
Acnologia In Mushoku Tensei

What If Acnologia was in Mushoku Tensei? Disclaimer: Don’t take this seriously. New to writing so it will be boring I just write for fun. You have been warned.

TooSexy4U · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


"Huh...?" Acnologia gasped.

His eyes flung open. First thing he saw was the blue sky. But that didn't make any sense. Was this how hell looked like? If so, it wasn't as painstaking bad as he assumed it would be. What's even more confusing was his body. It felt better than last time.

He groaned and raised his left hand to cover his face. Then his eyes widened as he stared at that arm. His left arm was actually attached to his body.

The former dragon king was understandingly confused, thus he raised his other arm to make sure he hadn't mistaken the missing limb for the other. But he only became further shocked when he saw that arm too.

"What's…going on?" He muttered and used those arms to help him sit up. "I…should be dead…and yet…" He paused and looked around him.

He calmed down and pushed himself back to his feet. He was also wearing shoes now too.

'I should investigate…Perhaps I've been sent back to the past. If so, I wonder if…' He stopped his thoughts when he heard a few voices

"…Hidden Technique, [Streaming Current]"

Rudy POV

In regards to Eris it didn't cost Orsted any time.

Just, he only caught her sword gently on the palm of his hand.

At least that's how it looked to me.

With just that, Eris's body started to spin like a tornado and was blown away.

It was almost like the time when receiving a certain kill technique in battle and being blown off.

Eris flew out of that guy's field of vision.

The instant Ruijerd fell, Eris fired off a slash in his blind spot.

Even looking at it from my eyes, it was an attack that I thought had no shortcomings.

Without a thought for defense, a completely focused sword strike.

In regards to that, that guy reversed it one technique.

I don't know what was done specifically.

In my eyes, it just looked like his hand went to the side of Eris' sword.

In the next instant, Eris was sent flying with a tailspin.

No, I've seen something similar to that.

Paul showed it to me.

It was a technique of the Water God style.

It was a move that seemed like that with a much more honed and sharpened feel to it.

Every bit of the energy from her motion was returned to Eris.


Eris crashed into a stone wall.

While scattering rocks all over the place she fell.

Since she has trained, I want to think that she wouldn't die.

However, it could be that something like her bones had fractured.

"Eris Boreas Greyrat. It seems you've advanced your skill with the sword considerably. I did think you had the potential, but… It's still rough."


Eris was trying to get up while letting out a groan.

If it was the usual me, I think I would have quickly tried to use healing magic on her.

However, I had other things to worry about than that

All my friends...

He's beaten them without even a sweat

I couldn't move.

I understood that everything was futile.

Continuing unable to do anything, one second passed.

He was in front of me

"Tell Hitogami I'm coming for him." As the man was about to unleash the final blow on me I heard a loud roar from a distance...

(Normal POV)

Orsted looked over where he heard the raw and saw Acnologia. He could feel the strong aura coming off of this guy, he couldn't exactly put his finger to it as he could feel something very strange from him. "How strange even a fellow like you is someone who is not afraid to stare into my eyes. Another Apostle of the Man God?"

Acnologia clenched his fists as he could smell the one thing he truly despised. "Another dragon has appeared before my eyes in such little time. It seems like this world is filled with you rotten creatures as well that means I will have to exterminate each and every one of you until my arm and body are soaked in your blood. Let me show you the power of the Black Dragon as I send you to oblivion." He said as he covered himself in his magical aura. Orsted's face was surprised at how the man before him knew he was of the dragon tribe however he had no time to wonder as Acnologia appeared in front of Orsted and punched him across the face, making him fly across the woods with extreme speed.

Nanaoshi's eyes behind her mask were wide at what he just did to Orsted. She was a bit startled knowing that he too had the power of a dragon inside of him.

Orsted hit his back against a tree, and he spat out saliva and blood. It's been a long time since Orsted felt this much pain. He quickly recovered from the attack by using healing magic on himself. He flew through the woods and punched Acnologia in the face a few times.

Acnologia counter punched Orsted across the face making him almost fall to the ground. Orsted did a backflip and kicked Acnologia right in the chin, making him fall onto the floor as Orsted used earth piller magic and flew up towards the sky and shot two huge fireballs out of his hand, and came rushing down with extreme speed. The attack hit him head-on, causing an explosion around them as Orsted just stared down at the destruction he caused.

Rudy had to cover his eyes from how much wind came his way, but what happened next caused his mouth to go agape as he couldn't understand on how Acnologia was just standing there with barely a scratch on him.

Orsted instantly moved out of the way as a big yellow beam appeared in front of him. He saw that where the beam was, everything inside of it was gone and turned to dust. Orsted didn't want to take any chances as he flew down, drove his foot, straight down onto his forehead as Acnologia's feet slid across the ground, leaving a huge trail of dirt of where he stood last.

Acnologia jumped up and kneed him in the face as his helmet was cracked a bit from the force of his knee. But he didn't stop there as he was falling back to the ground, he spun around, and backhanded him across the face. Orsted fell to the floor from how heavy the attack was, but he quickly tried to recover from the attack as a ringing noise was heard in his ear.

Orsted appeared behind him after recovering and driving his knee in the back of him. He wanted to immobilize before hitting him with a big attack, but that didn't affect him as he turned around and grabbed his head, smashing against the ground, shattering more of his helmet until it started was starting to show a part of his face. Orsted took this chance as he brought his hand right in front of him and blasted him point-blank.

He escaped his grasp as this time, he grabbed Acnologia's face and flew straight at a rock with high speeds. He slammed his whole body against the rock until it shattered all over the place.

Orsted flashed in front of Acnologia and drove his fist right into his gut, making him fall to the ground faster until his body finally made contact with the ground. A massive crater was made as Acnologia stared up at Orsted as he was just laying there with small bruises and scrapes, but nothing too major or any type of massive injury.

"How interesting... A dragon is able to hold himself against me. I must say that this day just gets better by the second." He said as he stood back up like nothing ever happened to him. This shocked the both of them as they just saw him get up without any problems, but Acnologia didn't want to end the fun there as a big sinister smile appeared over his lips as he launched himself off the ground and towards Orsted.

He grabbed him with an iron grip and came crashing down towards the ground as he slammed Orsted right onto the ground. Orsted threw up blood as he was getting badly damaged from this brutal fight.

Nanahoshi just watched as her ally was getting pummeled by this stranger. She has never seen anyone fight Orsted without being one of the Seven Great Powers. She was starting to understand as to why he was ignoring her earlier as he didn't care about her.

Acnologia raised his foot into the air and was about to stomp down onto him, but Orsted was able to roll out of the way teleport back next to Nanahoshi and looked at him. "I had enough of this, I have never met anyone like you before in my life. Who would have thought that a being like yourself can go against me without having a background.Though be lucky I didn't unleash my full strength. "

He gave one last look towards to the beaten up Rudy and said "Tell Hitogami I don't care how much Apostles he has I will kill you and that man over there. " and like that he grabbed the Nanaoshi shoulder and teleported.