
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

The Apocalypse and the cruel past

Pat reon.com/RedVoidDoragon


I did as we have agreed upon, healed half of the dragon's wounds and he thought me the Dragon Slayer magic.

There was nothing between us other than that, my daughter liked the dragon as he entertained her about the world's mysteries and tales of his flights.

We would return each day and I will heal his wounds slowly.

One day, the dragon grow bolder as he was in good health, he came to my village. People were terrified of him but he assured them that he means nothing to harm them. My daughter was excited to see him as she jumped on his head.

The villagers asked me about the dragon and I told them the story, of course leaving the deal we made out of it.

"As a sign of my gratitude towards your doctor, I will protect this village for a 100 years to come." The dragon proclaimed one day. Many were happy that they will not fear dragon attacks.

If Acnologia marked this village as his territory, then they can be safe from most dragon attacks. Like wolves, Dragons try to avoid each other's territories.

Months and years went by, Acnologia was in the village for 4 years now. And he would spend most of his days sleeping near the village where his body could be seen like a mountain or playing with children, or even telling tales of his life and what he has seen. He suddenly became a part of the village.

Me, the naive, the bastard, the fucking retard believe such scenes. I feel like piercing my brain with my own claws seeing that stupid smile on my young face.

At the end of his fourth year, Acnologia was completely healed, but still, he did not completely teach me the magic slayer. I didn't mind at that time, Acnologia had already protected our village from 6 dragon attacks, thankfully the dragons that attacked were young and he managed to overpower them.

His nature was revealed for the first time as a water Dragon, in contrast to his skin color. Looks like stereotypes don't work even dragons.

At the start of his 5th year, Acnologia said that he will go visit a friend "I will be going to the Iron mountains, I haven't seen that old lizard for ages now." He said.

My daughter was heartbroken, at 14 years old. She grow attached the dragon like a brother to her. She didn't want him to leave and begged him to take her.

My wife, Esali, a beautiful women with red hair and golden eyes had to step in and get Estra to behave.

Acnologia left, and our lives continued normally. My daughter was growing healthy as her youth is blooming.

But... Acnologia never came back for 7 months. My daughter grow worried for him, she was too attached to him and she would ask me about him everyday. But I had no news too.

I found it strange too, The Iron mountains are not that far either, it's 2 days on foot and like a few minutes with his gigantic wings.

The villagers were also worried about him, thinking he may have been attacked by the young dragons that he fought for the village.

Under the constant pressure, I decided to go on a trip and see for myself. I left a lot of medicine for any kind of sickness, my wife was knowledge in medicine herself so the village will manage without me in her presence.

"Alright, Estra, be a good girl and don't cause trouble." I spoke to my daughter as she stood in front of my wife who was holding her shoulders gently.

I glanced at my wife and smiled "I'll be back."

"Take care!" Honestly, this woman was blessing to my life, I knew her when I was a soldier for the kingdom in the war, Meeting her was the greatest thing in my life.

"Then, I am off." I said before turning my back.

"See you later, Papa!!" My daughter waved at me from behind as I walked away.

"Ah~ see you later." I spoke while waving my hand without looking back.

I went to the Iron mountains where I found no living soul there, no dragon was flying in the mountains.

It was strange, I decided to return, I didn't want to venture any further. On my way, shadows covered me as I looked at the sky. There I saw him "There you are." Acnologia was flying above towards the village, his white skin was dyed with some blood here and there, and after him were a 3 dragons in the same condition.

"Were they in a fight?" I asked myself. However, the situation seemed strange to me. My heart started beating more and more, I couldn't help but dash like a mad man to the village.

I boomed through the forest and rivers, not minding the injuries I got from my reckless running.

As soon as the village was in my view, my heart went cold. Fire and destruction were everywhere. Screams of terror filled the air as the dragons stomped their feet on the villagers, ripped them apart and ate them alive while burning or destroying anything that is for humans.

My brain shut down as I saw this, and it seems they were about to finish as the dragons started flying away with the white one in the center.

"Humans... Really, your screams are the greatest song to my ears, especially the screams of confusion, and betrayal." Acnologia spoke with a smirk, my eyes raised to look at him, and the worst of my fears were confirmed, in between his sharp teeth, an arm was poking out, an arm with a wristband that I know very well... That was my daughter's arm, I was shattered, everything was dead.

My daughter, Wife, Grandmother, neighbors, everything.

"Doctor..." I heard his cursed voice as I stood in my place like a statue, bleeding and not believing any of this "Your help was of great benefits, for that, I left your village of last and you to live. Consider this...Mercy." he spoke before he spat out my daughter's arm as it landed in front of me.

The dragons flew away and Acnologia stayed to look at me for a moment, he was about to go away before he heard me speak...

"I'll kill you for this..." I mumbled, but his dragon senses made clearly hear me "No...I too...will give you my mercy." My mind was cloud with hatred, anger, pain, suffering, sadness, cruelty as I imagined the countelss scenarios where I get hold of this dragon. I wanted to jump and murder him now, Yet my body didn't move, my eyes still stuck on my daughter's arm, tears fell down my cheeks, with my teeth gritted, soon fhose tears became blood from the pressure and the volume of emotions I held in myself.

Acnologia smiles "Humph..." He flew away leaving me in my crumbled world.

I broke down, shouted in sadness and anger, but no one was dear to hear me. If I left him to die, this would have never happened, nothing would have happened.

