
ACE OF DIAMOND: The Strongest Hitter

A fighter spanning generations, a war without gunpowder. This is the place to decide the loser, here only the winner can be the king! The elite on the diamond field, I am legend! A baseball god that no one else can match! ********************************************** English is not my first language so you can expect grammar mistake in this book.

FlyingBreadPan · Sports
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34 Chs

17.The Strongest Hitter

The situation is moving in the direction Alejandro wants!

  Eijun Sawamura's hit shook the second and third year. Not knowing whether Haruichi Kominato would be able to play, Alejandro decisively asked for a substitute, ensuring that Kominato could play and make the situation more favorable for the first year!

  Those passwords that don't exist at all will make the pitcher and catcher become a little suspicious!

  Eijun, who was originally hit the ball and step the base, will be like a thorn deeply stuck in the minds of these second and third year! Let make them to think wildly!

"To deal with an opponent you are not familiar with at all, and in this situation, you usually use an outside corner kick to test. Is there anything easier to aim for than this?"Kominato Haruichi looked at the flying white light, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Raised a slight arc, showing a confident smile!

  There are so few catchers in this world who can't be guessed to match the ball. Why can Miyuki be sought after by those baseball magazines? Why did all the universities want him when he was about to graduate from junior high school?

Why was he called the savior of Seido as soon as he entered Seido?

  When he was in the first grade, he took the position of the No. 2 starting catcher, not only because of the injury of the talented catcher Chris, don't think that others have lost the opportunity!

  The only possibility is that he also have considerable talent!

It is the kind of talent that can make people trust and look forward to! And Miyuki is such an existence, an existence can undoubtedly improve the pitcher's strength to a higher level!

  His guidance can allow pitchers to play 100% of their strength! Even 120% strength is possible!

  Undoubtedly, Keisuke Miyauchi on the field is not such a catcher. It is true that the players who can be selected for the first army in Seido are not simple things, but compared with Miyuki, the gap is still quite obvious.

In this case, if the catcher is Kazuya Miyuki, even Alejandro, who is familiar with the original manga/anime, is not sure that he will follow the original track when the situation on the field changes, because Kazuya Miyuki is just such a person. People who don't play cards according to common sense!


Just as Haruichi Kominato predicted, Keisuke Miyauchi sent instructions to Kawasaki for an outside corner kick even though he didn't understand what the hell the first year were doing. After all, compared to the inside corner, the outside corner is It is relatively safe, and it is not easy to be hit with a long shot, but no matter what the ball is, once it is guessed right at the beginning.

  As long as the strength is not bad, basically the hit is determined!

Of course, Haruichi Kominato's strength is an obvious flaw. Junior high school baseball is not as strict as high school baseball, and the requirements for strength are not as great, even if Haruichi Kominato hits this one.

  But it was just passing through the first and second bases! It is not enough for Eijun who is on second base to run back to home base all at once, and Alejandro said at the beginning, don't let Sawamura run reluctantly.

That's right, due to his excellent physical ability and soft joints in his previous life, Sawamura, who could have run from first base back to home plate, scored a point for the first grade for the first time in that red and white game!

  But in Alejandro view, that's too risky, not to mention the risk of being out of the game, and the possible harm to Sawamura itself that may cause, is something that Alejandro does not allow. No matter how you say it, the softness of human joints always has a The upper limit, yes, Sawamura's joint flexibility is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and it will not be easily injured.

But what if he get hurt?

  This is just a red and white battle in the school, even Alejandro is volatile on the field with a serious and hardworking attitude! But I don't want to see this kind of game at the price of injury. Once high school baseball player suffers some serious injury, the entire player's career will be scrapped!

  Seido High School has a living example! Therefore, Alejandro very solemnly reminded Sawamura to pay attention when running the bases. Even if Sawamura didn't quite understand why he had to reminding to himself like this, he could still appreciate Alejandro concern for himself in his words, and he agreed.

Otherwise, according to Sawamura's own nature, once the ball hit, just ran towards the home plate, how could he stop obediently at the third base!

  But this ending is already quite good!

  No one is out! Someone on first and third base! Keisuke Miyauchi's complexion became a little ugly. Looking at Haruichi Kominato who was standing on the first base with a slightly red face, Miyauchi couldn't figure out why this kid definitely saw through his plan just now!

"Damn it! You bastard first year!" Miyauchi cursed inwardly. For a catcher, it is an unspeakable humiliation for a catcher to be guessed by the hitter!

  "Oh oh oh! This is a bit interesting!"

  "And the next hitter is...!"

  The performance of the first year made the people outside the court feel excited immediately, that is to say, the one-sided game is not interesting at all, besides, the spirit of the first year at the beginning is a problem!

After Alejandro swung his bat a few times in the strike preparation area, he slightly pressed the brim of his hat, stepped onto the strike area, bowed and said, "Please give me your advice!"

  "Damn it!" Seeing Alejandro solid figure like a rock, Miyauchi heart sank a little. The last time he played, this kid obviously guessed Tanba inside corner too!

  He just didn't realize it was a curveball, so he missed it. If Alejandro had guessed that it was a curveball, or if Tanba had thrown a straight ball, the first hit would have been born! There might even be a home run, no kidding!

Alejandro is not like the figure of Kominato Haruichi. It does not seem to be a burly figure, but from this angle, Miyauchi can clearly see the bulging muscles from the neck down, and the thick body, which proves that this boy has a body considerable strength!

  That's right, baseball player also pays attention to talents such as ball feel, but if the hardware conditions are not good, saying anything is useless. Alejandro has been very consciously exercising his body since he was a child!

  Even if it's still not as good as those naturally strong guys, it's still barely enough to handle high school baseball!

But this is only in terms of figure. In terms of attack, Alejandro can only rely on his own eyesight and the level of guessing the ball!

  Of course, it doesn't mean that guessing the ball in baseball is very good or something. In essence, guessing the ball can only be used as an auxiliary method!

  For baseball itself, experience, strength, skill, eyesight, reaction speed, etc. are the most important things. Guessing the mind between the catcher and the pitcher can only be used as a reference method, not as a routine!

The real strong hitter in the world never guesses the ball! For example, Seidou's currently immobile four-batter—Tetsuya Yuki!

  Those who can freely adjust their body shape, can not only swing powerfully, but also skillfully hit the ball are the real hitters!

  Alejandro also hopes, no, but must become this kind of hitter! It's just that he lacks experience, he has not experienced real baseball training, he lacks too many things, and now he can only rely on his excellent eyesight and ball guessing to make up for this gap!

Fortunately, the opponent he faced was not such a tough guy in high school baseball!

  "Huh!" Alejandro looked at the front with firm eyes! This time! You must not let them down!

  This time! I must send them back to home base! Alejandro held his bat tightly, looked at Kawakami on the mound with cold eyes, thinking firmly!

  The strongest hitter is about to shine!