
Ace of Ishtar Familia

Arvadia experienced wet dreams for the first time in his life.  What was surprising was how he also gained skills and also a faint memory of the other world.  It’s the life of someone who had just lost his family and job, but then died in an accident with a truck.  His last wish is “I just wanted to have some sweet and passionate sex with anyone…”  It was dream or reicarnation was not clear, but at least for A young boy named Arvadia, a new member of Ishtar Famila from Orario. Who is still in level 1 without any skill. It was such an upgrade especialy when he awakaned with a skill. “Wait… I have a skill… What is this about Hentai Freese?”  Hentai Freese increased the speed of Arvadia’s growth as long as he had regular sex. The strength of the effects is related to the feeling of their sex. The more intimate their feeling the stronger Arvadia got.  With the power to increase by doing sex became a member of Ishtar Family was a good fate… Wait… Isn’t this familia would destroyed by Freya familia? Oh… F**K -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fanfic is just wish fulfillment, Gary stu Fanfic with poor grammar, read at your risk. Massive Harem story. It's more like 1000 words per chapter with daily update.

RazackCh · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

17 — Sanjouno Haruhime.01

"Haruhime, this is me. Aisha." 

"Ah, yes. Please come in." At that moment, a sweet, female voice came out from behind the door. 

Aisha opened the sliding door and then— An animal person was sitting. To be honest, Sanjouno Haruhime, one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, just like the Goddess Freya. Maybe I was kind of affected with the dream I saw and I see many beautiful characters from the thing called PC. 

I feel like she was enough to be considered the same tier as goddess in my eyes. She had sleek, golden hair that went all the way down to her waist, and large alluring green eyes filled with kindness and loneliness. 

What stands out the most about it is its gold-colored fox ears on top of her head which are the same color with those fairly wide yet beautiful tails. She also wore those absolutely gorgeous red kimonos. She was part of a demi-human race called Renard Race. Or maybe because of her cute animal trait that made her become very beautiful in my eyes. Also different from other girls I saw— she was pretty much near my age. Since most of the time I slept with an older woman..

"Is there something wrong, Lady Aisha?" Haruhime asked and when her eyes saw me entered the room. Her eyes gazed at me and she immediately bows in her sitting position. She just naturally bowed gracefully to me. 

"Ah, sorry. Haruhime didn't know there's customer here. I shall be accompanying you tonight. Please address—" 

"Ah you don't have to worry about him, Haruhime. He is not a customer, but a new member of our Familia." Aisha stopped Haruhime from her action. 

"Is that so?" Haruhime nodded, but shortly she introduced herself in such a polite manner.

"If that's the case, allow me to introduce myself once more. My name is Sanjouno Haruhime. As Sanjouno is the name of my clan, I'd prefer it if you called me Haruhime." 

"My name is Arvadia." I flashed a gentle smile and deeply bowed to her in return. As I try to impress her too.

"Master Arvadia is it. Nice to meet you." Confirming my name, Haruhime politely bowed. "What do Lady and Master Arvadia need to come here?" She asked the question as she looked at Aisha. 

"Well, since you have been bad with man. I think it would make you feel at ease by talking with someone around your age and he is actually younger than you." Aisha told some bullshit at Haruhime. And from Haruhime's expression, I could see that the girl believed what Aisha told her.

"Really, but— he's rather tall—" Haruhime said those words with such a low tone, while looking at me and looking down when our eyes met each other. It shows how shy this girl is. 

In my dream, Haruhime was shown as an inexperienced girl who would faint whenever she saw a naked man. And that's why even though she was a prostitute, she was still a virgin, but she didn't realize that fact. I don't know why none of the members in the Familia told her about it. Is it because they were intentionally teasing her? Well, that's not my problem. 

I think the reason she's still a virgin is most likely because Ishtar Familia wouldn't allow the customer to be served by an unconscious girl especially after paying for their service. So usually after she's unconscious, the customer is more likely sent to another girl. They wanted the customer to get served after all. 

But Haruhime wouldn't know about that and neither the member of familia told her about it. Which is why she always thought she was already tainted in the dream I saw. 

"Anyway, instead of serving customers from unknown people. It's much better to just talk with him for a night and learn to get used to men. Oh— If he tries to do something to you just let me know. I will make him pay." Aisha said such words to Haruhime while at the same time uttering a warning to me before she left me alone with Haruhime. 

"Un— If that Lady Aisha wants." Haruhime nodded at Aisha's words, but after Aisha left the room. There was a long silence between me and Haruhime before she finally opened her mouth. 

"How about we have a conversation— until time is over?" Harumime said those words with such a conflicting smile planted on her face. 

"Okay then—" 

"So how about we talk about it? Where did you come from?" Haruhimi took a deep breath and worked up a lot of courage before asking those questions. 

"Well, I don't think my origin is something interesting. JIf I remember correctly My parents died when I'm still young because of monsters. I got caught by a slave trader and raised as a slave before my parent acquaintance saw me and saved me from the slave trader." Me, thinking very carefully to find an answer that could make the relationship between the two of us become closer, in the end I just needed to talk about my past. 

"Ah! That— We're kinda the same. Huh—?" Haruhime, who experienced something similar to me, of course immediately felt concerned for me. It could even be that she felt a great connection with me because of that. She then told me her story that made her end up here. 

Haruhime was disowned after she ate something valuable divine offering carried by her father quests. That made her father really furious with her and demanded severe punishment, but the quest which a prum stepped in saved her. 

So Haruhime was given to this aristocrat in exchange for saving her life. Which when I heard that felt like bullshit. Before the carriage was attacked by a monster and the prum ran away from the horde of monsters abandoning her, something that was no surprise at all. 

Before a band of marauders rescued her and when they discovered her virginity and value decided to sell her in Orario, especially Ishtar Familia who had the Pleasure Quartet. 

Honestly, it all sounds a bit stupid and far from coincidental. It feels like there is a deliberate reason why it happened or perhaps what people like to call fate or destiny— This makes her have a sad background and become one of the heroines of the story. 

What might have been the destiny of Sanjouno Haruhime in this reality too—



Btw, you can vote in my pa--treon which fanfic will be my focus in the future. Please vote , okay. The schedule is like this for now. 


Don't forget to read my other fanfic.

Stealing Heroine: Honestly, I never thought this far [Smut Warning!]

Ace of Ishtar Familia

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New schedule,

Stealing; a chapter every two days.

Ace; a chapter every two days.


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