Wherever I look, I saw my people dead, crushed to the ground, torn apart like a sheep eaten by the wolves.

Nothing of my family reminded. Grandmother is burned under the house, my wife is crushed to the ground, I couldn't even recognize her...and my daughter is nothing but a leftover arm.

My tears were dry, I wanted to cry, but it all stopped, soon I broke down and started laughing like a mad man.

I realized I was soon gonna crumble mentally, so I hurried and did my duty as the living toward the dead before I am gone.

I burnied them all, everyone that I managed to gather, I buried them with my own hands.

My grandmother was nothing but ashes.

My wife, I burnied her on her place, There was nothing that can be carried of her.

And I buried our daughter beside her. I fell down at her grave and spoke "It's all my fault, I killed you..." I mumbled..."Estra, my daughter...We will never meet again." I grabbed my hair and pulled it as I felt my chest hurt as if I drank poison.

"Forgive me...Daughter." I said as my eyes trembled, I was loosing myself "Not for what I did, but...for what I am about to do."

On that day, I have died to my hatred, sadness, suffering, and pain.

The dragon didn't completely teach me the dragon slayer magic, but I wasn't an idiot, this is a magic made by humans and I could fill in the gaps.

I walked everywhere looking for them and him especially. I killed any dragon I found, and killed any humans that had the scent of dragons on him.

I was hell bent on eradicating all dragon, innocent or not, they had to die for me.

With a formless dragon slayer magic, I could kill any dragon, their blood empowered me, their screams of anguish thrilled me, their pain brought me joy, their fera brought ecstasy.

Soon, with every dragon I killed and with my at the time completed Dragon Slayer magic, I became powerful, powerful enough to be feared by the dragons as they would flee on my sight.

But I loved that game, the cat and mouse game.

That's right...there is no joy in killing them immediately.

"Run, Hide, Fight back, beg...It's all the same." I declared. I took that dragon's name as mine...I wanted him to know... That I was coming for him, that he created me, that I am his greatest fuck up.

My skin strated becoming become a dark black steel like, I was transforming to a dragon with each kill. My power was growing.

"That's right...Your end should be by your own hands. Kha! Kahaha!!"

I killed and destroyed more and more until I had wings, claws, and fangs. I became a dragon, the end of all dragons.

No magic worked on me, and I had all magic at my disposal.

Soon, you will all find me knocking on your doors, be it a human or your dragon. And there is nothing you can do about it.


"I see..." The illusion was over and now I was standing in darkness. No...I was standing in the night sky, between stars and planets.

And in front of me, a huge Blue dragon with wings spreading to the horizon, his eyes was like stardust and his body was like the ocean's deep blue.

"You are a production of hatred and pain..." The dragon spoke.

...POV Change to 3rd...

Acnologia looked at the dragon and growled "Who are you?" He asked "You had your fun already or do you want o fight!" He burst in magic and transformed into his dragon form, but he was still dwarfed by the huge dragon.

The dragon smiled "I am...Veldanava...or what remained of his power. Or you can call me the world tree to be more accurate." He said.

"The world tree...." Acnologia mumbled "So this is like retaliation for taking a branch of yours?"

"No, I was interested, intrigued by people like you who are not effected by the system that I created." The dragon spoke "The system that I created is absolute, so absolute that it killed me, its own creator."

"..." Acnologia growled and was ready to fight anytime, so what if he is big, as long as he uses magic, he will fill down harder than he would think.

Veldanava chuckled "Don't be like that, I have no intentions of fighting, in fact, I can't fight you, I am nothing but a speck of ego left to feul the world and continue the cycles."

"JUST WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" Acnologia has never got the answer for what has been asking for.

"I want know what are you planning on doing in this world." Veldanava spoke "Are you a world destroyer, or...are you a being that would be needed in the future, give me an answer, a clear one and I will reward you handsomely."

Acnologia gritted his teeth "What I want...You have seen it for yourself, I want what I have lost, all of it." He spoke.

"Peace? Love? Joy? Fun? Friends?...Famiy?" Veldanava listed.

"...I said....All of it."

Veldanava smiled "Then I will allow you to stay in this world as I have allowed the woman to stay before you. My world is your home. Make sure you take care of it." He said.

He raised his claws and reached to Acnologia, with one finger, he touched Acnologia's head.

[Blessing Acquired: Blessings of the Stars.]

[Title Acquired: Dragon Bane]

"Consider this my gift of goodwill." Veldanava spoke as Acnologia's consciousness faded back to where he was before.

"Hurry up and take that branch, no need to make love to it." Sfix, the old leaf spoke in irritation.

Acnologia sighed, obviously not that much time passed when he was in the illusion with the dragon, he grabbed the branch...no, he let go of it, and with a good sweep of his claw hand, he took out o big chunck from the world tree shocking the old Sfix to his dry leafs. "That's for peeking into my memories!" Acnologia said before he let the box absorb the huge chunck of the world tree.

He looked at Irene "Get us out of here." He demanded, he was in no mood to hang around, his eyes showed clear frustration and anger which Irene didn't date to question or mention. Even Veldora knows better.

Without any hesitation, Irene throw them out of the druid realm and they appeard in the middle of the ocean again.

Acnologia took a deep breath while Irene looked at his back, she too experienced what he went through in those short moments, she. Knows what happened.

While Acnologia was taking deep breaths to calm down, his mind recieaved a message.

"Acnologia-sama..." Souei called.