
Ace of Ishtar Familia

Arvadia experienced wet dreams for the first time in his life.  What was surprising was how he also gained skills and also a faint memory of the other world.  It’s the life of someone who had just lost his family and job, but then died in an accident with a truck.  His last wish is “I just wanted to have some sweet and passionate sex with anyone…”  It was dream or reicarnation was not clear, but at least for A young boy named Arvadia, a new member of Ishtar Famila from Orario. Who is still in level 1 without any skill. It was such an upgrade especialy when he awakaned with a skill. “Wait… I have a skill… What is this about Hentai Freese?”  Hentai Freese increased the speed of Arvadia’s growth as long as he had regular sex. The strength of the effects is related to the feeling of their sex. The more intimate their feeling the stronger Arvadia got.  With the power to increase by doing sex became a member of Ishtar Family was a good fate… Wait… Isn’t this familia would destroyed by Freya familia? Oh… F**K -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fanfic is just wish fulfillment, Gary stu Fanfic with poor grammar, read at your risk. Massive Harem story. It's more like 1000 words per chapter with daily update.

RazackCh · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

27 — Haruhime 02 

Welp, That's quite a big earthquake and happen in middle of night. I can feel it in my bedroom and I can't sleep after that. 


"Blessing?" Haruhime didn't seem convinced and unsure by my answer.

"Yeah, I'm not talking about the skills you have. I'm just remembering that in the story the knights get a blessing from the princess. So it's not strange that I also hope to get a blessing from you." I spoke while still giving her a kiss on Haruhime's hand. 

"My blessing— Huh— it's just that I don't think it's good to get blessings from me." Haruhime's reply still sounded self-pitying, even so he still blushed because of my behavior. Because after all she was still a very naive girl and right now she was experiencing the things she craved from the story books she read. That's why her eyes were also a little brighter than when I first met her.

"Who knows? You've never given a blessing to anyone, right? So there's no harm in trying. Besides, I don't think there's a single person who would refuse to get a blessing from a beautiful girl like you." I said while still persuading Haruhime as if it was a famous drama from a dream I saw called Romeo and juliet. 

Haruhime is basically a beautiful girl with beautiful blonde hair and emerald green eyes. As a man, I also find her fox ears and tail as an addition that makes Haruhime as a woman even more elevated. Not to mention her elegant body movements like a noble also feels very fresh to me— I had already thrown out all the compliments I could think of when Haruhime replied with, 'I'm not that pretty.'

Haruhime's face turned red like a tomato and I could even see that there was smoke coming out of her head if I continued with my praise to her. She might faint. 

Hm— Apparently, too much praise could also burden Haruhime's head. 

"Hau— Even so, I don't know what kind of blessing to give." Haruhime was basically a naive and shy person, so she was easily pressured by the requests of others. That's why she ended up in this place as a prostitute at best and a sacrifice at worst. 

Then at this time, it felt like Haruhime was getting more and more pressured and was also starting to be persuaded by the seduction I was doing to her. It was easy for me to know that she rarely gets this kind of attention. 

"It's fine— You don't need to do anything complicated. A kiss from Princess Haruhime is enough to give this blessing to me." I finally spoke without further ado the wish that I hoped I could at least get today.

"Hau—" A small boom emerged from Haruhime's head as her thoughts were already filled with overwhelming embarrassment. Even her eyes were rolling around and I deftly caught Haruhime so that she wouldn't fall to the floor.

This actually made Haruhime come into my arms. I could see that she was half-awake and mumbling slowly and repeatedly like a broken radio. "Kiss—ki—ss—kiss—"

That's what happened so I temporarily let Haruhime, who was still in a half-awake state, be in my lap. I could feel the warmth, the softness, and the fragrance that tickled my feelings. Honestly, as a man who is new to sex and has a high libido, small things like this can easily arouse my desire. It's either a result of my hentai freeze skills or I'm just a very perverted person by nature.

"Arvadia-sama?" Haruhime called out to me in an unsure tone. Before she realized how close my face was to hers and she was in my arms. Her face immediately turned red before she could also remember why she was in this position. 

"So can I get a kiss from you?" 

"Ah— But—" 

"Sh— it's fine. Just leave it to me—" 

I kept my hand on Haruhime's lips to keep her from talking. Because it only made the atmosphere heavier with the attitude that Haruhime often did. I boldly held Haruhime's chin and slowly brought my face closer to her trying to kiss this girl from Renard. When Haruhime realized what I was going to do, surprisingly to me she didn't try to run away or show any dislike. 

At least this shows that Haruhime has gotten used to me and also her confidence in me is growing. Although it might be because I was introduced by Aisha, or because I have a charisma that is far from what I expected. Therefore, I will not waste this opportunity. 

Haruhime even started to close her eyes as I approached her and without any hindrance. I, who had slept with Aisha and others which made me at least confident enough that I didn't behave clumsily and kiss Haruhime. After all, what I did was just a simple lip-to-lip kiss without any other lewd actions. 

Kiss [ + 5 ] 

I knew right away that I could get points from a kiss between the two of us. In other words, I already knew that Haruhime was at least interested in me and also had a positive view of me. I guess for now it's enough, I don't need to force myself on her to maintain the relationship between the two of us on such good terms. I especially didn't have time because I had an appointment with one of the berbera members named Lena. 

I could see Haruhime who was blushing and I spoke to her.

"I am very grateful. I feel the blessing you gave me. I will try harder and harder. I'll be back tomorrow.—" I spoke to Haruhime while giving a gentle kiss to her cheeks and forehead as well as acting like a lover. 

"Ah, yes— I will be waiting for you, Arvadia-sama." Haruhime replied to my words as she also waved her hand even until I left the eastern-style building, something I noticed when I saw her in one of the windows. Perhaps it was a sign that in her heart she wished for me to stay longer with her. 

After I left the special building from the east. I arrived at the place where the Berbera lived in one of the main buildings of the Ishtar Familia. I tried my best not to attract attention. Before I arrived at Lena Tally's room. You could say that among the members of Berbera before I gained skills, Lena was one of the members of the Ishtar Familia that I was most familiar with. 

So it's not strange that I'm actually looking forward to having sex with Lena. Aside from the various buffs and points I could get. It's safe to say that Lena was the first girl who caught my eye before all that happened. I don't know if it was first love or just a simple crush.

Anyway just thinking about it already makes my penis is hard. I'm such a pervert. Huh—



Don't forget to read my other fanfic.

Stealing Heroine: Honestly, I never thought this far [Smut Warning!]

Ace of Ishtar Familia

That Time I got Reincarnated as Son of an Idol

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