a room. As Coconut fell asleep, Izumi began to plan how to take care of her.

Bit of a quick chapter today...

Those who think the romance was a bit rushed, don't really know Coconut from Nekopara...

Also this chapter was a little rushed so sorry about that, next chapter, Izumi finally gets a new [World Mission].

P.S. To those who want me to add an arc for Zald and Alfia anyone know when they joined Ereberus and left the school district...Unless it all happened in the span of a year.

See you next Chapter. Bye~

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts
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